Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 37: In-depth

On the snowy plain, Li Anping's feet were deeply mired in the snow. The sudden snowstorm blurred everything in his vision.

He pressed the headset and said, "Hello? I'm almost there. In order to prevent the communication from being discovered, I will not contact you for the time being. How is the situation in Tianjing?"

"Everything is normal. There is no new move from the Star Alliance, and the nine royal families are all watching coldly." Momo's voice came from the other end of the headset.

"That's good. If something bad happens, Liu Sheng and the others will take you away. Remember, don't be impulsive. Hide and wait for me to come back."

Suddenly, Li Qian's voice came over: "My Lord..." She was silent for a long time, and finally all her words turned into one sentence: "You must come back alive."

Li Anping was silent for a while, and said seriously: "Just wait for me, I will definitely come back."

After speaking, Li Anping pulled out the earplugs, and with a strong squeeze of his right hand, he had crushed the communicator to pieces. The next moment, he had already soared into the sky. With the passing of waves, Li Anping broke through the blockade of the blizzard, and then in the blink of an eye, he had broken through the troposphere and arrived at the stratosphere.

The clouds kept changing under his feet, and the visibility here was much better than on the ground. Li Anping took out the GPS, identified the direction, and flew north.

This time his target was the capital of the Ice Castle, Morroco.

According to the latest intelligence, the blood banks of major hospitals in Morroco have recently experienced a serious shortage of blood. The municipal government has come forward to encourage citizens to donate blood to the hospital and provided a series of benefits for blood donors.

Recalling the current four level five abilities of the Flame Dragon Pioneer, the blood demon's ability of blood sucking disease can rely on absorbing blood to recover from injuries. So Li Anping and others suspected that the blood demon was injured when participating in the encirclement and suppression of the flying general, and is now hiding somewhere in Morroco to heal his injuries by sucking blood.

More than an hour later, Li Anping landed from the sky and came to a gas station, changed his clothes, and took a bus to Morroco. After all, it was not easy for him to fly directly into Morocco, as it would be too easy to be discovered.

After sitting down at the last seat, Li Anping listened to the Ice Castle language coming from his ears and took out an Ice Castle dictionary from his arms. He flipped through it quickly.

He had read about two-thirds of this dictionary when he was in Daxia, and before that he had read the basic grammar and sentence deconstruction. With Li Anping's current brain memory and processing speed, it was enough for him to complete the study of this language before arriving in Morocco.

Half an hour later, Li Anping had completely learned the Ice Castle language, and the only thing left was the proficiency of speaking. He looked out the window. There were very few cars on the road, the style of the cars was very backward, and the few houses that were rarely seen looked very dilapidated. Even the passengers on the bus looked very plainly dressed.

The entire Ice Castle gave Li Anping the same feeling as Daxia 20 years ago.

This is the price of war. Ten years ago, Daxia broke through the border of the Ice Castle, and then had to give up the results that were about to be achieved under the pressure of the Star Alliance.

Although Daxia unilaterally stopped the invasion, war is never something you can stop just because you say so. In the next ten years, the entire Ice Castle was under the pressure of Daxia and was fully prepared for war. There were constant frictions on the border, the military budget was getting higher year by year, there were many internal conflicts in the country, and the gap between the rich and the poor was getting bigger and bigger.

Everyone was looking forward to a war to release the pressure of the entire country. Whether it was victory or failure.

At this moment, Li Anping suddenly turned his head and found that a little boy about ten years old was staring at him closely. There was a look of desire in his eyes. Li Anping raised his hand, pointed to the dictionary, and asked in a somewhat unfamiliar Ice Castle language: "Do you want this?"

"Yeah." The boy nodded shyly.

The mother sitting next to her grabbed him and said embarrassedly: "This sir, little Victor has no chance to go to school. I wonder if you can lend him your book to read."

Li Anping nodded and handed the dictionary over. The boy named Little Victor couldn't wait to take the dictionary and began to look through it.

