Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 6: Uniforms, Training, and Missions

The tramp stood there, and it seemed that even breathing became difficult. He looked at Li Anping in front of him, and his expression became more and more ugly.

At this moment, Li Anping spoke.

"This body has only one heartbeat, and I can't feel any trace of possession from you. So it seems that he is your real body."

The tramp's eyes moved, and with a wicked smile on his face, he suddenly said: "Li Anping, do you want to kill me? Once you go against our Divine Realm, you will risk your identity being exposed. At that time, the whole country will be your enemy. You have to think clearly."

"As the Lord of the Dragon Bird of Daxia, I sit in Tianjing. If I am disturbed by you, and I break into the palace recklessly, and I still retreat unscrupulously, then I am unworthy of being the strongest in Daxia."

Li Anping spoke slowly, and a trace of ferocity flashed across the tramp's face, and a continuous hissing sound came from his body. His skin kept breaking, and one flesh ball after another turned into a little man, jumping in all directions. Many of them were like aliens and blood corpses, biting towards Li Anping's neck.

But his action was too late.

Just when the little meat people just got out of his body, his eyes were suddenly covered by a black shadow. Li Anping, barefoot, wearing a suit, expressionless, was like the king of gods at this time, holding the most terrible power in his hand, and punched the homeless man.


The homeless man's body was like being bombarded by a missile, and it was directly destroyed, scattered into countless fragments and shot in all directions. Li Anping's punch had a force of millions of tons, and even a tank was blown to pieces. Not to mention a living person.

But just when the homeless man turned into countless fragments and flew in all directions. Li Anping's fist suddenly loosened, and then clenched it fiercely, and his five fingers closed in an instant.

Under the effect of the void force field, the air around him seemed to have encountered a black hole, and the atmosphere gathered towards Li Anping's right palm at a degree visible to the naked eye.

The fragments of the homeless man's body were also forcibly gathered together by Li Anping with this airflow, and the flesh and bones were squeezed together fiercely, forming a pile of terrible flesh and blood.

On the surface of the flesh and blood, a human face vaguely emerged, with fangs and claws, as if trying to struggle out. Unfortunately, the whole mass of flesh and blood was under the influence of the void force field. It was wrapped by a mass of air. The huge force pressed on it, leaving him no chance of escaping.

Seeing the flesh and blood struggling violently, Li Anping's right hand suddenly pinched it, and the flesh and blood made a tooth-grinding sound. Countless blood seeped out from the surface of the **.

Li Anping said slowly: "Don't worry. I have a lot of things to ask you."


The Eighth Research Institute. In the underground training room.

Two figures, one black and one gold, broke through the air at an astonishing speed.

This training room is several kilometers large and is completely composed of artificial deserts, on undulating sand dunes. The two figures kept moving at high speed. Every second, they would collide dozens or hundreds of times, making a series of crackling sounds.

The hurricane formed by the collision blew over the desert, forming sand waves tens of meters high.

Just at the edge of the artificial desert, Sun Hao was watching the two figures in the desert with wide eyes. The high-speed moving figures left a trail of afterimages in the air, and he had to move his neck and eyes at high speed.

While watching, he said: "Jin Guang is getting stronger and stronger. His speed after transformation is already 70% of mine."

"70%? You overestimate yourself, right? I think it's at least 90%." Yang Guang said disdainfully.

Sun Hao said: "Don't think I dare not hit you because you are disabled."

"Please take a look at your metal arm before you say this."

Just as the two were arguing, there was another loud noise in the small artificial desert, and a sand wave more than ten meters high rolled towards the two. However, facing the overwhelming sand, Sun Hao and Yang Guang just released their own mind energy to block all the sand that swept in.

Then they hurried to the center of the desert. In the middle of the training room, the original sand disappeared, revealing the metal floor. In a huge depression, Jin Guang, who had returned to his normal form, knelt on the ground and gasped for breath.

Li Anping on the other side stood there calmly, as if he was not the one fighting before.

Jin Guang panted and asked intermittently: "How much strength did you use?"

Li Anping thought for a while and said: "About 2%."

