Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2973: Day 72

It really shouldn't be.


Nie Qingming shook his head, and the look in Shi Qi's eyes became softer and softer.

"When I was young, I liked Qingming, and when I saw Qingming for the first time, I also liked it very much. Our two families decided what to do and then held an engagement ceremony."

Shi Guangshen discussed with them.

"That's good!"

Nie Yonggen nodded, this is the best.

If they were engaged, those rumors would be self-defeating.

Nie Qingming watched them talk very much, as if they had nothing to do with him.

"Qing Ming is here!"

Shi Qi took Nie Qingming into her room.


Nie Qingming watched.

"marry me!"

Shi Chen knelt down on one knee, Shi Chen took a box from his trouser pocket. The box was opened by him, and inside was a flashing ring.

This sudden incident disrupted all the things he had planned before, and it was really **** it.

Originally, he planned an extraordinary proposal, but now he can only be so crappy.

"No flowers?"

Nie Qingming asked aloud.

"First put the ring on!"

Shi Cheng raised the ring in his hand again.

Nie Qingming couldn't, so he had to raise his hand in the past.

Shi Qi stood up, put the ring on her finger, and his lips twitched slightly.

"It's here!"

While talking, she took out a box from one of the pockets.

There was a pink pendant inside, which was in the shape of a love heart, surrounded by some small diamonds, and on the ground in the center was a big pink diamond.

It is strange that the one in the center is not loving, but in the shape of petals.

"This is the flower!"

Nie Qingming pouted and pouted, as if he was a little reluctant.

"Do you not like it?"

When asked.

"Like it!"

Nie Qingming shook his head, not a fool, how could he not like it.

Of course, she doesn't like flowers very much either.

"Then marry me!!"

Shi Qi hugged her again and pressed a kiss on her lips.

"Finally I can kiss you honestly!"

After Shi Chen finished speaking, he kissed Nie Qingming's lips again.

"What do you mean by this!?"

Nie Qingming glared at her.

Shi Chen did not speak, but kissed her on the lips.

Nie Qingming smiled slightly.

The two of them were already kissing when they were playing bamboo horses and teasing Qingmei. After all, they were the protagonists, and it was impossible not to kiss.

At that time, the two kissed for the first time;

Whether it's the first kiss on the screen or the kiss itself, it's the first time.

"I found out that Yao Yao did this thing about you, should I..."

Shi Shi asked aloud.

The look in his eyes is slightly dark, hurting Qingming people, he will not let it go.

"No, she is not the culprit, I want to watch them biting the dog, wait a minute! It's not too long!"

Nie Qingming shook his head slowly.

I don't have any weaknesses, except for this matter, let them take advantage of it.

No more after that!

Even if they maliciously hacked themselves, they sometimes give it to him, and he will help himself.

These people are really nothing to say.

"Listen to you!"

Shi Ying nodded.

"Come out to eat!"

Tian Li knocked on the door and said outside the door.

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