Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2943: Day 42

Men, just like her like this.


Nie Qingming took her hand, and the two of them walked in another direction. In the eyes of those walking along the road, the two of them were very good sisters.

The expression on Zhang Qianxue's face was full of contentment.

Followed Nie Qingming to a dessert shop.

"I want this, this and this..."

Zhang Qianxue kept lighting things, as if he was about to eat all the things he hadn't eaten these days.

"Don't you feel tired of eating so much?"

Nie Qingming asked her aloud.

The main foods are very sweet and greasy. I'm afraid that if she eats it, she will vomit messy when she waits to beat her.

"What's wrong! Are you afraid that I will eat your food?"

Zhang Qianxue stared at her and yelled at her.

"No! You can eat if you want!"

Nie Qingming shrugged indifferently, but just ate something.

She still doesn't care about these.


Zhang Qianxue snorted coldly and lay down on the sofa again.

She squinted at Nie Qingming, her tone full of mockery.

Haha, isn't this Nie Qingming very hungry before?

Now she was holding the handle by herself, she was so cowering now.

Soon the food came up, all piled up in front of Zhang Qianxue.

She glanced at Nie Qingming, Nie Qingming didn't mean to eat, and she didn't call Nie Qingming to eat, so she started eating by herself.

Nie Qingming held the lemonade on the table and watched Zhang Qianxue devour it.

When Zhang Qianxue couldn't eat, she called the waiter to pack again.

"Are there any scenes you want to film lately?"

She asked.


Nie Qingming nodded slightly.

"Give me a role in it, preferably a role similar to the heroine."

Zhang Qianxue started to speak out again.


Nie Qingming did not speak, but silently looked at Zhang Qianxue.

What is this person's mind thinking?

She is just an actor herself, and if she wants her to play a role, she is really worthy of her.

It's about the same as the hostess. I really want to see what's inside her head.

This person is really the best.

Nie Qingming thought it was weird.

"What! Don't you agree?"

Seeing that she stopped speaking, Zhang Qianxue stared at her again, and her tone became more and more arrogant.


Nie Qingming nodded slightly, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the waiter on one side took the packaged things.

"I have something, I'm leaving now!"

Nie Qingming looked at the phone and walked out immediately.


Zhang Qianxue looked at her and left without saying a word, and immediately chased up.

Looking at the back of Nie Qingming from a distance, she seemed a little anxious, while looking at the phone, she ran towards a small alley.

Such Nie Qingming made Zhang Qianxue feel very weird.

She followed, and in case Nie Qingming's handle was found again, it would be even better.

Followed Nie Qingming into the small alley, and after walking for nearly seven or eighty meters, he couldn't even see Nie Qingming.

"It's weird, what about people...ah..."

Just when Zhang Qianxue felt so strange that people disappeared, he was already allowed to leave. At this time, someone put a basket on his head.

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