Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3010: I accidentally met you 25

"You ask me what's okay? You are really a self-entangled person, what do I do... Haha, I am in good condition! Didn't you say it all by yourself?"

Huang Qingming sneered a few times, then turned and walked towards his car.

Opened the door and got inside the car, watching Zhang Jianning still standing on that step.

She deliberately drove the car in front of Zhang Jianning and rolled down the window.

"Need me to take you to the bus stop?"


Zhang Jianning's expression was ferocious. After saying these words, he walked towards the intersection on one side.

When Huang Qingming saw him walking there, he raised his eyebrows slightly, stepped on the gas pedal, and passed him past his side.


After walking a long way, she laughed again.

It's really comfortable. After waiting for two years, I'm just waiting for today.

Just relying on a three-inch tongue, he stepped on Zhang Jianning under the low ground.

But there are people like this in the world, but they are actually useless, and they feel like they are very powerful.

After solving Zhang Jianning, now you can really find a boyfriend.

Speaking of it, it is very tired.

Traditionally, when doing plots, there are men around them. When you want to fall in love, you fall in love, and you don't think it's okay at all. Everything is just going with the flow.

But! now!

Already nearly 30 years old... There is no good man to appear...

At this time, Huang Qingming also felt that the original owner was really missing from the relationship between men.

When she went to work the next day, she suddenly saw Qian Xiaole. Looking at her smile, she was still interested in the demonstration, which seemed very remarkable.

Huang Qingming was baffled for a while.

She turned on the computer and started to do things. After a while, she received a message from Gao Yue, asking her to eat together in the evening.

Huang Qingming replied with an OK.

The two are very good friends in private, but they don't meet very often in the company, although the gossip is always circulating in the company.

But there is no evidence, these news, in the end, I didn't say anything.

When Huang Qingming got off work, he drove the car and went directly to Gao Yue to make an appointment with the shop.

As soon as she entered, she was attracted by a man at the window.

The man, sitting there, leaning against the glass window.

The setting sun outside the window shone on him, and his bronze skin, under the sun, made him even more like a statue.

I first saw the figure, but when she saw the shaggy face when she walked two steps forward, she was a little broken.

That face is also bronze, and then only a pair of deep eyes, a tall nose, and... a beard can be seen.

Huang Qingming swallowed, it was really scary.

She went to the other side and sat down, waiting for Gao Yue.

After waiting for twenty minutes, she didn't see Gao Yue coming over, and she felt very strange.

Hurriedly dialed a phone number from Gao Yue,

"Hey... Qingming, I can't come for the time being. I also asked my brother to go today. The seat is set at table 32. If you go and sit down, I will be here soon!"

Before she could speak, Gao Yue began to speak on the other end.

"Hey Hey hey--"

Before Gao Qingying said anything, the phone was hung up.

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