Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 5: Burning Earth Chapter 3: Research Plan

The next day, Li Anping entered the base and noticed changes. In the following situation, this change became more and more obvious.

Female nurses, female security guards, female soldiers, and female secretaries. Li Anping found that during this period he could see fewer and fewer men. Almost all the people around him became women, and all of them were young, beautiful, and moonlighting. Shame on the flowers.

Li Anping felt like he was living among flowers all day long, surrounded by countless beauties all the time. However, these women are obviously very measured. They do not stick to Li Anping all the time, but do their own things. Everyone will appear near Li Anping, but they all leave as soon as they touch it, as if they are doing business.

But if you look at the beauty Li Anping more often, you won't find it annoying. Besides, he knew that this was a test from the people above who were worried about him. If he is distracted, completely ignores these women, concentrates on doing things, and looks like he wants to monopolize power, those old men may not be at ease.

Therefore, Li Anping also allowed them to show off their talents and think of ways to seduce him. And Li Anping knew that as soon as he opened his mouth, none of the beauties in the base would have any objections. Even if Li Anping wanted to catch them all, there would be no problem. On the contrary, it will make those above feel more at ease.

But Li Anping didn't do that. It's not that he has no interest in beautiful women, it's just that now he is more focused on pursuing powerful power and being able to transform the world according to his own ideas.

"Hmph... the military base is full of female soldiers wearing black stockings and miniskirts. Is Daxia Longque now so weak that it needs such women to protect it?"

Listening to Li Qian's sour voice next to him, Li Anping smiled slightly and did not refute. He knew that Li Qian was just losing her temper.

"Tell Wei Zhun that I'm going to find him?" Li Anping asked.

"Yes." Li Qian nodded: "He is already waiting for you."

"Okay, you go on to expand the surveillance crowd, and I'll go talk to him first." After saying that, Li Anping left first, leaving Li Qian alone to look at the passing beauties in uniform with hatred.

Li Anping controlled the speed, dodged a few times and left the base, then flew into the sky, and disappeared without a trace after an explosion. Those who followed him and monitored him were completely helpless.

At the same time, Wei Zhun's recent events were recalled in his mind. Since the last time he saw Wei Zhun, until this period of time, the other party has been doing his best to operate funds for Li Anping. It may be because Li Anping helped him avenge his great revenge, or it may be because of the mysterious strength and background revealed by Li Anping.

Not only did Wei Zhun dare not embezzle any money, he even made his company suffer losses in order to clean up the money Li Anping gave him. Of course, through Li Qian's ability, Li Anping can monitor Wei Zhun every day and is not afraid of the other party hacking his money. With the number of people Li Qian can currently monitor, coupled with Li Anping's current memory and analytical skills, not to mention Wei Zhun, he can have an overview of all major and minor events in Tianjing.

In an office building, Wei Zhun was sitting on a chair a little awkwardly. Suddenly, his vision blurred, a strong wind blew by, and Li Anping was already there. Any defensive measures are useless to Li Anping now. Ordinary humans and monitoring devices can't even see his fast-moving figure.

Wei Zhun was startled when he saw Li Anping appear. When he saw the person clearly, he stood up immediately, but he didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, I don't have any ill intentions in coming to you." Li Anping glanced at Wei Zhun calmly and said, "You have done a good job during this period."

Wei Zhun said nervously: "It's nothing. This is my old profession. I have been doing it for so many years and I have already become familiar with it."

Li Anping nodded: "You don't have to worry about the funding problem in the future, it will only increase. But I will also trouble you to do a few things next."

"You said."

Li Anping took out a list from his arms, pointed to the hundreds of names on the list and said: "These are all unofficial biological, medical, genetic and other scientists in Daxia. Most of them may not be qualified." Knowing the existence of ability users, I now hope that you will recruit most of them, at least half of them."

Wei Zhun looked at the list, frowned and said: "It may cost a lot of money to recruit them, and most of them work in large hospitals, research institutes, and large companies, and have their own research projects. Let them throw them away." I'm afraid it will cost a lot to come here. With all due respect, can I ask about your purpose? If you just want to open a biological or pharmaceutical company, you don't need so much..."

