Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3178: Refuge in Yuqing Qing Dynasty 30

At first, it was all that kind of pitch black, a lot of bones.

But with his hand, pointing and pointing.

The massive devastation in front of us has undergone a strong transformation.

These places in front of me are very different.

These places have all changed, a large swath of other shore flowers.

The fiery red flowers are burning this vast land like a raging fire.

Although the color of the sky is also dull, it will not have the pressure before, and the thin smoke in the air has disappeared without a trace.

"Is it beautiful here?"

Mou Chen asked again.


The corner of Yu Qingming's mouth evoked a smile.

"Then do you like to be here?"

Mou Chen asked again, there was some tension in his tone, and some expectations.

"Like it first!"

Yu Qingming looked at him and smiled, and Mou Chen also smiled and looked at her.

The two looked at each other, with a touch of affection flowing beside them.

Yu Qingming seemed to have seen Mou Chen who was young at that time.

At that time, his nice voice seemed to keep circling in his ears.

"One refuge to feel, not to feel lost, but to take refuge in righteousness, righteous but not evil. Three refuge to be pure, clean but not stained...Four refuge to Qingmian, the place of love!"

"Ding Dong! The mission is complete, Li Daitao is stiff, use OR and don't use it."


After Ji Qingming chose to use it, she left Yu Qingming's body and returned to Ji Zeya again.

"Your complexion seems to be bad, take a break!"

Ji Zeya didn't wait for Ji Qingming to refuse, she directly hit her body with a halo, and soon, her body was covered by this halo.

Ji Qingming felt very comfortable in an instant, and his whole body was being nourished.

The soul travels constantly, already exhausted.

After a few hours, the halo on her body disappeared again.

"You can continue to the next plot!"

Ji Zeya said quietly.


Ji Qingming nodded slightly, and once again felt the light curtain on her body, which was so bright that she couldn't open her eyes.

By the next second, she would have disappeared here.

When Ji Qingming opened his eyes, he was already sitting in front of a fountain.

The fountain behind her, the water flow was very strong, and her entire back was wet.

Ji Qingming stood up and looked around. This was a private courtyard.

Looking at this kind of fountain, grass, swimming pool, it looks like a very rich family.

Find a place to absorb the plot first! !

Ji Qingming looked around, and finally ran into the rose bush on one side and squatted down.

His body was well covered by flowers.

Hidden here, I will not be found, and I can smell the light floral fragrance.

It's just that it's a bit bad, and the back is wet, sticking to the body, and it's a little uncomfortable.

Ji Qingming sat on the soft-soft grass, with his back leaning against a flower stand, and there were very good flowering branches in front of him.

She closed her eyes and absorbed the plot.

The name of the original owner, called Si Xueyi, was in a family of ghost hunters.

This family has a long history, it can be said that it has been around for thousands of years.

They know spells, draw symbols to catch ghosts, and look at Feng Shui.

Anyone who has been urged by their family can achieve their long-cherished wish.

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