Make You Happy

Chapter 143: trust

  Chapter 143 Trust

  After the mural door leading to another stone room was opened, Ruan Youqing and the others looked at each other, and then ran over immediately, for fear that the door would fall again.

   Sure enough, after Gu Changan was the last one to pass through, the stone gate fell very quickly with a bang.

  If someone is a step slower, the consequences may be disastrous.

   The new stone room where Ruan Youqing and his party are located is different from the previous one. The previous stone chamber contained nothing but eight murals on the walls.

  This stone chamber is a square stone chamber, with a high platform in the center of the stone chamber, and four small platforms slightly lower than the high platform in the center of the four walls of the stone chamber.

  A beautifully carved jade box was placed on the high platform, and four dark stone boxes were placed on the four small platforms.

  Gu Changan looked at Gan Gu with deep meaning, and just about to speak, Gan Gu preemptively said with a mournful face:

   "Master, are you afraid of well ropes after being bitten by a snake for ten years? This subordinate will definitely not act recklessly anymore, please don't look at your subordinates like this anymore..."

  Because of this, Fan'er naturally laughed.

  The behavior of the two of them made the atmosphere less oppressive.

  Ruan Youqing was stunned for a moment when she came in, but soon she withdrew the dark eyes and listened to everyone's words in silence.

  After hearing Gu Changan speak, she took the words softly:

"So, what Mr. Gu is worried about is exactly what I am worried about. We really have to pay attention, and don't touch anything here at will. Because this King of Nanjing really has too many things that can confuse people's minds. Not only You, all of us, be careful."

   These words struck a few people's hearts, the Prisoner Menghua just now was really a bit evil.

  They also just realized that the flower... can pose a threat to them when it is not only a living thing. Even carved dead objects can confuse their minds to a certain extent.

  Because they had been tense before, everyone was more or less tired at the moment. Seeing this, Li Qian knew that everyone must have been anxious for a long time because of his disappearance. Therefore, he first suggested that Dao should sit down and rest for a while.

  Gu Changan and Gan Gu briefly inspected the surroundings of the stone room, and after finding no obvious danger, they ordered everyone to rest on the spot.

   After the six people ate some food briefly, they began to raise their vigilance and set their sights on the five boxes.

  It is said in the Book of Changes that Tai Chi produces Liangyi, Liangyi produces Sixiang, and Sixiang produces gossip.

  Just now they have come to the stone room where gossip is the main place.

  The square stone chamber...

  It should be the four images, and the four images refer to Taiyin, Shaoyin, Sun, Shaoyang...

  When everyone was carefully discussing the stone room, Ruan Youqing seemed to have had enough rest, got up and looked at the four small platforms, and then walked towards one of them firmly.

   "Youqing!" Gu Changan followed with some concern.

  Ruan Youqing walked to the place where Shaoyang was, and after standing still, he turned around slowly, and said with a persistent look in his eyes, "I want to open this box."

   "Don't touch these things at will!" Gu Changan worriedly held Ruan Youqing's hand, lest she touch the box impulsively.

  He is not an indecisive person. Facing the unknown, he does not want his beloved to face any possible danger.

   At this time, Ruan Youqing looked at him with burning eyes, and continued to repeat what he just said.

   Just when Gu Changan thought that Ruan Youqing was bewitched by something, Ruan Youqing murmured: "I... If I say that I have been here before, would you believe me?"

  Her voice was so low that no one else heard it except Gu Changan who was standing with her.

   Sure enough, after hearing what she said, Gu Changan looked at her in disbelief.

  Ruan Youqing sighed inaudibly, and continued to whisper: "If I say that I have been here in a dream, would you believe me?"

  This time, she pushed what she had experienced to the dream.

   Sure enough, when Gu Changan looked at her, his eyes became more and more complicated. Just when Ruan Youqing thought that the other party was going to treat her as a lunatic, Gu Changan suddenly gave a low laugh, and then reached out to rub her hair.

   "Don't take us to sleep here forever just because of your dream."

   " believe me?" This time it was Ruan Youqing's turn to be surprised.

  Gu Changan continued to smile, then approached her and whispered, "You don't want me to believe you?"

  「But that...was just a dream.」

  For you...just my dream...

  Do you believe it?

  Gu Changan slowly stopped smiling at this time, lowered his head and took her hand, and his expression became serious:

"Youqing, I was born as a human being for thirty years, and I have tasted all the tastes of life. Only the word love, I gradually understood it after meeting you. Therefore, I was reborn because of you, so naturally I don't need any reason to trust You. If...if your "dream" is really muddled, I will die here...the only not being able to marry you back home."

  Ruan Youqing was blushed at first by Gu Changan's words, but the more she heard about it, the more she wanted to cry.

  After stretching out his hand and scratching the opponent's palm, Ruan Youqing gave him a very bright smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Gu trusts me so much, I can't let this dream turn into a nightmare."

  Meng's reason is too far-fetched, but Gu Chang'an didn't get to the bottom of it.

   Gaining such trust, Ruan Youqing's heart is full of love for Gu Changan.

   Turning around and continuing to walk towards the stone box, the corners of Ruan Youqing's mouth were still raised.

  This stone room is exactly where Li Yi brought her here in her previous life.

  The reason why she was asked to solve the mechanism is because only the Ruan family can solve the mechanism here.

  Although the furnishings here are based on the four images, they simply correspond to the positions.

   The mechanism set up in this stone room needs to find out which one is the leader first, and then unlock the box of the leader position.

   And this box was made using a long-lost technique. It's just that although it has been lost for a long time, it is only for the outside world. For Ruan Youqing, the box set by this technique was something Ruan Youqing knew since he was a child. Because... this technique has been passed down from generation to generation by the Ruan family.

  Afterwards, Gu Changan watched Ruan Youqing open the box skillfully with a bit of stupefaction. After taking out a key from the box, she turned around and walked towards the jade box in the middle.

   Before Yu Xie and the others could react, they saw Ruan Youqing open a stone box with a calm face, and then took something out of the stone box and walked towards the middle.

   Seeing this, he looked at the other three stone boxes with inexplicable excitement.

   "If you don't want to die, don't open the other three at will." Ruan Youqing saw Qiangu's expression from the corner of his eyes, and reminded him in a cold voice.

  Gu Changan glanced helplessly at Qiangu, and said in a lukewarm way: "After you go back, go and receive the punishment yourself."

  Gan Gu was taken aback for a moment, then tremblingly agreed.

   "He didn't become greedy." Gu Changan walked up to Ruan Youqing and explained to him in a low voice.

  Ruan Youqing smiled softly: "I know, if he is this kind of person, Mr. Gu will definitely look down on him."

   Seeing that Ruan Youqing didn't have any prejudice against Gan Gu, Gu Chang'an put his heart back into his stomach.

  He naturally knows the virtues of his subordinates, so he is just curious about everything.

  So...he didn't want his little fox to misunderstand that his subordinates were not good-natured.

   Fortunately, the little fox is as discerning as he is.

   At this moment, with a click, the jade box was opened in Ruan Youqing's hands.

  (end of this chapter)

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