Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 31: Vulnerable (6)

After killing Leng Hong with one knife, the ground around Li Anping was covered by large patches of shadows.

Qingchan had already caught up with him. He jumped into the air and swooped down towards Li Anping's position with a roar.

Li Anping snorted coldly and ran away again. The direction was exactly where several Holy Alliance ability users were hiding.

"Rubbish, how long do you want to run like this!"

The giant roared and chased Li Anping's skills. Often, one jump and one landing would tear the earth apart.

"I will chase you to the ends of the earth!"

"You are dead!"

Qingchan kept running and jumping, chasing Li Anping. In the violent shaking of the earth, countless houses collapsed, and humans fell and were trampled to death. Qingchan only chased for a short one or two minutes, and the entire temple within one kilometer was turned upside down.

Li Anping, who was running and killing at supersonic speed, had killed more than 20 people with special abilities. Except for the three poisonous dragons who were level 4, the others were level 1 or 2 people with special abilities of the Holy Alliance. Even so, including Shen Dong who was killed before, Li Anping's physical fitness had become stronger at this time, with strength 7.4, speed 6.2, and physical fitness 8.3, which was another step up.

There should be many low-level people with special abilities left in the Holy Alliance, but many have died and escaped in this chaos, and it will not be so easy for Li Anping to find them next time.

At this moment, the sound of propellers suddenly sounded in the distance. Li Anping turned his head and saw that five helicopters were rushing here.

"Is it an armed helicopter? Is it the local army, or did the police station send someone here?"

Apparently, the nearby military district and police station have not received the news from Daxia Longque. In fact, the people of Daxia Longque did not expect Qingchan to make such a big noise before. In their speculation, Qingchan could kill Li Anping and his four people with just a wave of his hand.

As a result, with such a big commotion now, how could the nearby police and army remain indifferent?

Qingchan obviously also noticed the armed helicopter flying in the distance. But he was not afraid at all. Instead, he ran towards the direction of the helicopter with a grin.

Armed helicopters are very practical conventional weapons. As an ultra-low-altitude firepower platform, they have an irreplaceable position and role in modern warfare. Whether facing tanks, infantry, or ability users, the anti-tank navigation guns, rockets, machine guns, rockets, and bombs they carry are very useful.

What's more terrifying is their firepower. Take the armed helicopters flying towards Qingchan now as an example. They are Hellfire II armed helicopters that were put into use by the army three years ago. They have four 12.77mm machine guns with 1,500 rounds of ammunition. No matter what kind of iron sheet, ability user, or mind energy, they will be shot into slag under this firepower.

What's more, there are four pylons under the short wings of the armed helicopter, with 4 57mm rocket launchers hanging, with a total of 7 rockets. Five armed helicopters can launch a total of 380 rockets at a time.

If a person with abilities below level 5 does not have special abilities, he will surely die under this kind of firepower.

"The creature in front, surrender immediately, we have surrounded you."

Five helicopters flew in the air, probably at the position of the giant's chest, surrounding Qing Chan.

Listening to the constant voices coming from the helicopter, Qing Chan simply disdained it.

"Say it again, squat down and surrender immediately, we have surrounded you."

"A bunch of idiots!" Qing Chan roared, and stretched out his hand directly to an armed helicopter. With his speed, the other party had no way to dodge.

With a loud bang, the helicopter turned into a fireball and fell to the ground.

"Back off, everyone back off quickly."

"Fire! Free shooting!"

The sound of machine guns rang out, and four 12.7mm machine guns were fired on four armed helicopters at the same time. Any bullet hitting an ordinary person is enough to tear a person's body apart.

Now, they all turned into a net of fire and shot at Qingchan. Hundreds of bullets bombarded the giant in an instant. But this torrent of bullets that was enough to tear steel had no effect except leaving a little ripple on Qingchan's mind barrier.

"Hahahaha. Are you tickling?" Qingchan laughed wildly and waved his hand, shooting down another helicopter.

"Damn it!" The soldiers in the plane were horrified: "What kind of monster is this! Launch rockets quickly."

"Contact headquarters, we need support! We need support!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The remaining helicopters retreated and started firing rockets. Three armed helicopters formed a cross-barrage, and the rockets flew towards Qingchan one after another as if they were free.

Dozens of rockets were fired in an instant, exploding on Qingchan's body. This time, the mind alone could not defend against the rockets. The whole body of the giant was covered in sparks.


"Is he dead?"

The soldiers on the helicopter all stared at the giant with wide eyes. Suddenly, a huge hand stretched out from the smoke, grabbed a plane, and smashed it directly to the ground. Then with a bang, it turned into a burning wreckage.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The plane flew backwards amid the soldiers' roars. On the other side, after the smoke cleared, the giant looked unharmed, and there was not even a trace of dirt on his skin.

