Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Epilogue

In the imperial city.

Li Anping, who was wearing a black combat uniform, threw the withered head of the Thunder Emperor on Wang Chong's desk.

"From now on, Daxia Longque is under my control. All matters related to ability users in Daxia are also under my control."

Wang Chong looked at him with a livid face and said, "What if I don't agree?"

"Then I'll kill you."

"It's useless for you to kill me. The nine royal families will not let you go." Wang Chong said with a look of hatred on his face: "If I die, they will only elect a new emperor, and then you will face the entire Great Xia "

"Then I will kill the new emperor. I will keep killing here until you compromise."

Wang Chong stared at Li Anping, but the other person's eyes were as cold as icebergs, and he saw no sign of weakness.

"From today on, you control Daxia's rights, and I control your lives."

Northern Line.

Under the snowy mountains of Gisla.

In a field of snow.

A figure covered in blood was running away quickly.

He never moved, always one meter above the ground. He looked like he was gliding, but he was moving very fast.

But every few hundred meters, he couldn't help but look back, with a nervous look on his face, as if something terrible was chasing him.

Bits and pieces of blood spilled from his body onto the snow, forming a red trail.

After a few minutes, he stopped.

Because there was already someone waiting in front of him.

It was a man whose hair burned like flames.

"Zhurong...why?" asked the man covered in blood.

The man called Zhu Rong said calmly: "Do you need a reason, Flying General?"

"How many years have we fought side by side?" the flying general said angrily, "You are betraying your own nation!"

"Haha." Zhu Rong laughed.

"Why are you laughing!?" The flying general yelled.

"Flying General, why are you and Xia Liekong so naive?" Zhu Rong said coldly: "Nation, country, society. These things are just a group of mortals who gathered together to fight against the strong.

As fifth-level ability users, we have the power of gods and have transcended the ordinary world. No matter whether it is the country or the nation, it has nothing to do with us. It should not become a shackle that binds us.

As a fifth-level ability user, you have god-like power, yet you are still dedicated to serving those mortals. It really makes me sick. "

"Then when you betrayed me for the Flame Dragon Pioneer, wouldn't you be working for someone else? You just changed a master." As the flying general said, he couldn't help coughing continuously. I saw a series of blood foam leaving the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, the ground beneath their feet suddenly shook, a hole opened in the ground, and a man's voice came from inside.

"This is different. Zhu Rong just chose the winner. Flying General, as a fifth-level ability user, you have a lifespan several times that of ordinary people. There is no need to be buried with the entire Great Xia."

The flying general looked at the crack in the earth and said bitterly: "White Dwarf..."

In mid-air, an elegant blood shadow descended from the sky carrying the billowing wind.

"Yes, you are already the last level five ability user in Daxia. Regardless of whether you surrender or are killed by us, Daxia is doomed. During your escape, the Thunder Emperor should have removed Tianjing from the map. Erase it."

The flying general's body burned with golden thought energy, and the surging momentum soared into the sky, even making the other three people present couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Needless to say, if you want to invade my motherland, then just step over my body."

On that day, an earthquake with a magnitude exceeding 8.5 occurred within a hundred miles radius. The snow on the entire Gisla Snow Mountain was melted, and mudslides and floods swept through six nearby cities. A total of 40,000 casualties were caused.

At the same time, Daxia Dragon Bird's fifth-level ability user Flying General disappeared, and Zhu Rong, who was also a fifth-level ability user, announced that he would join Ice Castle's Flame Dragon Pioneer.

As soon as the news came out, Tianjing was shocked.

For a time, the cloud of war enveloped the entire Eastern Continent, and all countries were plunged into turmoil.

On the Western Continent, a disease called cannibalism broke out on a large scale. When the Amestrian Federation's ability user force, the Imaginary Number Agency, was dealing with the epidemic, a fierce conflict broke out with the Amestrian Federation branch of the Star Alliance. .

Human history is once again heading in an unknown direction.

(I saw that there weren’t many words at the end, so I just posted it together. From today until the end of next week, this book has been recommended. This is also due to the support of all my friends. I would like to thank you all.

At the same time, I hope everyone will continue to support me in the next week. I am asking for recommendation votes and collections here.

Thank you all again! )

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