Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2955: Day 54

He just chopped it, made it into minced meat, and then fried it into hamburger meat.

It's also a local tyrant.

"Then do you think this burger is not good?"

When asked.

"It's delicious, but this beef is too luxurious!"

Nie Qingming quickly ate this piece of meatloaf, and all the vegetables and fruits beside him were also eaten.

"As long as you like to eat, the value of this beef is here."

Shizheng looked at her and said lightly.


Nie Qingming was drinking fruit juice, and now she was shocked to hear what she said suddenly.

"What do you mean!"

She asked.

Anyway, she knew that Shi Da must be interesting to her.

Otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

"You know."

Shi Cheng glanced at it with a smile, and then took away the things on the table.

Nie Qingming was holding the cup, looking dumbly at Shi Qi's back.

For a long time, I don't know what to say.

This guy is really...

"There is a play, can't you pick it up!"

Shi Cheng sat beside her and asked him aloud.

"What drama?"

Nie Qingming asked suspiciously.

"Xianxia drama is called the Gate of Longevity."

Shi Zhi picked up the phone she put aside, turned off the music, opened another email, and handed it to Shi Zhi.


"Dare to ask...Is it you who grew up with your childhood sweetheart?"

Nie Qingming glanced roughly, then asked him again.


When he nodded slightly, "We are the best CP."

Nie Qingming's eyes flickered, just staring like that.

Shi Qi's mouth was filled with a smile.

"I don't think I need an agent anymore!"

When Nie Qingming said these words, he suddenly remembered as if Zhang Wanlin had never looked for her.

In the original plot, Zhang Wanlin went to Nie Qingming to be her agent, but at that time Nie Qingming was overwhelmed by lard.

In order to help Zhang Qianxue, Zhang Qianxue was specially made his agent.

but! !

Why, Zhang Wanlin never came to find herself.

It's really weird!

"Of course you don't need a broker, and you save money from others."

When I heard that, Nie Qingming felt that it was not unreasonable.

"But what should I do if I get into trouble?"

Nie Qingming asked, the entertainment group is a big dyeing vat, nothing will happen.

What if someone comes to hack her out of nowhere!

"With me!"

Shi Ji stretched out her hand and patted the back of her hand lightly.

Nie Qingming looked at his fingers and also pursed his lips.

"We were picking up this play when it was broadcast on Qingmei, and the pay will be doubled by then."

Shi Qi put away the phone.

"Then I'll listen to you!"

Nie Qingming had no opinion.

The more red she herself, the better.

If you make a lot of money, you can quickly buy a big house for your parents to live in. They don't have to work so hard anymore.

Own position is high, like Gao Hao and Zhang Qianxue can be pinched in the palm of their hands.

But... Seeing, Yao Yao seems to have a relationship with Gao Hao now.

However, people like Gao Hao didn't say that they were just secretly dating the two.

Before, it seemed to be in a gossip magazine that I saw their scandal news.

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