Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2923: Day 21

Nie Yonggen was very excited when she just said she was going back. Nie Qingming received a call from Nie Yonggen as soon as she packed up her things.

He was already waiting outside.

Nie Qingming entered the elevator with a smile on his face.


Before the door was closed, Shi Chen ran over.

"Are you going back too?"

Shi Qi smiled at Nie Qingming, showing his white teeth.


Nie Qingming nodded, although they have been cooperating with Shichen for a long time, the two of them are not very familiar yet.

It's not that Nie Qingming is very uncomfortable, but that he is already very busy now. After all, he will be very rushed to finish a drama within two months.

The two greeted each other and stopped talking.

The elevator quickly reached the first floor. Nie Qingming was afraid that his father would not be able to park outside, so he greeted him and rushed out.

Shi Chen also walked out slowly, and when he reached the door, he saw Nie Qingming getting into a rental car with a smile.

Then he smiled very happily with the driver, and the car drove away.


A man dressed as a housekeeper also walked up to Shi Qi.

"Let's go!"

The look on Shi Qi's face also became indifferent, nodding slightly, and walking towards the parked car on one side.

"You-mother heard that you came back today, so she ended up and went back early, and made good food for you."

Nie Yonggen looked at his daughter. After so long, she looked good.

Seeing her expression again, it was also very stable, which showed that she was not angry.

Now feel relieved.

When he came to pick up people, Tian Li had been telling her to pay attention to everything.

Look carefully at Nie Qingming, is there something unhappy about him?

The two chatted casually, and soon got home.

As soon as the door opened, I could smell the fragrance inside.

"Qing Ming, you're back!"

Tian Li heard the sound of opening the door and walked out of the kitchen.

"Mom, what did you do, it's so fragrant!"

Nie Qingming walked towards her and was dragged into the kitchen by Tian Li again.

"I made you abalone with oil and fried cowboy bones..."

Tian Li said a lot of dishes at once.

"You cook so many dishes, we are only three of us, why did you eat it!"

Nie Qingming looked at the table and put a cold dish on it, just like a banquet for guests at home.

"When I went shopping for vegetables, Fang Lan said that he would come to our house to celebrate with you, but I couldn't refuse."

Tian Li continued to cook and answered.


Nie Qingming is also used to it. The family next door will usually come to eat Bawang’s meal.

The original owner actually didn't care, because she was lonely and more affectionate. After all, she was a friend who grew up together.

There are a few people who can have friends who grew up together.

Nie Qingming cared very much, but for Zhang Qianxue, it was just an extra tool.

At six o'clock, the food is ready.

Fang Lan and his family haven't come yet.

Nie Yonggen's face changed, "Qingming hasn't come back for dinner for many days. Our family eats by ourselves, they have to come, and they haven't come yet!"

"I'll make a call!"

Tian Li is not happy anymore, buying things at this step, and don't come to help with cooking, the rice is ready, and he still won't come to eat.

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