Green light appeared on his palm, and Liu Pingan successfully performed the healing technique again. This scene completely shocked Tsunade. The difficulty of learning medical ninjutsu is one of the most difficult in ninjutsu.

Because the practice of medical ninjutsu focuses on chakra control, and there is no systematic practice method for chakra control, so it can only rely on talent.

In other words, medical ninjutsu requires talent. Without talent, you can’t even get in. Liu Pingan can learn and perform healing techniques in one go. His talent is not only unprecedented, but also rare.

Therefore, although Tsunade appeared calm on the surface, she was trembling with excitement in her heart. After all, even she didn’t have the talent to learn healing techniques in one go.

“Good, good!”

Tsunade’s mouth curled up slightly, and it was very difficult to suppress it. She nodded with satisfaction and said,”You are very good, with some talent. What’s your name?””

A little talent? Are you talking about human language? Don’t you see your eyes shining? Who are you trying to fool?

Although he was a little speechless in his heart, Liu Ping’an looked calm and composed on the surface,”My name is Ping’an”

“Ping An, what a nice name. You should study hard during this period and strive to become an independent medical ninja.”Tsunade nodded with a smile, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and turned back to the back of the platform.

The other ninjas looked at Liu Ping An with envy and jealousy. Who wouldn’t want such a talent that can be learned in one go?

Liu Ping An didn’t care about the cannon fodder’s eyes. Although he was cowardly, he was not a coward. It was normal to pretend to be an ordinary ninja when he didn’t have the strength. Now that he had the strength, there was naturally no need to live a depressed life.

To put it bluntly, being low-key is not cowardly, and it is not a bad thing to show off one’s talents appropriately. If you don’t have any thorns, you are a punching bag, not a human being. As long as you don’t stand out, talent is also a kind of umbrella.

Liu Ping An’s current strength is enough to protect himself. Even if Danzo really has bad intentions towards him, he can run away if he can’t beat him to save his life. There is no problem.

In addition, it is too difficult to acquire ninjutsu as an ordinary person. Now that he finally has the opportunity to learn ninjutsu, even if it is only medical ninjutsu, Liu Pingan does not mind showing some talent to attract Tsunade’s attention.

At least from the current effect, it is still good, at least Tsunade’s emotions are not fake.

In the following period of time, Tsunade watched everyone practice ninjutsu behind the platform, answered some people’s questions from time to time, and instinctively looked at Liu Pingan.

After discovering that Liu Pingan has been constantly making hand seals to practice healing techniques, he became more and more satisfied,”This kid is really here for ninjutsu, but it is also true that civilian ninjas have too few opportunities to obtain ninjutsu.

Soon, noon arrived, and Tsunade let everyone move freely, and then went out.

Seeing this, some people in the classroom got up and left, and some looked at each other and then secretly looked at Liu Pingan, probably hesitating whether to say hello.

But Liu Pingan didn’t think of recognizing them, and he got up and left without looking back, which made some people unhappy.

“What? You didn’t even say hello. How rude!”

“That’s right, why are you so proud? It’s just that you have some talent.”

Some people agree with these remarks, while others think that these people are crazy. They don’t know you, and they are just saying hello to you. You take yourself too seriously.


Konoha Hospital.

Dean’s Office.

After Tsunade came back, the first thing she did was to ask her subordinates to bring Liu Ping’an’s ninja file. She wanted to find out what was going on with such a genius yet unknown.

Soon, a female medical ninja came back with a file. Tsunade took the file and read it, but her expression changed from curiosity at the beginning to a slight sigh.

“No wonder he was unknown, he was an orphan, and was directly assigned to the cannon fodder class.”

How deceiving the cannon fodder class is, everyone in Konoha ninja knows it. Tsunade shook her head and continued to read. When she saw that Liu Pingan graduated after two and a half years, her face became even uglier.

And when she saw that there was no transition to D-level missions after graduation, and he directly participated in two C-level missions, and his teammates all died, she slammed the table angrily.


The desk split in the middle and fell to the ground, with all kinds of objects clanging and falling to the ground.

“What happened to Konoha that it has become so corrupt? Third-generation old man, you have changed. No, you hid it too deeply. Even my second grandfather couldn’t see it.”Tsunade lamented in her heart.

When she thought about the village founded by her grandfather becoming so dirty and she could not do anything, Tsunade felt a sense of powerlessness filling her whole body.

After all, she was not the Hokage, and the Senju clan had fallen. Even the young patriarch of the Senju clan, her brother Senju Nawase, was dead, and his body was hollowed out of his internal organs. It was impossible to say that she had no doubts, but the same thing went on. She was alone and could not do anything.

In addition, the Senju clan still had ordinary clansmen who needed her protection, which made her unable to make up her mind to ignore it and make a big fuss.

Therefore, after the end of the Second Ninja World War, Tsunade retreated to Konoha Hospital in despair and no longer interfered in the various affairs of Konoha.

What she wanted to do most now was to build a framework for Konoha Hospital to train medical ninjas. In this way, she would be worthy of her grandfather, and she could leave Konoha, out of sight, out of mind.

“Boom boom boom……”

There was a knock on the door

“Come in.” Tsunade rubbed her brows, thinking it was the subordinate just now.

The office door opened, and a ninja with light blue long hair wearing a vest and a jonin costume walked in,”Tsunade, what’s wrong? What happened?”

Seeing the person coming, Tsunade didn’t look happy,”It’s you, Duan, I’m sorry, I’m in a bad mood now, and I’m not interested in chatting, you go!”

Kato Duan choked, and wanted to struggle,”How about, go out for a walk and get some fresh air”

“”Get lost!” Tsunade’s tone was a little impatient, and she couldn’t tell the difference between her eyebrows and eyes. Did she think I was too good-tempered and gave you the wrong impression?

“I understand.”Kato Dan turned and left, closing the door gently, but his face, which had been lowered, looked a little ferocious.

In the office.

Tsunade didn’t take Kato Dan seriously at all. She was not a shark, so how could she not see Kato Dan’s thoughts? He just wanted to be Hokage, but no one supported him, so he was targeting her.

If it were usual, Tsunade would not care about him dangling like a fly in front of her, and it would be okay to talk to him because he was the only one who supported her last proposal of a medical ninja training class. But now that she was angry, Tsunade naturally didn’t feel like paying attention to this nonsense. She asked him to get out, considering that he usually knew when to advance and retreat.


Tsunade exhaled softly and rubbed her temples. Although she knew that it would be useless to be angry, anger was something that could never disappear.


“It’s better to leave Konoha as soon as possible. If you stay any longer, you will be so angry that you will die.……”

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