Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 22: Verification

In the office, Li Anping scanned the computer screen at a glance. The screen was full of scenes of some western towns. He wanted to verify whether his dream just now was true or false.

Li Anping privately guessed that this should be related to the black spirit figure that always appeared behind him recently. It seemed that as his power increased, the figure appeared more and more frequently. Maybe this dream was also affected by the figure.

He had checked the white land and various monsters before, but found nothing except a bunch of myths. So he set his sights on the town he saw in the dream.

With his super memory, Li Anping memorized the scenes of the town in his mind. Then he searched the Internet based on these scenes, trying to find this town in reality.

However, there are too many similar small towns in the Western Continent. Li Anping still couldn't find them after comparing many pictures on the Internet. After all, he also clicked on them one by one with the mouse, which was too slow.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and Li Anping said without raising his head: "Come in."

Momo, with dyed blonde hair, walked in timidly and said softly: "Sir, do you want to talk to me?"

Li Anping looked up at him and asked: "Your ability is to control the computer through consciousness, right?"

"Yes... yes." Momo said stiffly.

Li Anping continued: "Then help me find a small town. I will describe the scene over there to you, and you can find it on the Internet to see where this town is in the Western Continent. Can this be done?"

"I think it should be possible." Momo nodded as if he understood.

Next, he sat in Li Anping's seat, and Li Anping stood aside and began to report the scene of the small town in his memory. Momo stretched out a finger towards the USB port of the computer host, and then saw a blue mind energy coming out from his finger and slowly connected to the port.

The computer host suddenly rang, and countless windows popped up on the computer screen in an instant. A dazzling search page kept popping up, and dozens of photos of various towns in the Western Continent were refreshed, which made Li Anping dizzy.

This search speed was much faster.

Five minutes later, the screen stopped at a poetic photo of a town.

Momo asked: "Sir, is this the place?"

Li Anping looked carefully and shook his head: "Not here."

So the computer screen started refreshing again, and this time there were no windows at all. Countless data kept popping up. With Li Anping's ordinary computer level, he couldn't understand what Momo was doing.

In the next half an hour, Momo found more than a dozen photos of towns for Li Anping, and Li Anping denied them one by one.

'Is it really a dream? ' Li Anping thought: 'But if it is really a dream, why is my body injured in reality? Could it be a person with the ability to attack me in a dream? But how did he know that I had dreamed of the white land. Coincidence or? '

Just as Li Anping was thinking, Momo opened a photo again and asked, "Sir, is this the place?"

Li Anping stared at the photo closely and said coldly, "It's here. What's the name of this place?"

"Uh... let me take a look." A series of information popped up on the computer screen, and Momo read, "This is a small town near the west coast of the Amest Federation, called Tygus. It is a relatively famous tourist town in the local area."

Li Anping thought for a while and said, "Check if there is any news about this town recently."

Momo nodded, and the computer screen began to jump again, and rows of news about the town popped up.

Li Anping read it from far to near according to time.

"A werewolf is suspected in Tygus! Witnesses were bitten!"

"Many people in Tygus were attacked, all bitten."

"The central hospital of Tygus Town found that the body was stolen, and the police are currently investigating..."

After a series of news, Li Anping jumped directly to the latest news.

"A mudslide occurred in the town of Tygus. The only two main roads in the town were completely buried. Rescue work is currently underway."

"Mudslide?" After reading a series of news, ordinary people would not feel anything, but Li Anping connected the things in his dream and obviously noticed something fishy.

Li Anping thought of the outbreak of cannibalism in the Western Continent. The initial outbreak seemed to be near the town of Tygus. So, are the so-called cannibals the weirdos he saw? It is said that the conflict between the imaginary agencies of the Star Alliance and the Amest Federation was due to the problem of dealing with cannibals.

There were too many coincidences, and Li Anping gradually felt that his dream was not a real dream. Obviously, the weirdos were the root cause of the bites in the town of Tygus, and the so-called mudslide was probably a lie made up by the authorities to block the town. The blonde woman and the white-haired man were the superpowers sent to clean up the weirdos.

