Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 41: Massacre (1)

The air was filled with the pungent smell of blood, and the red bats rushed towards Li Anping. But in front of Li Anping's peerless speed, these blood bats were too slow.

In the world of extreme speed, Li Anping walked step by step towards the blood demon who was lying on the ground. With his superhuman speed, no matter how overwhelming the blood bats in front of him were, he could rush through those tiny gaps.

There were only a few places that were completely blocked by blood bats, and Li Anping had to rush through them, but with his amazing strength, the result of his collision with the blood-colored bats was that the bats were smashed into pieces.

When Li Anping came in front of the blood demon, the opponent's body was still wrapped in red blood flames. The high-frequency dagger in Li Anping's left hand directly crossed the blood demon's body with an airflow that tore everything apart. Even the blood flames on his body were forced to open a clear trajectory.

The first knife directly cut off the blood demon's two broken arms. Then the second knife cut open the blood demon's chest, revealing the wriggling lungs and heart. The high-frequency dagger stabbed directly into the blood demon's heart, and a series of red knife lights lit up in the blood demon's heart, like a small light bulb. Li Anping just crushed the opponent's heart into powder.

At this time, the blood bats around finally flew over and rushed towards Li Anping from all directions. Li Anping snorted coldly, and the high-frequency dagger was directly inserted into the blood demon's lungs. Then Li Anping grabbed the blood demon's shoulder with his empty left hand, and then kicked the blood demon away before being surrounded by blood bats.

The next second, before tens of thousands of blood bats submerged Li Anping, he had turned into a black line and caught up with the kicked blood demon. As the figures intertwined, dozens of blood flowers burst out on the blood demon's body again, and he was attacked countless times by Li Anping in an instant.

Li Anping's speed was like breaking the Blood Demon's cognition of the speed of the ability users. He had never seen anyone so fast, and even Song Bang was completely inferior to Li Anping at this time.

From beginning to end, the Blood Demon did not succeed in even one active attack except relying on the protective blood flame to hurt Li Anping. Because the opponent's speed was completely beyond his perception, he could only passively take the beating.

At this time, the loud noise from the battle between the two sides had also attracted the attention of the people above. The soldiers stationed in the manor rushed to the square in front of the main building in full armor to gather, and a gate leading to the underground was opened on the square. This passage leading directly to the underground palace is usually completely blocked.

If it weren't for the huge noise underground, and the moment the Blood Demon saw Li Anping, he sent a distress signal through the instrument. They would never dare to open this passage.

In the less than one or two minutes they had gathered, in addition to his hands, the blood demon's feet were also torn off by Li Anping, but the blood demon, whose hands, feet, head, and heart were all shattered, was still alive at this moment. The blood in the entire hall and the blood in the air were supporting his life.

Li Anping was not doing well either. In order to fight against the opponent's protective blood flame, he had been attacking with his remaining left hand, but even so, his left hand was now burned black by the blood flame, which was slowly approaching his body. This kind of blood flame is very special. As long as there is blood, it can burn without air, and even water will not work.

Li Anping had no choice but to stop attacking and take the time to heal his wounds. When he stopped, more and more blood bats in the underground palace squeaked excitedly, all with red eyes rushing towards him.

Facing the swarming bats, Li Anping smiled lightly, jumped up lightly, then raised his right leg, and kicked from top to bottom, like a thunderbolt.

With a swish! As the whip kick fell, the ground seemed to be cut open by an invisible Qi force, revealing a crack several tens of meters long. Amid the flying stone chips, Li Anping's kick directly cut out a white Qi force that flew towards the bats.

Wherever he passed, large pieces of blood-colored bats turned into red powder and floated in the air. Finally, the white Qi force hit the wall, leaving a dent several centimeters deep.

With just this one whip kick, one-third of the bats in the air had been killed, revealing a large hole. Then Li Anping was in the air, twisting his waist again, and after a few kicks, only a few sporadic bats were left in the air, not knowing whether to move forward or backward.

At this time, Li Anping's right hand had grown again under the infusion of soul energy. He grabbed his left shoulder with his right hand and tore off his burning left arm, and casually threw the burnt left arm on the ground.

On the Blood Demon's side, his body was once again covered with blood, and the wounds all over his body were slowly wriggling. It seemed that as long as he was given time, he would be able to recover his body again. And blood bats kept coming out of the blood pool.

'This won't work.' Li Anping frowned: 'He has too much blood here, and the fight will never end.'

Thinking of this, Li Anping was in mid-air, and before he landed, he stepped directly into the air, bursting the air, and rushed towards the Blood Demon again.

When passing by a pillar, Li Anping waved his hand knife and cut a pillar in the hall. There are many such pillars in the entire underground palace, which are used to support the structure of this underground space.

He picked up the cylinder with one hand, came to the blood demon, and swung it at the other's broken body. Just like playing baseball, the cylinder directly hit the blood demon out, broke more than a dozen cylinders, and fell to the ground.

This was to prevent the blood flame from burning him again.

Then Li Anping hugged the cylinder and rushed to the blood demon again. At this moment, a crackling sound was heard, and a door opened, and many footsteps came.

"Huh?" Li Anping sneered: "Just in time."

After saying that, he hugged the cylinder and swung it hard, and a gust of wind blew towards the direction of the gate, directly blowing the soldiers who rushed in first to the ground. At the same time, the blood demon's body was also hit in the direction of the gate in this swing.

There was a bang, and a series of screams rang out. The blood demon's body was like a cannonball, smashing dozens of soldiers into meat paste. Then the whole body fell into the wall.

The next moment, Li Anping, holding the cylinder, also rushed into the crowd. The swinging cylinder was like a storm of blood and flesh. Wherever it passed, no matter who it was, it was smashed into a meat paste.

The blood demon's body was like a baseball. Li Anping was like chasing this man and hitting him to the ground.

The soldiers screamed and looked at Li Anping who was rushing towards them in despair. Their bullets could not hit the other party, and even if they did, they would be healed instantly.

The soldiers in the square could not see the situation below, but could only hear a series of loud crashes, mixed with intermittent screams. They looked at each other, at a loss.

The next moment, a tattered body covered in blood and almost a pool of rotten meat flew out of the underground passage. Li Anping followed closely behind, and the cylinder in his hand had been broken into four or five sections and thrown to the ground by him, and his left hand had grown out again, looking as if he had never been injured.

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, he rushed over with a wild laugh, and with a light wave of his hands, a bloody storm had already been set off. He casually grabbed a soldier and threw him several hundred meters away, killing him directly. With a casual punch, several soldiers were smashed to pieces by the white energy. With a sprint, he knocked away more than a dozen soldiers, who screamed and flew out, and died in mid-air with their bones shattered.

Smelling the blood rain in the air that he had created, Li Anping showed a cruel smile. At this time, the remaining soldiers had completely collapsed, wailing and fleeing in all directions. Li Anping was too lazy to pay attention to them, and walked directly to the blood demon who was still slowly crawling.

He grabbed a soldier's body and used it as a golf club, swinging it at the blood demon's body. The opponent still had blood flames on his body, and he wanted to use this method to hit the opponent farther, away from the blood under his feet.

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