Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3462: Princess Maid 100

The concubine sister concubine all looked at Song Jinling with that kind of envy.

Hey, Song Jinling is the one who has said it well. She is now living this life, and several people can compare her.

"The bracelet that my sister is wearing is really beautiful!"

The younger sister looked at her, her skin was as shiny as snow, and the chain was worn on her hand, not to mention how beautiful it was.

"Originally, there were a few to give away, since my sister likes it, let's get one!"

Song Jinling asked Xiangguo to open the box on the side wall, and then took out an exquisite carved box.

When the box opened, there were several convergents inside, shining with a halo.

"Is this really for us?"

"This is too expensive!"

Both of them are a little embarrassed.

"It's okay."

Song Jinling let the two of them take it together, the two took it, and the three of them sat and talked about a lot of things together.

In short, when I got out of the car, my body was warm and uncomfortable.

After the three got out of the car, they waited again, and the three of them waited for the sister again.

Compared to the dryness and warmth of the three of them, although she was wearing a big cloak, her face was cold and blue.

When a few people arrived inside, they just sat down and the dishes were served, and they were basically what Song Jinling liked to eat.

The sisters basically knew it. After this was gone, Lu Zhiting took Song Jinling to drive.

The rest of the people also went back one after another.

The fifth-grade Beijing official, sitting on the carriage, instructed, "You have to walk with your sister a lot in the future to get a good relationship."


At this moment, this concubine girl did not dare to say anything again.

Time flies and flies quickly.

Song Jinling and Lu Zhiting have two sons and a daughter.

The eldest son Congwen, Sanyuan and the first, and finally the first-level elder, grandmother, mother, wife, all have their fate.

Zhang's whole life can also be called a wife, so naturally it is cheerful.

As for Song Jinling, she didn't actually get too excited. All these things were caused by Lu Zhiting's death in front of the child.

She could hear the calluses, but she was able to get what she wanted.

Whenever people in the capital mentioned Song Jinling, which one is not very envious, she is a woman held by her husband in the palm of her hand.

Anything can be repeated before it becomes a foregone conclusion.


When Ji Qingming returned to the top, he suddenly discovered that the top suddenly turned into a starry sky belt.

The starry sky bands of blue, jet black, purple, and yellow are rendered layer by layer.

Wearing a white hooded robe, Ji Zeya stood in front of the mysterious starry sky, making him even more not a figure in the mundane world.

"Next task?"

Ji Zeya's voice seemed to be forbearing.

"what happened to you?"

Ji Qingming couldn't help asking aloud.

"It's okay for me, you continue the task first."

Ji Zeya seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, stretched out her hand, a whirlpool with black petals swept Ji Qingming, and then Ji Qingming smelled a burst of strange fragrance, and then was caught by the bursts of fragrant smell. The scent of the scent, giving a dazed head.

When she woke up leisurely, she felt a pain all over her body, the pain was almost numb, and her mouth seemed to be wooden, and she wriggled slightly, and she wanted to tear it apart.

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