Man at the top of the food chain

Volume 4: Boiling Chapter 29: Vulnerable (4)

Under Li Anping's punch, the invisible barrier composed of countless mental energy was directly dented by this punch.

Then he threw a second punch. Everyone felt as if the whole hall was shaken.

Then the third punch, the fourth punch...

Until then, countless rumbling sounds reached the ears of Du Jiao and others.

Li Anping's fists seemed to turn into a violent storm. At this moment, no one knew how many punches he threw, but the whole hall and the ground seemed to be shaking as if there was an earthquake. The air seemed to be thundering non-stop, and it was like thousands of bombs exploding at the same time, with countless rumbling sounds.

Then, in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, there seemed to be a click, and the invisible barrier in front of Qing Chan, the layers of mental energy...


Then Li Anping smashed Qingchan's head with a palm, and with a loud bang, the entire throne exploded into countless fragments under this terrible force, and then the marble floor was completely broken, and the ground around the throne for more than ten meters all sank downwards, turning into a big pit, and Qingchan was hit under the ground.

But even so, Li Anping did not give up. Because the opponent was a level five ability user, it was impossible for him to die so easily. Moreover, because he did not feel that he had absorbed the opponent's soul at all.

So he stood there, raised his fist above his head, and then everyone present could see that Li Anping's mind energy was rapidly concentrated towards his raised right fist.

The water user's hand condensed a high-speed water knife, but his feet seemed to be filled with a thousand pounds of weight, and he could not lift it up.

'This monster... I am not his opponent... I can't even see his movements clearly...' The water user tried his best to rush up to stop Li Anping, but the other party's demon-like figure pressed on her chest like a mountain, making her breathless.

‘Just one punch… if he hits me with one punch… I’m dead! ! ’ From beginning to end, the water user did not take that step.

And the poisonous dragon and Leng Hong stared at Li Anping, who was gathering his energy, with their mouths wide open. The earth-shaking attack just now was still lingering in their minds.

The poisonous dragon thought in his heart: ‘This Li Anping, his strength and speed are completely inhuman. If he really fights me, I’m afraid my result will not be much better than Shen Dong. Just three punches… no… just one punch, I will be beaten into a ball of meat paste.

However, the fifth-level ability user is not so easy to deal with. Although Li Anping is terribly strong, Qing Chan has reached the fifth energy level and has already possessed god-like power. ’

Leng Hong was also shocked by the power displayed by Li Anping. That pure, ** physical strength has far subverted common sense. She looked at Li Anping, who was gathering his energy, stupidly, and for the first time doubted whether the other party could really defeat the fifth-level ability user.

‘Impossible, what a joke? The first energy level beats the fifth energy level? Or a barbarian who relies entirely on physical strength? ' Leng Hong kept convincing herself in her mind. Looking at Li Anping's serious face, she suddenly remembered what Li Anping said before.

'He is not naive, nor is he joking. What he said just now is true. Li Anping... he really intends to kill Qingchan... kill a level 5 ability user. '

Li Anping, who raised his right fist, had already concentrated all his mental energy on his right fist. There seemed to be an invisible airflow rotating on the surface of the fist. From the perspective of the ability user, it can be seen that Li Anping's right fist was burning like a small sun under the infusion of mental energy from all over his body without reservation and without a drop left.

This was a punch without reservation, abandoning all defenses and trying his best.

Carrying infinite power and strength, Li Anping punched at Qingchan's position.


Amidst the earth-shattering crash, as if a missile had exploded, the area ten meters around Li Anping sank again, and at the same time the entire palace trembled, and then in the midst of flying sand and rocks, the air wave brought large pieces of smoke and dust to the outside of the palace.

Then countless cracks appeared on the walls and roofs of the entire palace and began to spread. After a few loud bangs, several walls and pillars began to break and collapse.

Then with a loud bang, the entire palace collapsed, and pieces of ceilings and walls fell down. More smoke and dust were raised.

The huge crash attracted all the people in the True God Church headquarters. The first person to arrive looked at the palace that collapsed into ruins in a panic. With his mouth wide open and his eyes wide open, he didn't know what to say.

In the smoke and dust, a figure suddenly walked out.

"Who is it!"

"Stop, don't get closer!"

Amidst the warning, the dusty water messenger walked out, her clothes and head were all covered with dust, and she looked like she had just escaped from a refugee camp.

Several warriors of the Holy Alliance saw the water envoy's appearance and immediately went to meet him.

"My lord, are you okay?"

"Is the leader also in there?"

The water envoy seemed to be choked by the smoke and dust, and kept coughing, then waved to his subordinates and looked at the ruins covered by smoke and dust. There were two more people running away. They were Du Jiao and Leng Hong.

