Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 57: Rampage (3)

Time went back to a few minutes ago, when Li Anping punched the flying general in the underworld and looked at the blood moon in the sky, he felt that Hades was there.

He could hear and feel that a powerful force was brewing there.

But before killing Hades, he still had some things to do.

With the help of the goddess, Li Anping woke up again, but even he himself couldn't figure out what happened in the end. But one thing that can be confirmed is that at this time, he has been completely transformed.

First of all, the physical fitness has reached the terrifying strength of 22.9, speed of 21.8, and physical fitness of 23.8. Among them, the strength has increased by 3.1, the speed has increased by 2.8, and the physical fitness has increased by 3.3.

And Li Anping clearly felt that when the three attributes of strength, speed, and physical fitness all exceeded 20, his combat effectiveness had completely reached another level.

In other words, that is already another dimension of strength.

Although he was still at the fourth energy level, it was no longer the same as when he killed the blood demon. The so-called fifth energy level was no longer powerful in his eyes at this moment.

Li Anping felt that he could crack the earth with a stamp of his feet and tear the sky with a punch. He was not used to this illusion of powerful power constantly overflowing from his body.

In addition, during Li Anping's thoughts, a black incarnation of thought energy floated behind him. Li Anping felt that he could control this incarnation of mind energy at will.

"Is this the new change after the ability reaches the fourth level?" Li Anping took away the incarnation of his mind energy, and saw the incarnation dissipated in the air in an instant.

"We don't have time to study this now." He turned his head, and then appeared in front of Emma and the underground man as if teleporting: "When I was unconscious, I could detect the outside world, and I knew everything. Next I will Break through the underworld, but if you don’t want to go out without a leg, you’d better commit suicide and be reborn.”

"Huh?" Emma was stunned and questioned: "You know how to leave the underworld, no, you mean break away?"

"Yes, I will completely destroy this place next." Li Anping said calmly: "You should die once. Protect yourself after you are resurrected." After saying that, he pointed at Emma in front of him. It means the speed is so fast that no one has time to react.

In the surprised eyes of the underground man and Emma, ​​Li Anping's index finger pierced Emma's forehead with a pop, and a gap was opened in the back of Emma's head, and blood spurted out to the back of her head like spring water.

The ponytail girl fell to the ground with a dull look on her face. After Li Anping confirmed that she was dead, he nodded.

The underground man said angrily: "What are you doing? She saved you! How could you kill her!"

"Isn't it possible to be reborn in the underworld? I just let her go out with a intact body."

The underground man was stunned. Although what Li Anping said made sense, he still found it difficult to accept the fact that the other party killed Emma once.

But Li Anping didn't bother to pay attention to what he thought. With Emma's ability and experience, there would be absolutely no danger in a short period of time after her body recovered.

So what he will do next...

Li Anping was seen squatting down in the direction of the blood moon, with all four limbs lying on the ground at the same time. Then his body shook, and the muscles all over his body, especially his hands and feet, swelled as if they were inflated. Infinite power was transmitted from his limbs to the ground. Even if Li Anping didn't move, there were already hundreds of cracks on the ground with him. center, spreading out in all directions.

Under the gaze of the underground man and countless zombies, Li Anping thrust his limbs downwards, and with a loud bang, his whole body soared into the sky like a rocket.

The place where he originally prostrated continued to collapse, forming a huge depression.

After this forceful jump, Li Anping brought up a wave of air and flew several kilometers in the direction of the blood moon in the blink of an eye. The underground man stared at him from below, but found that the opponent was flying faster than he could turn his neck. The speed is still fast.

Just when this jump was exhausted and Li Anping's speed gradually slowed down in mid-air, there was a bang, and air waves appeared under Li Anping's feet. He had already accelerated towards the blood moon again.

The pedaling speed of his feet reached more than five times the speed of sound in an instant, and the air almost turned into a solid state at this moment, providing huge thrust for every step of Li Anping.

There seemed to be a series of crackling thunder in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Li Anping was only a few hundred meters away from the blood moon. It turns out that the blood moon on this underworld is only a dozen kilometers high, and the radius of the blood moon itself is about the length of a playground.

Looking at the blood moon getting closer and closer to him in the sky, Li Anping showed a cruel smile, and heard him shout: "Pluto, get out of here!"

