"Come back to me!"

「"Constant force deflection"

Qianyu Yeyou's palm emitted a ray of light, and he grabbed the air, as if he was grabbing a chick.

The figure that was still running madly suddenly stopped, and then flew back at a faster speed.

Looking at the figure that flew back quickly, Qianyu Yeyou had a calm face, and then made way for this guy so that he could land safely.


The man struggled to stand up, but because he flew back too fast, although it did not cause great damage to his body, the speed of racing against the ground was so thick that he could not stand up at all.


"Si.. Jia!"

Qianyu Yeyou smiled as he looked at the strange-looking guy in front of him who was shaking.

"This..this..how..how is this possible. cough cough..."

Although Si Jia's facial muscles were constantly spasming due to the pain in his body, he even had difficulty speaking, and even coughed while stumbling.

"How is that possible?"

"Am I that strong?"

"Or do I know who you are just by looking at you lying on the ground?"

Qianyu Yeyou had a smiling face, but Sijia looked at this guy with a smile that looked a bit like a devil's smile, which made him feel cold all over.

"Oh, you should know both, right?"

Although it was a question, the clear tone of the machine let Si Jia know that the guy in front of him must know more than he thought. Thinking of this, Si Jia secretly swallowed his saliva.

"But I really didn't expect you to set your sights on me, which really surprised me."

Qian Yu Yeyou ignored Si Jia's incredible expression and just said his words lightly.

"But is this your idea or the idea of the person behind you?"

"I'm very curious!"

"Can you tell me about it?"

Qianyu Yeyou squatted down, looking like I have a strong desire for knowledge.

"Ahem, you actually know so much!"

Si Jia looked at Qian Yu Ye You in shock. Before this, he just thought that Qian Yu Ye You knew that he was the leader of the second-division student movement on campus, but now he actually knew who was behind him!

Then, Si Jia started to make a small calculation. Although this guy is a first-division student, he is not the same as other first-division students, and he has many second-division student friends. So, can I...

Si Jia thought silently

"Yes, that's right, I did intend to test you, but I definitely didn't mean to harm you."

"You have several friends who are also students of the second subject, right?"

"You should also know what those arrogant guys call the second-year students!"



At this point, Si Jia's expression couldn't help but become a little irritable.

"This is the greatest humiliation for all of us second-year students!"

"The college never cared!"

"They only pretend to be fair, but in fact they are biased towards one subject."

"Not only were they insulted in terms of their dignity, but the treatment they received was also very different, it was simply outrageous!"

"We are called substitutes, but we absolutely do not accept to be trash that can be thrown away at any time, as they call us!"


"How appropriate!"

"You can harvest at any time. No one cares anyway. After you harvest one crop, there will be another one."

Si Jia said this in a crazy and sad way.

"And these"weeds" include your friends!"

"Don't you want to fight for a fair and just environment for them?"

Si Jia said hysterically.

"Join us!"

Si Jia stretched out his hand to Qian Yu Ye You with a sincere look of request.

Qian Yu Ye You looked at Si Jia in surprise. Is this guy serious?

Oh, this guy seems to have tampered with his memory, so that's not surprising.

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Just kidding, a bunch of ridiculous guys who are used as guns.

I don't want to bother with this guy. Killing people in school is not good. Besides, it's not bad to keep him for the show. Qianyu Yeyou is not a bad person. Let him go!


Si Jia asked incredulously.

"Not interested!"

Qianyu Yeyou walked away directly, waving his hand with his back to Sijia, and his figure gradually walked away

"Don't you think that even a student like you who is close to the students of the second department is unwilling to help us?"

Si Jia murmured in pain.


Qianyu Yeyou sighed, feeling a little sympathetic towards this guy.

It was tragic that his brother used magic to tamper with his memory, misleading and leading him into various things.

In a corner of the academy, something similar to what happened just now was happening, except that the same person was replaced by another person - Sijia, Mibu Sayaka

"Even though I am a second-year student, I don't want others to deny me anything other than magic!"

The green school uniform with an orange-yellow skirt and a translucent skirt gauze is enough to set off her beautiful body that has not yet fully developed and is still exquisite. Her long black hair is tied together with a hairband of the same color to form a long ponytail.

This is such a carefree young girl, but her face is serious and solemn, saying that she doesn't want to be denied.

"Even me...Even my sword, my swordsmanship..."

The girl's voice suddenly trembled and was filled with fear, as if she was about to lose something.

For Mibu Sayaka, seeing was everything to her, something she had tried her best to protect. Now that her existence was denied, it was also equivalent to denying her own existence!

This was something she absolutely could not tolerate, just like the contempt of Watanabe Mari in the past.

The only way was to resist!

"Mibu, the students in the second department can understand your feelings. His strength is necessary for us."

Si Jia experienced Qianyu Yeyou's rejection, and found Mibu Sayaka again, and encouraged him by pressing his shoulder. Si

Jia had no way to deal with Qianyu Yeyou. He could feel that this person was definitely not someone he could provoke, at least Si Jia definitely couldn't afford to provoke.

But he would never give up their actions!

This was the resistance of all the students in the second department, including himself!

Since all of you deny me and deny us, then we must prove it to you!

This is why she immediately came to Mibu Sayaka. Qianyu Yeyou

, since you can't help us, let your friend, Shiba Tatsuya, replace you!

I will definitely prove that the students in the second department are irreplaceable!

I will definitely take back the respected status of the students in the second department!

I will definitely get the treatment that the students in the second department deserve!

Even if, for this, the forced intervention of external forces is introduced!

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