Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2918: Day 16

"Well, I'll have someone come and get it for me at night!"

Yao Yao waved her hand and agreed.

"Then I won't be here anymore and disturb Miss Yao's meal!"

Seeing that everything was done, the assistant director nodded again and went out.

As soon as the assistant director went out, another charming girl walked in.

Nie Qingming saw the girl and also noticed it.

In the original plot, that girl was the heroine, and she was chosen by the screenwriter. Because Yao Yao was airborne, she was naturally brushed down because she had no background status.

This girl is called Gu Lin. She has been playing tricks at the age of fifteen. Now she is 21 years old. She is still playing tricks. She thought she could make this TV show and became famous in one fell swoop, but who knew she was still suppressed.

In the end, she is acting as Yao Yao's stand-in in this play, and she is still the kind of dragon-like existence.

If it is an ordinary person, it must be unwilling.

After all, from the position of the heroine, she fell directly to the stand-in, this kind of gap is really too big.

Normal people must be unwilling.

This Gu Lin still agreed, and there are many people who feel sorry for her.

But in Nie Qingming's opinion, this person must be very difficult.

However, these have nothing to do with her.

Soon, she was ready to eat.

"I'm dressed, I'm leaving now!"

She glanced very politely, while sitting beside her.

"I'm done too, let's get together!"

Shi Chen also put down the knife and fork in his hand, took a paper towel, and wiped his mouth.


Nie Qingming stood up, Shi Qi walked beside her.

The two walked outside.

There are not many people dining in this restaurant.

Shichen is a very dazzling one, and naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Standing beside him, Nie Qingming naturally received the attention of many people.

These eyes were very dazzling, which made Nie Qingming very uncomfortable.

She knew that these were the pots of people around her.

"Would you like to take a walk outside!?"

Shi Shi asked aloud.

"No more, I want to go back to my room and look at the script!:

Nie Qingming refused, and went to the elevator himself.

Shi Zhi looked at the elevator door and closed it in front of him, his smile deepened.

This person is very interesting.

I saw her audition before and felt that her acting skills were very good. When the two of them work together, they will definitely collide with big sparks.

However, she doesn't seem to like to get along with people very much.

But the more it was like this, the more he looked forward to it.

Shi Zhi watched the elevator stop when it reached the twelfth floor, waited again, and went into the elevator himself.

It is also the twelfth floor.

After reaching the twelfth floor, he walked out, looked at the same door, and suddenly had an idea.

I don't know which room Nie Qingming is in.

Because of this sudden thought, Shi Qi laughed again.

Take out the room card, go into his room, 1208.

After Nie Qingming entered the room, he sat on the sofa and read the script carefully.

Because of her unforgettable skills, she soon showed the script again.

She has also entered the plot in the past, and she will not doubt her acting skills.

I believe this drama can make Nie Qing angry.

After reading the script, she threw it on the sofa.

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