Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 4: Take Action

Li Anping took a deep look at Solomon and said slowly: "Solomon, when I entered the conference room just now, I felt that you were very hostile to me."

"Sir..." Solomon said nervously.

Li Anping waved his hand and said: "No need to explain. Speaking of which, the Star Alliance and I are enemies rather than friends. Shang Zhenhai is also with you, right? I heard that his status in the Star Alliance is not low now. Mamon and Bluman are also They all died in my hands.

When you come to Tianjing this time, in addition to wanting to reconcile with us, you also want to personally confirm my strength, right? "

Li Anping said as he walked towards the door. He looked outside the door with his back to everyone, and seemed not to notice the increasing sweat on Solomon's head.

"I like your three gifts very much, so I'll give you one too."

Li Anping, who had his back to Solomon, was slowly raising his mental energy. Black aura that ordinary people couldn't see was emerging from Li Anping's body surface.

In the eyes of mortals, Li Anping simply stood with his back to Solomon. But in the eyes of all the people with abilities present, Li Anping was like opening a door to hell.

The terrifying black thought energy emerged from his body surface and slowly flowed through everyone's bodies. They felt as if they were in the river of hell, and death was close at hand.

Li Anping turned his back and waved to Solomon: "Ever since you entered the door, you have wanted to test my strength, right? Now I will give you a chance. You have to attack me with all your strength. I allow you to attack me with all your strength once. I’ll just stand here and won’t dodge, and I won’t pursue anything later.”

Solomon clenched his fists. His eyes were fixed on Li Anping's back.

‘What’s going on? What is his purpose here? ’

‘Does he want to take action through me? Know my abilities in advance? ’

‘Want to find an opportunity to counterattack and kill me, and get rid of a fifth-level enemy in advance? ’

‘Want to use force to deter. Warn the leader through me? ’

A series of thoughts flashed through Solomon's mind like lightning, but he was not sure what Li Anping was thinking.

‘Is he really so sure that he can use his body to resist my attack without knowing my abilities? Even if he had the ability to regenerate super quickly, it would be too risky. ’

Just when Solomon frowned and hesitated to think, Li Anping waved to him again and said calmly.

"Let's do it. If you miss this opportunity and go back in despair, I'm afraid you will never be reconciled."

Finally, Solomon took a deep breath, looked at Li Anping solemnly and said, "I understand."

The thought energy in his body also emerged, and the extremely powerful power of the fifth energy level surged out.

If Li Anping is like hell, then Solomon at this moment is like a brave man who wants to challenge hell and knock on the door of hell.

He looked intently at Li Anping's back, which looked like there were flaws all over. The extremely ordinary back figure was extremely terrifying in Solomon's eyes at this moment.

Seemingly aware that Solomon had made up his mind, Li Anping did not urge him. He just stood there, relaxed, as if he really didn't care about Solomon at all.

As time goes by. Solomon's mental energy became more and more turbulent, and even the ordinary people around him felt uneasy. The temperature dropped and a breath came out of my mouth. It’s also all white gas. But apart from the increasing sweating on his head, Solomon made no other movements.

Finally, it seemed that Solomon himself knew that if he continued like this, he would be crushed by the increasing pressure. He let out a loud shout, and two pieces of white light appeared in his hands, spraying towards Li Anping.

Wherever the white light passes, there is a terrible cold air. I saw that the entire conference room, centered at Solomon's feet, began to spread visible white frost.

The ground, tables and chairs were covered with a thick layer of frost.

Emma's expression changed on the side, and when she activated her ability, a huge portal suddenly appeared, blocking everyone and Solomon, absorbing all the cold air.

And a portal appeared in the sky almost at the same time. The cold air spewed out from it immediately created countless ice slag, causing a light snow over the imperial city.

The aftermath was so violent that Li Anping, who was hit head-on, was obviously in greater danger.

When Emma withdrew from the portal, in everyone's eyes, half of the conference room was covered in ice and snow. The ultra-low temperature hit, and many people present immediately sneezed, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

Where Li Anping stood before, there was only a white human-shaped ice sculpture left.


"Did it succeed?"

The Star Alliance crowd erupted into uncontrollable cheers. It seems to relieve the huge pressure Li Anping put on them before.

But the next moment, the ice sculpture slowly shattered in front of everyone's surprised eyes. Li Anping shook his body slightly and broke out of the ice. Then with a shake, all the ice chips and ice residue on his body were cleared away.

Solomon looked calm on the surface, but he sighed deeply in his heart.

‘It actually...has no effect on him? ’

Although Solomon guessed that he was not Li Anping's opponent, according to his thinking, even if his frost attack could not defeat Li Anping, it should at least injure the opponent. But now the opponent looks like he is injured, not even broken.

Li Anping looked calm, as if Solomon's attack just now had never happened: "You have good ability, but you didn't use your full strength just now, right? I heard that you, the Night Beast of the Star Alliance, and Shattered Sky, can work together to create an absolute death area where no life can survive. If there is a chance, I would like to try it."

Solomon lowered his head and replied: "There will be a chance."

Li Anping smiled, did not speak, turned around and left.

"Emma, ​​please entertain Solomon and others well. I have something to do today, so I will leave first."

Several maids and Xiao Xuesu on the side also followed Li Anping and left.

Although Li Anping appeared for a short time, he left a deep impression on everyone present. Especially for the people of the Star Alliance, Li Anping's strength became more and more unfathomable in their hearts.

As Li Anping left, he was also thinking about Solomon's ability in his mind.

This ability to create frost and produce ultra-low temperatures is actually very scary. If he resisted it with his body, he would probably be seriously injured and use his super-fast regeneration ability.

This is no different from using the body to resist Zhu Rong's flames.

Fortunately, Li Anping did not resist with his body just now. Otherwise, although he would not be seriously injured, his body would probably need to regenerate, which would not be a good scene. He could not show his absolutely overwhelming strength.

And what Li Anping used to resist the frost attack just now was one of the abilities obtained from the incarnation of mind energy, which Li Anping called the Void Force Field.

That is the ability to use Li Anping's brute force in the form of a force field to act on the real world and distort all matter. The only condition is that the object of the force field must be something that Li Anping touches.

In other words, if Li Anping punches out a force of 10 million tons, this force can only burst out from his body, and all his moves come from this.

But now, this 10 million tons of force can exist in the form of a force field.

When Li Anping covers his entire body with his power with the Void Force Field, he can completely ignore most of the attacks in the real world.

It is precisely with the Void Force Field that Li Anping can be unscathed under Solomon's cold air attack.

The Void Force Field is also the second ability he has learned from his Mind Qi Incarnation in the past three months after replenishing his Mind Qi.

Now that I think about it, this may be the real use of Hei's ** power. Under the effect of the Void Force Field, the destructive power of the power has increased by more than ten times or even a hundred times.

Just as Li Anping was walking in the imperial city with a group of beautiful girls, a young man suddenly rushed over and blocked Li Anping. He waved his hand and punched Li Anping in the cheek. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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