Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 25: Gathering

When Li Anping was browsing intelligence materials in the office, he suddenly turned his head and his ears moved slightly.


Li Anping frowned, and then with a swish, he disappeared, leaving behind countless documents blown by a gust of wind.


Two kilometers away, in a convenience store.

A middle-aged man with a full beard held a young woman hostage. He stood behind the woman, holding a fruit knife in his hand, against her neck.

He yelled, "All of you go away! Don't come near me."

Just in front of the man, a convenience store clerk shouted, "Put him down first, talk it over, we won't arrest you, just take the money."

Beside him, a customer also advised, "Calm down, don't do anything stupid."

But the middle-aged man who was caught stealing in a convenience store was so nervous that he didn't notice that if he ran away now, the people around him would not stop him. He just pointed the dagger at the girl in front of him and said anxiously, "Get out of the way, all of you, or I'll stab her to death!"

At this moment, a policeman walked in at the door of the convenience store and motioned everyone around to get out. Then he raised his hands to show that he had no weapons: "Don't worry, I didn't bring anything, let's talk."

When the middle-aged man saw the police coming in, he became more nervous and shouted loudly: "Don't arrest me, let all the police go away, otherwise I will really stab her to death!"

The excited middle-aged man exerted more force in his hands, and the tip of the knife pierced the woman's skin and bleeding.

"Ah." The woman screamed and began to struggle instinctively.

"No!" the police shouted.

But the woman's scream intensified the middle-aged man's tension and excitement. In a struggle, the knife was about to cut the woman's throat.

At this critical moment, a gust of wind blew open the door of the convenience store and swept through everyone in the store.

After a chaos, Dang rushed out again.

The police opened his eyes that were previously unable to open due to the gust of wind, and saw the woman standing there intact, while the middle-aged man who stole was lying on the ground, screaming in pain. His feet were twisted unnaturally, as if they were broken by someone.

On the street one kilometer away, Li Anping casually threw the blood-stained fruit knife into the trash can. What he did in the convenience store just now was just a piece of cake for him.

As his physical fitness became stronger, his ears could hear more and more things. At first, he was a little uncomfortable because he heard too many phone calls, voices and other sounds. But now he can gradually control himself not to pay attention to the sounds he doesn't want to hear.

Because of the growth of hearing, he often hears some situations such as robbery, murder, fire, and car accidents like today.

So he would help out casually, which directly caused the crime rate in Tianjing City to drop, and some gossip about him circulated among the people.

But except for the people of Daxia Longque, no one knew that these were all done by Li Anping. Li Anping himself just happened to help when he met, but he would not take the initiative to find these things to do.

Throwing away the fruit knife, Li Anping took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, is this Liu Sheng?"

"It's me, sir." Liu Sheng replied, "What can I do for you, sir?"

"Yes, there is something I need to send a few people to do." Li Anping said calmly, "Are Tang Weihan, Yanbei, Audrey, and Zuomai in the base?"

"Tang Weihan, Yanbei was ordered to be put in solitary confinement by you last time, and he hasn't come out yet. Zuomai was released three days in advance by you to carry out a mission. Audrey is still in training."

"Yes, not bad. Then you can let Yanbei come out, plus Audrey, Yang Guang, and Sun Hao, I want them to carry out a mission." Li Anping thought for a while: "You can ask them to come to my office directly in the afternoon, and I will talk to them in person."

"As for Tang Weihan, it is too wasteful to use his ability purely for combat. You can ask Liu Feng to train him well."


Three days later, Hongshan Town Railway Station in the south of Daxia.

A bus just arrived at the station, and four men and women with different looks got off one after another.

Their unique temperament quickly attracted the attention of people on the platform, and soon several men in a hurry went to report the news.

Similar situations have happened too much in the past two weeks.

Because a gathering of people with special abilities will be held this weekend. It is expected that more than 300 people with special abilities will rush to Hongshan Town at that time.

At this time, in a villa outside Hongshan Town, more than a dozen people gathered together to discuss the arrangements for this conference.

Sitting at the top was a one-eyed old man. He was the head of the Yue family, the only superpower family in Hongshan. He was also the head of the Five Lakes Alliance, the strongest organization of people with special abilities around Hongshan Town.

Recently, because the Great Xia Dragon Bird has been capturing scattered people with special abilities, the major organizations of people with special abilities have taken the opportunity to absorb many members. The same is true for the Five Lakes Alliance. The number of their third-level people with special abilities has increased by more than ten in recent times. As a result, their strength has greatly increased.