Li Anping shook his head and stopped Wei Zhun from continuing: "You don't have to worry about money. Within the next week, your company will receive a government grant. All you have to do is set up a biotechnology company and add the people on the list to Experts are recruited.”

'Government funding...' Wei Zhun's heart skipped a beat. He knew that once this kind of thing involved the government, it would be a mess. Just when he was hesitating, Li Anping said again: "If there is anything you can't handle, just talk to yourself and I will hear it."

This is actually because Li Anping can know what Wei Zhun said through Li Qian's ability to monitor Wei Zhun, but when he said this, it became more mysterious in Wei Zhun's heart.

Seeing Wei Zhun's hesitation, Li Anping said, "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about the specific operation, and the research has nothing to do with you. You can take 10% of the government's grant, and you don't have to worry about being involved in any dangerous incidents."

Wei Zhun gritted his teeth and said, "I understand, don't worry, I will do my best. But if some people don't want to come, will they just give up? And what about their arrangements at that time?"

"Just find a place for them to stay, and I will arrange for them when they are all here. As for those who don't want to come..." Li Anping's finger slid across the list, recalling the massive amount of information in his mind, and finally stopped at the top of the list: "Everyone else can give up, the level of these three people should be the strongest among these people, no matter what means you use, you must recruit them."

"I understand." Wei Zhun nodded, but when he looked up again, Li Anping's figure was nowhere to be seen, only a sentence floated from the air.

"Send me the information of all your company's employees, all of them, with photos."


On the other side, a command room in a secret agency had already been in chaos because of Li Anping's disappearance.

"What happened? How could a good person be lost?"

"Where is the high-speed camera? Why didn't it capture anything?

"Quickly call the spy satellite and find him for me."

"Notify the traffic police department, I want all the road surveillance videos in Tianjin."

"Must find him for me."

Until 20 minutes later, a person shouted and stood up: "Found it, the target is at the intersection of 21st Avenue and 20th Avenue. "


Li Anping looked at the subtitles displayed on the newspaper in his hand, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

'Although they can't find me when I want to disappear, if this continues, the monitoring of me will become more and more strict, which may cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.'

The people in the secret agency probably never thought that their every move was actually seen by Li Anping. Li Qian's ability is too terrifying, especially after evolving to the first energy level, only photos and names are needed to exert the ability.

In just less than a week, even carrots and mud, every time you monitor a person, you will find More targets worth monitoring, and Li Anping will get the photos and names of these people to Li Qian.

Currently, the scope of Li Qian's monitoring has exceeded 100,000 people.

Even if Li Anping's brain has become more powerful, he still needs to spend 4 to 5 hours every morning to process this information. But the information advantage brought by this is unparalleled. For example, Wei Zhun's company, by monitoring everyone, he can ensure that no information that should not be leaked will be leaked next.

However, the secret agency cannot lose its "surveillance" on him all the time. Li Anping thought of Liu Feng. His ability to transform is very useful at this time. If there is such a person If he becomes Li Anping's substitute, he can use the convenience of Daxia Dragon Bird's position, but hide it from the top and do more things.

And the biological project here by Wei Zhun requires too much money. Li Anping knows that he may not be able to hide it from the top, especially when he is under such severe surveillance. So he simply allocated 30% of Daxia Dragon Bird's annual funding. In addition, he also plans to select a group of experts from Daxia Dragon Bird to study together with the experts invited by Wei Zhun.

With the help of Li Qian's ability, he is confident that he can not leak any important information of this research. However, this project currently lacks a living Biology, genes, and heredity, and leaders with high attainments.

‘Who should I choose to be in charge of this ability cloning plan?’ Li Anping thought: ‘If this plan is completely successful, then it won’t be long before I will become an invincible existence on this planet.’

I still have to take it slowly. Various countries have already conducted related research in secret, but their purpose is different from mine. However, whether it is the construction of the institute, the personnel, the arrival of funds, various instruments and equipment, plus the time spent on the research itself, we have to take it slowly. This is a long-term project.

Before that, Li Anping still has to deal with the four guys in the north.

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