'Wait... the white-haired man. 'Halfway through thinking, Li Anping suddenly said to Momo: "Get the information of all level 5 ability users in the database."

Momo's heart moved when he heard this, and more than 20 photos of level 5 ability users popped up on the computer. Li Anping also saw photos of Xia Liekong, Fei Jiang, Zhu Rong and Song Bang.

Suddenly, Li Anping's eyes tightened, and he pointed at one of the white-haired men and said: "Who is this man?"

Momo clicked on the photo of the white-haired man, revealing a long list of information. Momo said: "He is a Titan from the Star Alliance. His ability is to manipulate gravity, a first-order ability. He is also a top expert in the fifth energy level. Almost everyone in Daxia Longque knows him..."

"Everyone knows him?" Li Anping asked curiously.

Momo nodded silently and pointed to the computer screen. A line of information about Titan was enlarged.

After Li Anping read it, his expression was choked. Momo said lightly: "Ten years ago, he led a group of level 4 ability users to attack the headquarters of Daxia Longque alone. At that time, Zhu Rong had not yet become a level 5 ability user. General Xia, General Song... um, Song Bang and General Fei fought him desperately together. At the cost of three people being seriously injured, they only temporarily repelled Titan."

Li Anping understood in his heart that the white-haired man was a Titan from the Star Alliance, so the blonde woman next to him was probably also from the Star Alliance.

'If the second half of the dream is related to the first half, the first half is most likely from Hei. 'Li Anping suddenly remembered a few words that Hei had said.

"My kind, my brother, my sibling. We have different abilities, but we are equally powerful."

"Humans are a race far superior to yours. When Kano is killed, they will also feel my presence. In order to delay the time for them to find you, from now on, I will take the initiative to fall into a deep sleep."

"And you, do your best to hunt and become stronger. If you eat enough people, maybe you will have a chance to escape when you meet them in the future."

If the black spirit figure that appears from time to time since upgrading to the third energy level is really related to the sleeping Hei, then it seems that as my power increases again, the number of times this black figure appears is becoming more and more frequent, and this dream may not be related to him.

The white continent, the black monster, the first half of these dreams are too much like Hei's memories or thoughts. And the second half, it seems to be inspired by his kind. It presents a state of soul leaving the body, and suddenly crosses the sea and comes to the western continent. Hei said his kind would come to him. Are they from the Western Continent?

Li Anping remembered the summoning he felt in his dream. Are they the companions that Hei said were looking for him? They could summon him from such a distance. The abilities of these monsters were beyond imagination. Li Anping thought of those cannibals and their abnormal bodies.

He felt that even if these weirdos were not Hei's companions, they were probably created by his companions. And Titan and the blonde woman were obviously dealing with these things.

Titan, as a high-level ability user of level 5, was sent to do this kind of thing, which showed the importance that the Star Alliance attached to these weirdos.

Moreover, Li Anping knew his own abilities too well. Because of this, he was even more wary of Hei's so-called companions. Fortunately, the Western Continent was the territory of other countries and the main sphere of influence of the Star Alliance.

This also made Li Anping think of why the Star Alliance had not heard from him since the arrogance of Bruman was extinguished.

Is it because Hei's companions still have conflicts due to cannibalism and the outbreak of imaginary number mechanisms, so that the Star Alliance cannot spare manpower in the Western Continent for the time being? Li Anping guessed.

However, these things are just Li Anping's guesses, and there is not enough evidence. Regardless of whether the Star Alliance is temporarily unable to take action, he needs to hurry up.

'I originally just wanted to catch the scattered people, it seems that those organized ones can't be let go casually. 'Li Anping thought: 'And my body's resistance to mental attacks must be tested. I have always been immune to mental attacks. Why that woman can hurt me, this needs to be studied carefully. I need more time, monitoring matters...'

Thinking of this, Li Anping looked at Momo and said: "Momo, your ability is very useful, I need it very much. You will go to Li Qian later, I want you to help me build an intelligence network together."

"Me! Me?" Momo pointed at himself and hurriedly said: "Really... me."

"You just have to obey, you can do it with your ability." Li Anping patted his shoulder and said: "Let's go, go find Li Qian and come together."

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