Then, Li Anping, who was in mid-air, punched the blood moon fiercely. The terrifying punch force smashed everything and destroyed the void and hit the blood moon hard. Wherever it passed, all the air was expelled. Open, forming a pseudo-vacuum state. Now if Zhu Rong receives a punch from Li Anping like this again, I am afraid that the punch will directly bring out the flames and kill him with one punch.

At this time, Li Anping's strength has reached the sky. He can produce great power with any punch or kick. He is like a god and demon, unstoppable.

There was a loud bang! The fist hit the blood moon hard, splashing countless dust. Just hearing the impact sound was like a tens of thousands of tons of bombs exploding.

The whole sky seemed to be trembling with this terrible force. The next second, a huge crash sounded throughout the underworld at the speed of sound. The invisible force radiated in all directions with the blood moon as the center, tearing all the dark clouds in the sky into pieces.

At this moment, the entire underworld was cloudless.

But after enduring such a terrifying and domineering punch, the blood moon in the sky was intact except for large pieces of dust falling from the surface. It was a red crystal substance, flashing a bewitching red light, and it seemed that it was not affected by the punch at all.

At this time, Hades' arrogant voice rang out: "Don't waste your energy, Li Anping. This blood moon is the gap between the entire underworld and the real world. Without my permission, nothing can pass through. It is the power of space. Do you understand? No matter how strong and powerful your power is, it is impossible to break the space! The only thing you can do is to die of exhaustion, starvation, and old age in the underworld until you are fused with the underworld!"

Li Anping did not speak. He just stepped on the void again and jumped directly to dozens of meters above the blood moon.

Hades sneered: "It's useless. Your ability is pure physical attack. It's impossible to open the blood moon!"

Li Anping exhaled deeply, and then used the burst state. He saw that his whole body grew bigger again. The muscles all over his body swelled as if they were about to explode. The blue veins bulged out like steel bars. His height also grew to a height of two meters and five at this moment.

Then he punched the blood moon under his feet again. This punch was twice as powerful as the previous one. The atmosphere was screaming and the sky was shaking.

The fist hit the blood moon head-on, making a loud noise like a tsunami, and even the entire blood moon seemed to sink several meters.

Within a hundred miles of the underworld, everyone heard the second thunder explosion, and then their feet shook with the ground, as if the entire underworld was shaking.

But after this punch, the blood moon still looked intact.

Hades said in fear: "Are you crazy? Even if you try your best, it is absolutely impossible..."

Before Hades could speak, his voice was directly drowned out by Li Anping's third punch. In this punch, Li Anping gathered all his mental energy from his body. The black mental energy gathered on his right fist like a black hole, and with a desperate force, he smashed towards the blood moon again with the momentum of opening up the world.

The Hades hiding in the blood moon, watching Li Anping's punch, almost stopped the blood from flowing. The terrifying power came from all directions, and it seemed that even the space was frozen.

The power of this punch has exceeded the limit that mortals can imagine.

Wherever the fist passed, there was a continuous sound of crackling, as if the space was broken and everything was destroyed. After this punch hit the blood moon, there was no more loud noise. The world within a hundred miles seemed to be holding its breath for this shocking blow. In this strange silence, no one could know how strong and terrible Li Anping's punch was.

But the silence could not last forever. The maximum output of mental energy plus the maximum output of physical strength, this punch even exceeded the limit of Li Anping's own power. After hitting the target, the brute force that was enough to overturn the river and the sea finally erupted like a volcano.

Boom boom boom boom!

A shocking sound came, which was completely unimaginable and beyond imagination. Under Li Anping's punch, it seemed that even space, time, and all the matter in the world were struggling and shattered in this pure power.

On the ground more than ten kilometers below the blood moon, the aftermath of the fist force alone directly tore the earth apart, creating a large pit of tens of meters.

If the earth, which was more than ten kilometers away from the punch, was like this, what about the blood moon?

The blood moon in the air began to develop deep cracks from the place where the fist hit, and it seemed to break the entire blood moon into pieces.

"No!" With the screams of Hades, the cracks on the blood moon became longer and longer.

In the underworld, at this moment, all the rebels and the living dead at the rebirth point stopped fighting and looked at the blood moon in the sky. Even the zombies stopped fighting and looked at the blood moon under the influence of Hades.

The three loud noises just now had completely shocked the rebels and the living dead, but they were not as good as what they saw at this moment, the scene that was like a myth.

Even on the ground, they could see with their naked eyes that the cracks on the blood moon were getting bigger and bigger, and the whole moon seemed to be broken into pieces in the next moment.

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