The first time, the first time, was a big mistake.

October 20, 2095.

On a lawn of the First High School, a huge spherical experimental prop stood there, surrounded by students watching the experiment.

Ichihara Suzune, Shiba Tatsuya, and Irisuke were all working on the computer beside the 'sphere', busy preparing various data.

"Have you arranged everyone?"

Seeing Watanabe Mari walking towards him, Qianyu Yeyou asked.

"Don't worry, it was arranged just now. I guarantee that they didn't know I would have this arrangement before."

"That guy hiding among us will definitely not get away with it!"

Watanabe Mari assured confidently.

"Well, then it's up to you."

Drafting Mayumi also nodded.

They were still relieved by Watanabe Mari's arrangement.

"Look, it's started."

In the container of the transparent sphere, as Ichihara Suzune began to inject the thought, the output line was lightning-like. As the amount of thought injected continued to increase, the brightness of the light ball became stronger and stronger, and finally, it gradually subsided.

"Is this successful?"


"Are we sure to win this year's paper competition?"

Listening to the cheers of the people around them, Qianyu Yeyou and the others also smiled, and it seemed that there was no problem.

"This should be the first stage, right?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Gori Kei who was walking towards Ichihara Suzune and said.

"Well, this first step is very difficult. If this step is successful, it will greatly promote the success rate of the subsequent experiments."

Nanakusa Mayumi nodded.

"Senior Watanabe, look over there!"

Qianyu Yeyou suddenly saw a sneaky guy bending over and operating something in his hand, so he shouted to Watanabe Mari.

"Don't worry, Mibu Sayaka and Kirihara Takeaki are over there, she can't run away!"

Watanabe Mari looked confident and didn't care at all.

Sure enough, Mibu Sayaka was the first to react and immediately chased after her. Kirihara Takeaki also noticed and quickly followed.

The spy also noticed their actions, put away the things in his hands and quickly fled outside.

"Don't you have a brain?"

"Running around aimlessly like this."

Qianyu Yeyou took a glance and was no longer interested.

This guy is obviously not a professional spy at all, and he hasn't even received any common sense training.

Whether it's actions, expressions, escape designs, plans, etc., everything is gone. If she can run away, it will be a shame to so many people who have chased her.

After all, Chiba Erica and Leo Harut followed.


"What are you doing?"

Chiba Erica had just sent the spy back, and was mistaken by a guy as a person who was sneaking around and constantly looking at the test area.

"I didn't do anything!"

"We were just watching from the side!"

"And we didn't do anything bad, and I don't understand why you were angry at us."

Chiba Erica didn't indulge this senior Guan Ben. Is she a person who can suffer?

Leo Harut was actually not someone who could watch his friends being bullied, and there was a constant quarrel for a while.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Chiba Yeyou was naturally watching from the side, and hadn't left yet.

"I asked them to guard the contestants."

"Any more questions?"

Chiba Yeyou came forward, and this senior Guan Ben had nothing to say, and honestly went back to continue his work.

Student Council Room.

"That first-year G class guy should be awake now, right?"

Qianyu Yeyou asked casually while eating lunch.

"Yes, he's awake."

"According to her own account, her purpose is to rewrite the program so that the magic device used in the experiment cannot be used."

"It is said that she wants to cause trouble for Shiba Tatsuya."

Watanabe Mari repeated everything the girl said.


"No, what did Shiba Tatsuya do to her?"

Qianyu Yeyou forgot what the girl was like for a moment.

"She is the younger sister of Heiwa Koharu. According to her, it was because Shiba Tatsuya did not save her sister, Kobayakawa-senpai, that caused her sister to feel guilty..."

"But that guy's mood is a little unstable."

Watanabe Mari sighed.


It's a troubled time!

"Oh, right!"

"She also mentioned 'they'."

Watanabe Mari thought about something and spoke.


Qianyu Yeyou and Nanakusa Mayumi looked at each other, a little solemn.

"These guys are really endless!"

This time, Mayumi Nanakusa couldn't help but think of the Nine Schools War.

"These people are not necessarily from the same faction."

Qianyu Yeyou crossed his hands, leaned his arms on the table, and his eyes were a little sharp.

"I think it's time to increase the guard force!"

Qianyu Yeyou's words can be regarded as expressing Watanabe Mari's thoughts. There is no way. Recently, even she can feel the inexplicable gazes around the school, full of malice!

In a hot spring tavern somewhere, the leader was sitting opposite He Yiming and the handsome man in a suit. Next to the leader was his capable subordinate, Lu Guanghu.

"Teacher Zhou, I'll get straight to the point."

"I heard that the girl messed up."

He was not actually worried about whether the girl could get the job done. He was worried about whether this incident would alert the other party and make them notice the existence of their people, making their mission more difficult.

"I completely understand Mr. Chris Chen's concerns."

"But I didn't tell her anything about us, so there should be no risk of leaking information."

The handsome man called Teacher Zhou explained something that seemed to him to be the most ordinary thing in a plain tone.

The tone was as if he didn't take this matter seriously. No, the word "simply" should be removed, because he really didn't take it seriously, as if everything was under control, giving people full confidence.


"Then you can actually cultivate her as an insider."

The leader held the teacup with some surprise and glanced at the guy opposite without leaving a trace.

"That age is when people are full of passion."

"In order to show their own value, they are more keen to speak than to listen to the voices around them."

"Thanks to her, I also know a lot of things."

Teacher Zhou analyzed.

"Since Teacher Zhou said so, it should be okay, right?"

"But there is a saying in the East, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one!"

The leader still has some concerns. He doesn't want to mess up the originally perfect plan because of this little episode.

"I understand. I will go to check the situation in the near future!"

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