late at night.

The gloomy darkness shrouded the surroundings, and the street was as empty as a cemetery. Angel walked on the street, and could clearly hear her footsteps echoing "da da da".

"Gudong", Angel swallowed, subconsciously lowered her footsteps, and then found that the street was even quieter, as quiet as if she was in a coffin.

Angel acted cleverly, her body trembling and she glanced around, and she couldn't help but increase her pace.

"Da da da……"

The sound of footsteps resounded, and Angel felt her fearful heart calmed down a bit, but when she thought about the things in her heart, she felt extremely anxious again, as if a hundred little rabbits were scratching her heart.

Biting her lip, Angel looked towards the courtyard on the street under the dim light of the stars, and said to herself: "It should be here, um, it should be here..."

While talking, Angel walked towards the gate of a courtyard, raising her hand to knock on it. Suddenly thought of something, retracted her hand like an electric shock, bit her lip and stepped back, looking at the courtyard gate as if looking at the bloody mouth of a beast, and she was the little white rabbit that was sent to the mouth of the beast on its own initiative .


Little White Rabbit, no, Angel quickly moved away from the courtyard gate in shock, and slowly turned her head to look at the other courtyard gates on the street, her expression was very anxious, as if she was about to cry.

Just then, a voice sounded behind her: "What are you looking for?"

"Ah?!" Angel suddenly turned her head, and saw Li Cha appearing behind her, her expression brightened, and she was about to say something when, with a "snap", Li Cha put one hand on her shoulder.


Angel was stunned for a moment, then her body felt cold, her eyes turned black uncontrollably, and soon, her eyes became darker and darker, her body fell to the ground a little weakly, and finally lost consciousness.

"Hmm... It seems that low-temperature dizziness is not only good in the mouse test, but also good in the human test. In this case, it can play a big role in battle."

Li Cha looked at Angel lying on the ground in front of him, thinking in his heart, raised his eyebrows the next moment, and fell into deep thought again: By the way, what is it that made Angel find him here?

He always didn't want to be entangled in irrelevant things, because it would delay the progress of the various plans he had made. Rescuing Angel in the academy before was just to test the data of the infected person, otherwise he would not have shot at all and would have quietly left as an unrelated passerby.

And now, the rescued Angel appeared here, there must be something, just like the NPC with a mission in the game. Once the other party is allowed to speak, it is considered to have accepted the task and caused trouble.

So now... how to solve it?

Direct humane eradication? This would be the end of the matter, saving you trouble, but... isn't it a bit too humane?

Or imprisoned and kept as a pet, so that the so-called tasks don't have to be done at all? The problem is, he already has a dragon from Pandora, so what's the point of raising another dragon? Poor little white rabbit?

Will this little white rabbit be eaten by a sleepy lazy dragon? Will this little white rabbit be as obedient as a sleepy lazy dragon? Or is it……

Uh, it seems a bit troublesome, there are too many things to consider, it's not worth it, it's not as good as the initial humane destruction-even if it's too humane, it's still humane, right?


Li Cha thought and made a decision. Stepping towards Angel, slowly raised her hand...


Darkness, endless darkness.

Suddenly a light appeared in the darkness, Angel slowly opened her eyes, and saw that she was staying in a large room without windows. There is no decoration in the room, but there are many torches and candles on the wall, the lights are bright, and she is lying on the floor of the room.

Angel stood up slowly, and saw Li Cha not far away, standing and looking at him.

After seeing Li Cha, Angel frowned, feeling a little puzzled in her heart, because she felt that there was a gap in her consciousness,

She couldn't figure out how she got here. Regarding this, she had a premonition that she should have told Li Cha something very important, but now she couldn't remember what it was, so she couldn't help but secretly anxious.

While anxiously trying to recall, Angel asked Li Cha aloud, "Where is this?"

This is where?

For Richard, the answer is very simple, that is - in the underground of the laboratory and the main laboratory. Because testing spells almost destroyed the main laboratory before, for safety reasons, he dug out such a huge spell testing room in the underground of the main laboratory recently. It's not really a result, but it's useful at some point. For example, during the spell test, or now.

And the reason why he brought Angel here in a daze was because he didn't want Angel to know the real address. Hearing what Angel said, he said calmly: "You don't need to know where this is, as long as you understand that this place is safe."

" it" Angel mumbled a few words, then suddenly recalled something, looked at Li Cha suddenly, showed an anxious expression, and said quickly, "You..." But just now One word was interrupted by Li Cha.

Li Cha looked at Angel, and asked a little seriously: "You came here specifically to find me, right? Then... where did you find out my address? Answer me!"

"Uh, this... I..." Angel replied, "I met you during the day, and I knew your name was Li Cha. Because I needed to ask you for something, I asked the students of Baishi Tower. I didn't know you, and I kept asking until a thin, blond, little student told me that he knew you and knew where you lived.

But he was very vigilant. He asked me why I was looking for you before telling me where you live. And after I asked for the address, I came to you as soon as possible.

It's just... because the place you live in is too remote, and I'm not familiar with Baishi City, I got lost halfway along the way.

And because the time was too long, I forgot which courtyard you lived in on the street, so I had to prepare to knock on the door one by one, but I was afraid of disturbing others. "At the end, Angel's eyes glistened with tears. She didn't know whether she felt wronged or angry at why she was so stupid.

"But it's okay, you suddenly appeared." Angel said to Li Cha with a tone of voice, then frowned, "But... I seemed to faint later, didn't I? And then I came here..."

Hearing Angel's words, Li Cha's eyes flashed, and he realized something: the "blond, thin, little student" that Angel said should be Gro, after all, there are only Gro and Bucky Wait until few people know that he lives here.

But... Having said that, although Ge Luo has blond hair, he is definitely not "thin and small". Will you tell me the address.

Thinking about it, Li Cha looked at Angel and asked, "Why did you come to see me?"

"Um, it's because my teacher wants to kill you." Angel said, her words were not shocking, and she kept dying.

Um? !

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