Then Sun Hao and the others saw that Jin Guang punched a faint fist mark on the metal floor, and then left with a constipated expression.

Although Jin Guang has been working very hard during this period, the gap between him and Li Anping has become larger and larger, which makes him a little depressed.

Sun Hao on the side laughed secretly.

Since Jin Guang cooperated with Yang Guang to maintain the Eighth Research Institute during Li Anping's fake death, the top leaders of Daxia Longque basically treated him as half a member.

The three of them were supposed to train together today. After the Eighth Research Institute received a lot of investment from the nine royal families, many of the test sites here have become the most solid and advanced training rooms.

Who knew that today Li Anping seemed to have brought something for Shi Wen to analyze, and ended up coming to the training room to play with them.

In fact, among the entire Daxia Dragon Bird, except for Emma, ​​only they can play with Li Anping.

Although other ability users, such as Yan Bei, Tang Weihan, and Qian Duoduo, have great potential, they are not melee type. But a few of them can get a little better than Li Anping.

But after one round, even though Li Anping tried his best, the three of them could only hold on for about one minute on average.

Li Anping thought: 'If you want to reach the fifth energy level, you must completely break away from the limitations of human flesh. I don’t know if going through hell-style training will help. You should find a chance to try it. However, with my current strength, it is not easy to train like hell, so I have to plan carefully. ’

Now Li Anping, if he wants to break through to the fifth energy level, he has three ideas in mind. One is to figure out the incarnation of mind energy, and go to the Western Continent to find Hei's kin, thoroughly understand Hei's abilities, and then prescribe the right medicine.

The second is to rely on the immortal desire to conduct real hell-style training in an attempt to find a breakthrough between life and death.

The third is to find an opportunity to eat the Queen of Heaven, using the huge energy of the sixth energy level to penetrate the barrier between the fourth and fifth energy levels in one fell swoop.

Seeing Jin Guang leaving like this, Li Anping said: "There is something I want you to do. Are you interested?"

"No interest, I want to train."

Jin Guang told the truth. After being defeated by Li Anping with pure strength and speed, he seemed to vent all his emotions on his body. Various strength, speed, and endurance trainings are endless. However, this kind of training is indeed very useful. When Jin Guang fought in the past, he only relied on the superiority of his abilities and his unlimited mental energy to directly crush the opponent.

In the past few months, he has been exercising every day to hone his body, and both his speed and strength have been greatly improved. This also caused his combat effectiveness to increase dramatically after his transformation. After all, the effect of his transformation is to increase his strength and speed tenfold. The higher his physical fitness, the stronger the effect after transformation.

Several people with melee combat abilities in Daxia Longque who often trained with Jin Guang felt that this kid might break through to the fourth level at any time. By then, he will probably be one of the top three in Daxia Longque.

After being rejected, Li Anping didn't take it seriously and continued: "Relax a bit, take a vacation, go home, and see your parents. Aren't they worried about you?"

"It's too late for them to be happy when they know that I became a high-ranking official in the capital before graduating from high school." Jin Guang glanced sideways at Li Anping: "What is the mission?"

"Half a year ago, Scorpion hired a scientist to cooperate with the research of the Eighth Research Institute. This scientist has a nephew who seems to have a deep prejudice against us. He thinks that we kidnapped his uncle. He has been secretly investigating us, and They also attacked our lone member, although there were no casualties, but the impact was very bad.”

"And just last month, he gathered a group of escaped guys from the civilian organization of ability users that we wiped out and formed a small organization called the Avengers. I hope you will incorporate them or wipe them out.

Of course, you are not the only one, Zuo Mai and Yan Bei will go with you. Originally, I could kill them easily, but in the next period of time, I may have a lot of things to do. This organization called the Avengers seems to be very powerful, so I want you to go with Yan Bei and the others. . How about it, are you interested? "

"Okay, I get it."

At this moment, a male voice suddenly sounded on the broadcast in the training room: "General Li Anping, the results of the sample have been analyzed. We are waiting for you in Experiment No. 18." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better Update faster!

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