Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3382: Princess Maid 20

Lu Qingming was puzzled, and after waiting for a long time, he found that he couldn't get out of his body at all.

Huang Yuehua pestered her to death, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional.

Lu Qingming whispered to Humber to give the things to Feng Xuanyi.

Amber nodded and agreed.

Holding the box, I felt pain in my stomach before taking two steps.

Let hold his stomach, keep screaming.

"Amber, what's the matter with you!?"

Huayan came over and looked at Amber.

"My stomach hurts a bit, I'm going to the official office, you go and give this thing to my uncle!!"

Amber clutched her belly, she couldn't bear it, but my uncle was waiting there.

Originally, the lady was over there with Zhou Xuan, and she had already wasted a lot of time.

Now I am like this, what if my uncle gets angry.


Huayan knew that her method was effective, and she was very happy at the moment.

There was a burst of excitement in my heart.

"Take it, uncle is in the front yard!"

Amber handed the things to Huayan, covered her belly and left. If she didn't go to the official office, she would be embarrassed.

Huayan took the box and opened it. There was a jade card inside. She knew it was the jade card that Feng Xuanyi hung on her waist.

In her hand, she rubbed the jade plaque lightly, but after her fingers touched it and touched the ropes, she moved slightly.

This should be done by Lu Qingming, her fingers tightened slightly, she knew her current identity, and it would be wrong to do anything.

Can only endure.

Sooner or later, he will be his own man.

Huayan closed the box and didn't look at this jade medal.

She walked into the front yard and saw a man standing under a tree.

Looking at that stalwart figure, she was slightly lost.

After a long time, she walked in front of him.

He seemed to hear those sounds behind him, and he turned around.


Seeing him turning around, it turned out not to be Feng Xuanyi.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

The two asked in unison.

After asking this sentence, Hua Yan realized that the person standing in front of him was either rich or noble. Looking at the temperament on him, he could already see it.

"The slave servant is just a little maid, who disturbs the nobles, so I will leave!"

Huayan finished speaking, and left in a hurry.

King Annan looked at the figure of Huayan running away in a hurry, with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the wise eyes she had just now, King Annan felt his heart moved in an instant.

"Come on!!"

He shouted.

At this time, I don't know where to jump from a dark guard.

"Go and check, whose maid is that!?"


The dark guard heard it and flew away quickly.

King Nan'an continued to shake his fan and walked forward.

"Why is the prince here again?"

Feng Xuanyi hurried over.

He looked away, and saw that there were no familiar people around him, and he was relieved.

"Are you here to find this king?"

King Nan'an asked aloud.

"Yes... Lord, please."

Feng Xuanyi knew that this prince was born with Feng-liu, and it was hard for Qingming to come here, otherwise...

Wang Nan'an smiled slightly, and as soon as he closed the fan, he followed him to the front.

The two walked in tandem.

When Huayan walked to the water pavilion, Amber was already standing there.

As soon as she saw Huayan coming over, Amber quickly walked over.

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