The water envoy asked his subordinates to take care of the two people, and then looked at the collapsed ruins again. She believed that whether it was Li Anping or Qing Chan, it would be impossible for them to die in such a building collapse, and the battle would continue.

The reality was exactly the same as she imagined.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, slowly revealing the appearance of the palace. The original palace had long disappeared, and the center had become a place like a meteorite crater. Within a range of more than ten meters, there was nothing but the sunken land. All the fragments of pillars, cement, marble, etc. were swept out by the power just now, like a circle surrounding the "meteorite crater".

And Li Anping stood in the middle of the meteorite crater. Look forward.

Where he looked, in the center of the meteorite crater that was punched out by his punch, there was a small black hole. Li Anping's punch just now was to knock Qingchan into the ground. And now Qingchan should be in this small hole.

Li Anping exhaled a breath of white air. The punch just now had consumed all his mental energy, and he could not throw the same punch in a short time. But whether listening to the heartbeat in his ears, the sound of the other party's breathing, or the perception of mental energy, and the feeling of the punch just now, all told Li Anping the same thing.

‘Not dead yet…’ Li Anping reached out and untied the sword case behind him: ‘Looks like I have to use this.’

On the other side, Qing Chan’s loud laughter came from the cave entrance.

“Great, since I killed my adoptive father and became a level 5 ability user, you are the first person who has pushed me to this point.” Qing Chan took a deep breath and remembered that he had become a level 5 ability user.

On that day, the previous leader discovered his crime and led a group of masters of the God Cult at that time to execute Qing Chan. Although none of them could defeat Qing Chan alone, if they united, even Qing Chan at that time could only temporarily avoid the edge.

The two parties, one chasing and the other fleeing, left the True God Cult’s sphere of influence in a blink of an eye. They fought in the wilderness and fought in the woods. As the people chasing Qing Chan died one by one, Qing Chan became more and more powerful.

Until Qing Chan killed his adoptive father with his own hands, he finally reached the fifth energy level. Then he returned to the God Cult and suppressed all the voices of opposition with the absolute power of a level 5 ability user.

A few years later, he continued to hone his strength and began to do what all level 5 ability users would do, transforming his body through his ability and making himself truly move in the direction of surpassing human limits. Just like Xia Liekong's eight clones, his body gradually broke away from the limitations of the human body.

Since then, Qing Chan has never used any means other than mind energy to fight, because there is no need. His vast amount of mind energy alone is enough to crush all opponents below level 5.

Until today, he met Li Anping.

"Hehehehe." Qing Chan's laughter was very low. In short, it was the sound of a murderer and **.

"I'm going to peel off your skin bit by bit, and then smash your bones one by one. For a strong man like you, I won't let you die too easily."

At this time, Li Anping had already held the high-frequency knife in his hand. Just when he was thinking about whether to test it first, a loud noise suddenly came from the ground under his feet.

Then a giant arm that was at least four or five meters thick and dozens of meters long stretched out, grabbing towards Li Anping like a giant's hand.

The hurricane that was coming in the face made the people watching the battle around feel a suffocating illusion.

Li Anping's face changed and he dodged backwards. The giant hand slapped the ground directly, leaving a palm print about one meter deep in the trembling earth. Then the giant palm pushed hard, and an equally huge head emerged from the ground.

The head had no eyes or nose, and looked like a white faceless man with only a mouth.

Then, in Li Anping's surprised eyes, a giant over a hundred meters tall crawled out from the ground. The giant was snow-white all over, and looked like a white steel giant. There was no sexual feature at all from head to toe.

Every step of the giant would cause the entire earth to shake, and every subtle movement would bring about a howling wind. The believers around had already fled, even the poisonous dragon, cold rainbow, water envoy and others had all retreated a hundred meters away.

Then, the giant roared to the sky, and earth-shaking sound waves came out of the giant's mouth. All the trees around were blown crooked, and the glass within a radius of hundreds of meters was directly shattered.

This is Qing Chan's ability - giantization. It is also the first time he has exerted his ability to the fullest since he became a level 5 ability user. He completely released his transformed true body.

After becoming a true body, Qing Chan has a terrible improvement in strength, speed, and endurance. He can destroy the streets with a wave of his hand, and can create a small earthquake with a strong step. He can lift up the vehicle by blowing out of his mouth.

Facing this terrible body, everyone's heart was born with instinctive fear from the heart. Amid screams, all kinds of believers and warriors fled in panic. They were afraid that the giant would stomp them to death.

They didn't even know that this giant was transformed by their leader.

Only a few ability users could stay away and observe the giant calmly.

Among them were the Water Envoy, the Poison Dragon, and Leng Hong. No matter which one of them, they all showed fear when they saw the towering body that was over a hundred meters tall. That was the instinctive fear of animals when they saw a creature that was dozens of times larger than themselves. It was the pressure brought by the sheer size.

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