Walking in a naturally formed environment is a very pleasant thing. Looking at all kinds of scenery, I feel very relaxed. Of course

, if you want to be so leisurely, you must have strength. After all, there are many beasts. Without strength, you will only become the feces of beasts and nourish the earth.

Along the way, Liu Pingan has encountered all kinds of large carnivores, such as wolves, tigers, and black bears. If he didn’t have strength, he would have died long ago.

It can only be said that the Land of Fire is really the center of the ninja world. It has the richest land in the entire ninja world, and there are so many species.

However, this good mood was indifferent when he encountered an ordinary village, because Liu Pingan found that this kind of village where ordinary people live… is really bitter.

When he was in Konoha, because there were various electrical appliances, Liu Pingan didn’t think there was anything wrong, but now when he saw the village where ordinary people live, it was like seeing the primitive age.

These ordinary villagers were half-dressed, skinny, and turning the soil with wooden hoes.

Really, the gap is too big. Konoha has used technology 08, but ordinary people are still using wooden hoes and farming by manpower. They don’t even have a plowing ox or a plow.

To be honest, this is obviously a country, but some places use electrical appliances, and some places use wooden tools. The gap is really too big, so big that it’s scary.

When the villagers saw Liu Ping’an, they even showed a look of fear in their eyes, as if they saw a monster, and ran back frantically with hoes.

This scene made Liu Ping’an feel a little complicated. What would happen if he was not in Konoha when he crossed over.

Although there is a world of pearls, he will definitely have no worries about food and clothing and will not be in danger, but in this environment, I am afraid that he will only think that this is an ordinary world, not an extraordinary world like the ninja world.

Liu Ping’an took a look at this truly ordinary village, and for the first time he had a real sense of this world.

To be honest, as a traverser, it is impossible to say that he is not uncomfortable and complicated after seeing this scene, but Liu Ping’an can’t change anything, so he can only turn around and leave.

As we walked forward, all the villages we met were the same, with no difference. It was not until we arrived at a town that we could barely see people with clothes covering their bodies, but they were still skinny.

However, these were ordinary people. There were still some people in the town who were dressed luxuriously, traveled in sedan chairs, were served by servants, and escorted to clear the way. They were surrounded by people and were powerful people in the town.

Even when these people saw Liu Ping’an, or more precisely, when they saw the forehead protector on Liu Ping’an’s arm, although they were also very nervous, they just pretended not to see it, and did not lower their heads and avoid it like ordinary people, and did not dare to approach.

Liu Ping’an, who was walking in the town, was a little confused. If it were not for the chakra in his body telling him that this was the ninja world, Liu Ping’an would really think that this was some ancient world.

Through his powerful hearing, Liu Ping’an heard that the so-called people were the feudal nobles of this land, and the samurai nobles under the nobles.

The feudal nobles were conferred by the daimyo of the Fire Country, and they were hereditary in this land. The samurai nobles were conferred by the feudal nobles, who were retainers and were also hereditary.

Liu Pingan understood that this meant that the Land of Fire was a feudal state, a feudal state with a monarch and a bunch of vassals, or in other words, the entire Ninja World was a feudal state. At this moment, Liu Pingan suddenly had an idea in his mind: if he could wipe out all the countries, establish a unified country, and create an advanced system for this world………

“never mind……”

Liu Pingan shook his head. It was too early to think about these things. If you don’t have the strength, you will die. It’s more important to practice.

However, although Liu Pingan hid this idea in his heart, his heart was instinctively hot. He always felt that he had found his goal, not just wanting to become stronger as before.

Liu Pingan still wanted to become stronger. After all, being strong is the foundation, but why not rule the world on the basis of being strong?

As a man, who doesn’t want to build a big empire with iron and steel? Anyway, Liu Pingan wants to, wants to, wants very much, and there will definitely be the power to realize all this in the future.

Liu Pingan, who understood his inner desire, quickly left the town and ran straight to the property of those nobles.

It’s called property, but in fact it’s their land and pasture. Liu Pingan discovered through perception that there were cattle and sheep all over the mountains, all of which were private property of the nobles.

It has to be said that these nobles are really rich. Ordinary people can’t eat enough, wear warm clothes, and struggle to survive.

The nobles already have endless arable land and cattle and sheep all over the mountains. If they don’t rob the rich and help the poor, it will be unacceptable.

Liu Pingan was far away, holding a small stone in his hand. It happened that no one was watching here, just fenced in, so Liu Pingan threw stones decisively.

The stone flew silently, knocking out four cows in an instant, two males and two females. With a thought, he took them into the world of orbs before they fell.

After that, he knocked out four sheep, also two males and two females, and took them into the world of orbs. The other cows and sheep didn’t notice that other cows and sheep were missing.

Liu Pingan didn’t take too many, too many would be easy to be discovered. Four cows and sheep were just right, both male and female, and could breed without being discovered.

Moreover, there were many nobles in the Fire Country, and Liu Pingan didn’t just hang around in this place, he could also take them in other places, take his time, don’t rush.

After 720, Liu Pingan left in an instant, and then went all the way, heading straight to the territory of other nobles.

Because of his fast foot speed, it didn’t take long for Liu Pingan to enter the territory of another noble.

I still encountered villages that plowed the land with wooden hoes, and finally saw a town.

This time Liu Pingan did not go in, but used the Orb World to explore, and it was indeed no different from the previous town.

After sensing the private property of the nobles, Liu Pingan kept teleporting and arrived quickly. He still took four cattle and sheep, and then hurried to the next place.

In this way, when the sky was dark and night fell, Liu Pingan had visited more than fifty nobles, yes, more than fifty nobles and more than fifty territories.

There were more than 200 cattle, more than 200 sheep, more than 100 chickens, which were domestic chickens, more than 100 ducks, more than 100 geese, and more than 100 pigs. The pigs were domestic pigs, not wild boars. There were not many nobles who raised chickens, ducks, geese and pigs. Most of them only raised cattle and sheep, and each animal they took was half male and half female to ensure that they could reproduce.

Liu Pingan also settled the four animals in the Orb World, established farms, connected rivers, and set relevant rules for removing filth.

And Liu Pingan also found several kinds of forage, and through the growth rate of plants in the Orb World, he quickly planted cattle and sheep pastures with food..

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