Qing Chan showed a cruel smile, took a step forward, and grabbed the two armed helicopters with both hands. In the desperate eyes of the pilot, his palms got closer and closer, and pressed down with an overwhelming momentum.

At this moment, Qing Chan's ears suddenly heard Li Anping's voice.

"Do you think I don't exist?"

With a swish! It was the sound of a high-frequency knife cutting through the air.

"Who do you think you are fighting with!"

In the blood splattering, a three-meter-long wound was cut on the back of the giant's neck, and the blood in the wound spurted out, and Li Anping's whole body was covered with blood plasma.

"Roar!" Qing Chan cried out in pain and immediately turned around, covering the wound with one hand and grabbing Li Anping behind him with the other hand. But it was difficult for him to catch the supersonic Li Anping just now. Now facing the enhanced Li Anping, how can he resist?

Looking at Qingchan who stretched out his palm, Li Anping stepped backwards, and his body was sent forward by the explosive air. Then he stepped on Qingchan's arm, and it took only 0.1 second for him to cross the arm that was tens of meters long and come to Qingchan's face.

After absorbing many people with abilities, Li Anping was strengthened again. Just his speed has reached an incredible level. Until he came to Qingchan's face, his original figure was still in the other party's vision. Qingchan's expression didn't even have time to change, and the blood behind his neck didn't even drip from mid-air to the ground.

There was silence all around, because at this speed, the sound didn't have time to spread. In this silent world, Li Anping slashed at Qingchan with a knife.

The high-frequency knife went straight from the corner of his mouth and went up diagonally, across his entire face, and finally stopped at the position of the temple. When Li Anping pulled out the high-frequency knife, Qingchan cried out and fell to the ground.

Li Anping sneered, flashed his body, and appeared behind Qingchan again. The high-frequency knife cut the giant's skin at supersonic speed, and then sent a bunch of sword energy waves into the opponent's body.

"Wow!" The giant suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.


The people who were still alive around looked at the giant lying on the ground with his hands on the ground in disbelief.

A black shadow flew around the giant, and the whistling sound made by the black shadow cutting through the air was like thunder in the sky. Then a ball of blood was seen spurting out of Qingchan's body from time to time.

The giant's skin was cut open, and the white gelatinous substance under the skin that seemed to have no meaning was blown out by the sword energy waves. Because Li Anping's speed was too fast, from a distance, Qingchan looked like he was cut by countless sharp blades from all directions at the same time. It gave people a feeling of slow slicing.

"How is it possible?" The capable person didn't believe it: "A level 5 capable person was defeated!"

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's hard to believe who this person is!" Some people began to be shocked by Li Anping's strength: "The combat power is comparable to that of a level 5 capable person. When did Daxia Longque have someone else besides Feijiang, Zhurong, Longxiang (Xia Liekong), and Song Bang!"

"What weapon did he use to cut the giant's skin? The army's rockets just now didn't work!"

"At this speed, he always maintains supersonic speed! How could his physical strength do it for so long! What exactly is his ability!"

"It is absolutely impossible to do it with just the physical body, otherwise he would be an alien. It must be caused by his ability. He must also be a level 5 capable person. Only a level 5 capable person can defeat a level 5 capable person."

On the other side, the armed helicopter that was evacuating also stopped. Looking at the giant being cut piece by piece, the soldiers on the plane looked at each other.

Both sides in the battle are monsters beyond human imagination. Although they are reluctant to admit it, they really have no influence on this battle.

"Let's call for support."

"Report the situation."


Finally, the blood-stained giant screamed and fell to the ground completely. Amid the loud rumbling sound, the people around felt the ground shaking, and the giant never got up again.

The high-frequency knife was inserted into the back of the giant's head. Not only that, but Li Anping's entire hand holding the high-frequency knife was also inserted into the opponent's head, all the way to the shoulder.

Seeing the giant lying on the ground motionless, Li Anping suddenly pulled out his arm and high-frequency knife, and blood plasma sprayed out along the wound, drenching Li Anping again. He had run out of his mind energy, so he could only let the blood plasma cover his body.

Looking at the wound under his feet, Li Anping raised the high-frequency knife and cut the skull open with two swipes.

In the red blood, everything else had been ground into powder by Li Anping, and only the head of a beautiful boy was lying in it. There was a huge wound on the head, almost cutting his entire head in half.

"The key point is in the head. So I subconsciously resist the attack towards the head." Li Anping muttered to himself while looking at Qingchan's head. At the same time, a huge force rose from his feet and rushed towards his body.

"How much stronger will I become after absorbing this level 5 ability user?"


When everyone nearby witnessed the giant fall, pieces of information were transmitted in all directions through various means.

Of course, most of them were transmitted to Tianjing.

More than half an hour later, all the information about this battle was placed in front of Song Bang's desk.

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