Make You Happy

Chapter 371: she is a vengeful

  Chapter 371 She is a vengeful person

   After Gu Changan took Ruan Youqing to a deserted place with ease, he held her in his arms very domineeringly.

  Ruan Youqing froze for a moment, and wrapped his arms around Gu Changan's waist.

  「I think you're going crazy thinking about it.」

  Gu Changan's voice was hoarse, and his eyes were as deep as ever.

  Ruan Youqing's head looks as warm as if it was filled with something.

   "I...I miss you too." Ruan Youqing was still in his arms, her voice seemed muffled.

  Received the response, Gu Chang'an increased his strength, such as seeing the moon through the clouds and mists.

   I don't know how long I hugged, until Ruan Youqing felt the strangeness of Gu Changan's body, she quickly blushed and took a few steps back.

   In a panic, she didn't know what to say, so she could only look down at her toes and wait for Gu Changan to speak.

  In the originally quiet environment, Gu Changan let out a long sigh and said, "Before I got married, I was looking forward to getting married. But after I got married... I still... can't keep you by my side all the time."

   "Chang'an...I..." Ruan Youqing became even more at a loss.

   Fortunately, Gu Changan didn't continue this topic, and he continued after walking a few steps forward: "Do you want to see Li Yi and Rong Yan?"

  Ruan Youqing, who was shy just now, raised his head immediately, and said in surprise, "Now? it okay?"

  Gu Changan nodded, took her hand in his own before continuing, "Of course."

  Ruan Youqing flashed a dark color in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Can I bring someone with me?"

   "Bring someone together? Who do you want to bring?" Gu Changan was a little surprised.

   "Zhaodi, my sister's...that sister." Ruan Youqing opened his mouth after a moment of pondering.

  Gu Changan frowned slightly and said, "Why did you bring her?"

  Ruan Youqing curled up her fingers, and replied slowly: "This little girl... came to me a few days ago. She said she didn't want to spend her whole life in the Ruan Mansion without doing anything. She said...she wanted to be a useful person."

   "A useful person?" Gu Changan narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Ruan Youqing nodded and continued: "Yes, a useful person. The meaning of these words is actually very broad. But... she should be... wanting to be used by me."

  Not blindly confident, Ruan Youqing can clearly feel the closeness and admiration of this little girl towards her...


  「You want her to see your...real face?」

   "Hmm..." Ruan Youqing raised his eyes to look at Gu Changan in embarrassment, and then whispered reluctantly, "Master Gu, you mean that I am always pretending?"

  Gu Changan laughed, pinched Ruan Youqing's nose before saying: "I didn't say that, madam, please don't wrong me."

After hearing this, Ruan Youqing snorted and continued, "I can't tell the truth, I... When I go to see Rong Yan and the others later, I will definitely be different from the usual me. But no matter what time it is I'm... the real me... I..."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to explain this kind of thing to your husband, I was just joking with you just now. I like my little fox in any way." Said, Gu Changan fondled her hair with eyes full of doting .

   After Ruan Youqing smiled happily, he followed Gu Changan to find Zhaodi.

  The reason why she brought Zhaodi was actually a sudden thought on her part.

  She wanted to know if Zhaodi, who saw her "cruel" side, could still get close to her as before, and wanted to be by her side.

   After bringing Zhaodi out, the three of them went to Dali Prison first.

   It's just that Li Yi, who was originally locked in the prison of Dali Temple, has been transferred to the dungeon next to the ancestral mausoleum after the prison robbery happened before.

  There are not only heavy guards here, but also many organs.

  Knowing that the two of them were not locked in the same place, Ruan Youqing chose Rong Yan first.

  Because she knew that Li Yi hadn't been convicted yet, she couldn't do she asked to go to Rong Yan first.

  Thinking of Rong Yan's isolation and helplessness, Ruan Youqing couldn't help... a little excited.

  Finally... She finally waited for this day!

  In the dark and damp prison, there was a rotten stench from time to time, but Ruan Youqing followed Gu Changan in the long corridor with a calm expression on his face.

  Zhao Di covered her mouth and nose in disgust, but when she saw Ruan Youqing who was calm and composed, she bit her lower lip hard, and then put down her hand to hold back the nausea.

  When Ruan Youqing said that he would take her to the prison, Zhaodi readily agreed without asking any questions.

  As smart as she is, she has roughly guessed some of Ruan Youqing's intentions.

   It should be to test whether she can stay calm in that environment...

  If she wants to stay by Ruan Youqing's side...she must persevere!

  Although Ruan Youqing didn't show her full strength in front of her, Zhaodi could feel that Ruan Youqing was different.

  She wants to be like Ruan Youqing!

  Thinking of this, Zhaodi's eyes became more determined, and she followed Ruan Youqing's footsteps more and more steadily.

  Finally, at the end of the corridor, Gu Changan stopped.

  No one spoke, Ruan Youqing had already looked inside the messy mess.

  A woman in ragged clothes and disheveled hair was sitting on the haystack, with her head lowered, she was murmuring something in a low voice.

  Hate flashed across Ruan Youqing's eyes, and he said in a cold voice, "Rong Yan."

  The other party didn't respond.

   It wasn't until Gu Changan took out the key to open the door of this cell that Rong Yan responded and slowly raised her head.

   Rong Yan, who has been imprisoned for a few days, is already so thin that she is out of shape.

  The eye sockets are sunken, and the lips are blue and white.

  At this time, Rong Yan was looking fiercely at Ruan Youqing with bloodshot eyes.

  When Ruan Youqing was about to walk in, Gu Changan held her back.

   "Don't get too close to her." Gu Changan warned with a concerned face.

  Ruan Youqing turned her head and smiled at him, and after nodding in good agreement, Gu Changan slowly let go of her hand.

  When Rong Yan saw Ruan Youqing coming in, a bloodthirsty smile curled up on the corner of her mouth.

  Ruan Youqing, who saw all this in his eyes, didn't feel scared, but took a few steps forward with a blank expression, and didn't stop until he was two people away from her.

   "Are you here to see my joke?" Rong Yan finally spoke.

   It's just that her voice is already hoarse and makes her feel uncomfortable.

  Speaking this kind of words, even people who are watching the jokes will not answer directly.

   But Ruan Youqing replied with a "yes" with an unexpected smile.

   Responding like this made Rong Yan momentarily at a loss as to how to reply.

  And Ruan Youqing didn't wait for Rong Yan to continue speaking, and continued to speak more directly:

   "Sister Rong shot me again and again before, don't you think I forgot all about it?"

   "You..." Rong Yan gritted her teeth and said, "Didn't you all escape? Why mention these again!"

  Ruan Youqing raised his eyebrows slightly, and took a step forward again:

   "I mentioned this to let Sister Rong know that I am a grudge."

  Otherwise, how can she remember the hatred in her previous life... until now!

  (end of this chapter)

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