In addition, Hongshan is located in the southern part of Great Xia, and the government power is much weaker than that in the north. The Yue family even had a conflict with the local government recently, and no one could control it for a while. This further encouraged the arrogance within the Yue family and the Five Lakes Alliance.

So Yue Shan, the leader of the Five Lakes Alliance, felt that his subordinates had greatly increased their strength. In order to call on more individual ability users to join, he secretly held this conference, claiming that he wanted to unite all ability users to fight against the oppression of Daxia Longque and the great demon Li Anping.

Yue Shan smiled and said to the dozen or so people with special abilities underground: "Today, I would like to thank you all for joining us. Since the Great Xia Dragon Bird was controlled by the big devil Li Anping, the bird guards have been rampant everywhere, killing and arresting many brothers with special abilities. Our gathering this time is to gather all the brothers with super powers to fight against them together."

"Well said, old man." A big man with a face full of flesh stood up first: "I don't know why these damn birds and Li Anping went crazy and chased me for more than a thousand kilometers. If it weren't for you saving me, I would have been sent to Tianjing and shot. In a word, where you point to in the future, I will follow you."

The whole scene was excited at once. The people with special abilities below all joined the Yue family recently. At this time, they stood up one by one to show their loyalty to Yue Shan and patted their chests.

Yue Shan nodded with satisfaction. At this time, he deliberately communicated with the people with special abilities under him before the gathering to avoid any mistakes. You should know that according to the statistics of his subordinates, the number of people with special abilities who came to Hongshan Town in recent days is still increasing.

Think about hundreds of people with special abilities. If there is any leakage during the meeting, even if Yue Shan is already a level 4 person with special abilities, he may not be able to suppress it. So he needs these people with special abilities to help him build bridges and serve as chess pieces for him to encourage other people with special abilities.

If the Yue family can absorb another fifty or even a hundred people with special abilities at that time, how big will the power be? Not to mention Hongshan, even the entire south, the Yue family will become the strongest family of people with special abilities. Even... Yue Shan feels that if he has so many people with special abilities, maybe even the nine royal families can't compare to him. His confidence has never been higher.

This is normal. Before seeing a level 5 person with special abilities and seeing the desperate power gap, all people with special abilities are very confident about themselves. This is especially true for country people like Yue Shan who live in the mountains and have never seen the world.

Looking at the more than 20 people with special abilities under his command.

'Their hearts can be used. 'Yue Shan and the middle-aged man beside him looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction.

This is the messenger sent by Yiqidao, named Huang Xia. This time, it was with the support of Yiqidao that Yue Shan dared to oppose Daxia Longque openly. After all, Yiqidao is a first-class superpower organization in the country, and Daxia Longque no longer has a level 5 ability user.

Poor Yue Shan, a second-rate superpower organization of a local nature, has no idea that Li Anping defeated Song Bang and Lei Di successively. Daxia Longque has done a good job in keeping secrets in this regard.

Seeing Yue Shan, who was full of pride, Huang Xia sneered in his heart. If it wasn't for testing Daxia Longque, how could he come to such a shabby place to help Yue Shan, who was like a rural rich man.

They were really scared by Li Anping's record, but Li Anping was clearly not a level 5 ability user. This record and "strength" were seriously inconsistent, which made the top leaders of Yiqidao a little confused. But Zui Buxiu did die in Li Anping's hands.

So in order to test the Great Xia Dragon Bird, and even test the strength of Li Anping, Huang Xia was sent to instigate Yue Shan to organize such a party. Let's see if the scope of the Great Xia Dragon Bird's attack this time is limited to individual ability users, and what attitude it has towards the ability user organization that recruits individual people.

Of course, what he said to Yue Shan was to use such a large meeting to gather popularity, and he would not really fight the Great Xia Dragon Bird. The reason why Yue Shan was asked to do it was that Yiqidao would attract the wind if it was a big tree. Find people through the Five Lakes Alliance, and then recruit the Five Lakes Alliance as a peripheral organization of Yiqidao. This is not a lie to him. After all, if the Great Xia Dragon Bird does not interfere in this matter, Yiqidao does intend to do so.

This is a perfect match for Yue Shan, who has long been eager to take a step closer and has always felt that Hongshan is too small, especially with the recent expansion of power and growing ambitions.

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