Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 45: Chaos (6)

The boss said impatiently: "Of course Tianjing is in the east. Why don't you call? If you don't call, don't hinder my business."

Li Anping narrowed his eyes and gave the boss a cold look. Not bothering to talk nonsense with him, he directly slashed the opponent's neck with his hand knife, causing the opponent to faint.

No one around him noticed at all, and even if he did, he could only see the boss himself lying on the table. It was impossible for ordinary people to see Li Anping's movements clearly.

In fact, with Li Anping's current level 2 ability, the range of absorbing souls is a full 50 meters. Against ordinary people, just a thought can kill them. But he has no habit of killing innocent people indiscriminately.

At this moment, Li Anping has gradually deviated from the so-called justice. He has no grudge against killing people, but he has not yet developed the habit of killing people on sight.

Seeing his boss fainted, Li Anping grabbed the phone and began to recall the phone number in his mind. Although he didn't memorize Li Qian's phone calls specifically, those calls were made by himself on his mobile phone. With his brain's superhuman memory, when he started to recall, countless pictures appeared in his mind just like a computer search. A few seconds later, the picture was frozen at the moment when he entered the phone number.

Li Anping dialed the number, but there was a message on the other side that the phone had been turned off. He frowned and tried Sun Hao's phone again, but it was still turned off. Then came Xia Yunyun's phone, which was still turned off.

He didn't know that because several people were under house arrest, their mobile phones had been confiscated a long time ago. After so many days, even if they were not turned off, they would have run out of power. How could he possibly make a call?

Now Li Anping felt that he was in trouble. Li Qian and the others might still be caught. After he absorbed Song Bang, his strength increased greatly, and he felt that even a fifth-level ability user could no longer deal with him.

As for the military, he believed that unless he was hit head-on by nuclear bombs, positron cannons, ion beam weapons, or weapons that could produce ultra-high temperatures or ultra-low temperatures, most other conventional weapons would no longer pose a threat to him.

Even for those weapons that could kill him, as long as he prepared enough souls for regeneration in advance, there was nothing to fear.

Li Anping was fed up with the government's interference in him and the corruption at the top. So he would kill those scum officials, so after Song Bang framed him, he would go to kill them.

‘It’s time to let the land beneath my feet move according to my will. ’ Li Anping was a little excited when he thought of this: ‘Even if I kill more bastards, it will not have much impact on the functioning of this society. There will still be people who do evil, kill, rape, and rob, and the oppression of the top on the bottom is still ubiquitous. I hate this kind of society.

Incompetent people, relying on their bloodline and background, occupy high positions and enjoy benefits far beyond ordinary people. And even if ordinary people put in several times or ten times the effort, their achievements in life may not be one-tenth of theirs.

But as long as I control this society, although it may not be perfect, I will make it as fair a world as possible. ’

Now, Li Anping obviously has the power to do this. But before that, he still planned to rescue Li Qian and the others. Li Qian's abilities are very useful to him, and it is also an opportunity for him to show his power to the Daxia government.

Thinking of this, Li Anping laughed, and he rose into the sky, making a huge sound of breaking through the air, and flew towards the town that the boss just pointed to. The village was left in a state of panic.

At two o'clock in the morning, more than ten black cars drove into a manor. The usually quiet manor was now brightly lit, and there were soldiers with guns and live ammunition everywhere. You could even see several armed helicopters flying over at low altitude from the edge of the manor.

When the motorcade stopped, Yagyu, Liu Feng and others walked out.

There was already someone waiting for them in the manor. The group walked into the hall and could smell the smell of blood before they even opened the door.

"This is the sixth incident in two days." Yagyu frowned as he looked at the scene in the hall.

There were four corpses in the body, three of which had their necks cut open and were lying on the sofa. Because the artery was severed, the thick blood was left on the ground, and the pungent smell kept entering Yagyu's nose.

The other person fell to the ground with a penetrating wound to the heart in his back.

Different from Yagyu's face full of disgust, Liu Feng carefully observed every corner and said slowly: "It's him. He used the same method as at the base. He probably doesn't know that his identity has been exposed."

"If Qian Duoduo hadn't seen him, it would have been difficult for us to discover that it was him."

Liu Feng's nose twitched a few times, followed the burning smell, came to a corner, squatted down, and stretched his hand towards a socket.

With a click, he pulled out the socket, and he could see that the wires inside were charred black.

"Sure enough, he used electric current to move. So the peripheral surveillance videos and guards didn't notice it." Liu Feng had a puzzled expression on his face: "But I still don't understand how he entered the base. What should be used there is Independent power supply, external lines cannot be connected. "

"Who knows." Yagyu's face looked ugly. Anyone who encountered such an opponent would not look good: "He has too many methods he can use to fight in the city. There are too many electrical appliances here."

"Yeah." Liu Feng suddenly turned his head and looked at the door. Several family members of the deceased were crying and making a fuss, trying to break in. The other party's status was obviously not low, and the guards didn't dare to stop them.

"It's almost done. Let's go first." Liu Feng said.

Liu Sheng nodded. The four people who died this time were all from the Lu family of the Nine Kings Group. He didn't have time to get entangled with such a big family now.

In the black car, Liu Feng said: "He has killed more and more people, and his status and identity are getting higher and higher. At the beginning, it was just ordinary officials, but today's dead are already people from the Nine Kings. We don't have much time left. If this goes on, the whole Tianjing will be in chaos."

"How long do you think we have left?"

"Three days to a week." Liu Feng murmured: "He is testing now. He is testing whether General Song and General Xia are really unable to fight. And the sneak attack on the base obviously made him 80% sure, so he is becoming more and more unscrupulous now. If Song Bang still doesn't show up in a few days, I'm afraid it will be time for him to tear his face off."

"Probing..." Liu Sheng smiled bitterly: "Just a probing is enough to make us flustered. Four people died in the hall, and it was not until two hours later that a servant discovered it.

Now even His Majesty has taken refuge in a temporary shelter and cut off all external circuits."

Liu Feng said: "The situation is indeed not optimistic. To be honest, if we keep the battlefield in the city, I am afraid we have no chance of winning." He shook his head: "Now our only advantage is that he may think that we have not yet noticed his identity."

Liu Sheng nodded heavily. In two days, including the attack on the base, a total of nearly 400 people have died, and this is the result of the other party not using all their strength.

Once the other party confirms that there are no level 5 ability users in the entire Tianjing, they will face a level 5 ability user who is unscrupulous and has no room for conversation.

What's more, the ability of the Thunder Emperor is most suitable for fighting in a modern city.

As for the ability of the Thunder Emperor, they are very familiar with it after fighting with the Flame Dragon Vanguard of the Ice Castle for many years. Just being able to transform into electric current and move along the circuits in the city already makes him invincible.

And once the Thunder Emperor starts to destroy without scruples, just creating a blackout and a big fire will be enough to disrupt the order of Tianjing. If he has another thunderstorm, I am afraid that most of Tianjing will collapse.

But in a place like the capital, the top government officials will never agree to use weapons of mass destruction until the last moment. Even if they are used, the effect against the Thunder Emperor is unknown.

In the past, Tianjing was guarded by 1 to 2 level 5 ability users all year round, and the Thunder Emperor did not dare to come rashly. But now both Fei Jiang and Zhu Rong are on the northern border. Facing the offensive of the Flame Dragon Vanguard, they have no chance to come back. Once one of them comes back, I am afraid that the entire northern line will collapse soon.

But if they don't come back, once Tianjing is destroyed by the Thunder Emperor, the situation will not be much better than the collapse of the northern line.

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng smiled maliciously. Those people above, including His Majesty, must be having a headache now.

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