Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2957: Day 56

She knew this man, called Gao Hao, who was the protagonist of that different beautiful man.

In the photo, Gao Hao smiled, and Nie Qingming stood beside him with a very shy smile.

Could it be... Nie Qingming, a little bitch, likes Gao Hao!

I definitely like it, otherwise I wouldn't take this photo with me.

Ha ha ha...

This **** **** came here to taunt her.

Do you really think that you are amazing after making two TV series?

I must go up, turn over, and then make her unlucky.

"Nie Qingming, do you like Gao Hao? I'll grab it!"

In Zhang Qianxue's tone, there was a sense of inevitability.

Her hand tightened suddenly, and this photo was immediately thrown into a ball.

Then, Zhang Qianxue unfolded the photo again, looked at the Nie Qingming inside, and found that her smile was really dazzling.

At the moment she tore the photo to pieces.

Nie Qingming was very happy, even if Zhang Qianxue didn't notice the photo, she would still see it when someone came to clean it.

Her brain is infinite, and she will definitely think of many things.

Fortunately, when filming, she was Gao Hao's fiancée, and there were still one or two stills.

Hahahaha...otherwise it is really not good to deceive.

Of course, if Zhang Qianxue was not deceived, then forget it and wait until later.

Anyway, Zhang Qianxue's personality that explodes at a single point is still very easy to handle.

Especially after knowing her weakness.

Nie Qingming just walked out of the inpatient department and saw a familiar person in front of him.

"Sister Zhang!"

As soon as Nie Qingming saw Zhang Wanlin, his face was full of smiles.

"Qing Ming, it's really been a long time since I saw you. I heard that there is a new drama coming."

Zhang Wanlin looked at her and was also very happy. This child, from the first time she saw her, was very prestigious.

"Sister, is this going to see the patient?"

Nie Qingming looked into her hand, holding a bunch of lilies.

"Yeah! I'll come as soon as I go. If you are not free, Qingming, let's have a cup of coffee later!"

Zhang Wanlin invited her.

"Okay, there is a cafe outside this, I'll go and wait for you first!"

Nie Qingming nodded.


Zhang Wanlin responded and went to see the patient first.

Nie Qingming also went to the coffee shop. She ordered a cappuccino by herself and a mocha for Zhang Wanlin.

I worked in a crew before, so I also know Zhang Wanlin's preferences.

Before the coffee was served, Zhang Wanlin came to Nie Qingming again.

"Qing Ming!"

Zhang Wanlin sat down opposite her, she was still as enchanting as ever, but she still had some femininity in her body.

"I remember when you were on the crew, you liked a mocha, I ordered it for you!"

Nie Qingming put his hands on both sides of his body, watching Zhang Wanlin talking with a smile.


Zhang Wanlin smiled and nodded.

As the two talked, coffee was brought up.

"I watched the trailer for your green plum, and it seems that when this is released, you will be on fire again."

Zhang Wanlin took a sip of coffee and looked at Nie Qingming with a smile.

His eyes were full of approval.

"Then thank you sister for your good words first."

Nie Qingming smiled again, put two packets of sugar and two boxes of milk in the coffee one after another, and then stopped.

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