Her mother smiled gratefully: "Thank you, sir."

Then Li Anping took this opportunity to start chatting with the woman in Iceburg language to practice his spoken English. In just over ten minutes, Li Anping's spoken English was already fluent.

"Sir, are you really not from Morocco? Your Morocco accent is even more authentic than my husband's, who has lived in Morocco since he was a child."

The people of Daxia all have black hair and black eyes, while Iceburg is a multi-ethnic country with blond, black, and red hair. So the woman couldn't tell whether Li Anping was from Iceburg.

Li Anping smiled and told the woman that he had lived in Morocco since he was a child, but he went to the south to do business in the past few years. So then he asked about the recent situation in Morocco.

Twenty minutes later, the bus suddenly stopped when it was five kilometers away from Morocco, and then several big men rushed up with daggers in their hands. They shouted, "Robbery!"

"Hand over all your valuables."

Just as people were panicking, Li Anping frowned and blew gently. A few white lights flashed in the air, and the big men were all knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

Everyone screamed. While the woman screamed, she turned her head to look at Li Anping, but she felt the bus shake violently, and then a strong wind blew by. There was no trace of Li Anping anywhere, only the dictionary was still lying there. In the boy's hand, it was announced that a strange man had existed.

Li Anping got out of the car and reached the highway checkpoint with several leaps. Ice Castle has to go through checkpoints every time they go from one city to another, and the whole country is always on high alert. Everyone is completely subject to state surveillance. An ordinary person may not have traveled more than a hundred kilometers from his hometown for more than ten years.

But of course this was not a problem for Li Anping. With a slight exertion, he had jumped over the checkpoint at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, and then headed towards the urban area of ​​Morocco.

The entire Moroko is about 5,000 square kilometers, less than half of Tianjing. Everywhere he went, Li Anping felt nothing but depression.

The long-term militarized management and the tilt of military resources have placed a huge burden on the entire country. The streets are full of homeless people, children begging, and students marching. You can also see armored vehicles patrolling the road constantly.

"This country needs change." Li Anping murmured. Then he walked towards the largest public hospital in Morocco. The blood bank there was Li Anping's target.

With his proficiency in Ice Castle, Li Anping quickly became familiar with the area around the hospital and found out the location of the blood bank. He climbed to the top of the building, squatted on the eaves, and stared at the location of the blood bank.

At the same time, his ears listened to sounds from a kilometer around him, including people's conversations, patients' cries of pain, and women's curses. All kinds of sounds entered his brain from Li Anping's ears, and were quickly analyzed by the brain. Come out and get results.

As long as someone comes to transport blood, Li Anping is confident that he will find it as soon as possible.

A few hours passed quickly, and Li Anping saw several blood donation vehicles driving to the hospital, delivering the newly obtained blood to the blood bank.

However, there is still no one to transport the blood from the blood bank. While waiting, Li Anping also killed a robber, two rapists, and a doctor who was deceiving a patient. The environment here is really much worse than Tianjing.

Six hours later, Li Anping had killed twelve criminals who had nothing to do with the target, but still had not found the target he wanted. Just when Li Anping was about to give up and change the direction of his investigation, a container truck drove into the hospital.

Several soldiers got off the truck, roughly pushed aside the blood bank staff, and carried the bags of blood directly onto the truck.

Li Anping heard the staff inside shouting: "You can't do this. It's been a month. Do you know how many people have died in this hospital bed due to insufficient blood supply?"

"Put the blood down, we won't let you take it."

Then there was a sound of punches and kicks, and a cold voice replied: "Gentlemen and ladies, you are against this country, against the people who defend the people and defend you. Let me find out who is hiding it next time Blood bag, or prevent us from working. I guarantee he won't see the sun the next day."

Then there was the sound of a door closing and a car starting. A cold light flashed in Li Anping's eyes, and he quietly followed the container truck.

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