
Soon after, Yun Yi's phone rang.

Looking at the name"Mayumi" displayed on the screen, Yun Yi sighed softly before answering the call.

Before he could speak, Nanakusa Mayumi's voice came into his ears.

""Yijun, something went wrong in Molly's game. She was injured and is being taken to the hospital. Yijun, can you come over?"

Although Nanakusa Mayumi's voice sounded calm, Yun Yi knew that she must be very worried. But for the next plan, he had to make such a choice.

If he were to face Hei Gu directly, Yun Yi would not be afraid at all. But now Hei Gu is hiding in the dark, and he also has the right to log in to the Supreme Throne. Any information in the world is not a secret to him. Even the preparations he has made over the years may be discovered by him.

Letting such an opponent go free is absolutely not allowed for his plan. Moreover, he has an agreement with his old man. If he wants to get the full support of his family, he must exchange Hei Gu's head!

"I see. I'll go there right away. Mayumi, can we meet at the hospital?" Yun Yi comforted Nanakusa Mayumi and got up and walked out of the preparation room.

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor had already treated Watanabe Mari's injuries.

"Mayumi, what's the situation?"Yun Yi asked

"Two ribs were broken and have been healed with magic. But this is only an emergency measure. Molly will have to rest until tomorrow. Nanakusa Mayumi leaned against Yun Yi's arms and answered his questions in a low voice.

"Really? I'm glad your life is not in danger." Yun Yi comforted her again.

He also said this to himself.

Although he was familiar with part of the plot, if he just made plans blindly based on the plot, his plan would never succeed. After all, if someone like him who was born with memories could appear, it was inevitable that there would be no second special person in this world? Or, would his birth also cause some kind of butterfly effect?

Therefore, after learning that Watanabe Mari was not in danger of life, Yun Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Nanakusa Mayumi was in his arms and did not notice the expression on his face. But Tatsuya Shiba on the side clearly saw the look in his eyes, and was more certain of his guess.

Yun Yi stayed with Nanakusa Mayumi for a while and was sent back to rest by her.

""Yi-jun, tomorrow is the finals of the Ice Pillar Amplifier! Mori's game has already lost points, so there can't be any more problems in your game. So Yi-jun, go back and have a good rest, I'll just stay here with Mori."

Shiba Tatsuya, who had left earlier, analyzed the situation with Gori Kei and others, and immediately came to Yun Yi's room.

When he opened the door and saw Shiba Tatsuya, Yun Yi immediately understood his purpose.

"Come in and tell me."

After closing the door and looking at Tatsuya Shiba standing in the room, Yun Yi said directly:"I know what you want to ask. What I can tell you is that this matter is indeed the interference of external factors. The CAD of the Qigao player was tampered with, and the depression of the water surface is a human factor. As for what kind of means, you should have known it from Yoshida Mikiko, right?"

""Well, it's the magic of the elves." Shiba Tatsuya said.

In fact, he came to Yun Yi just to confirm that this matter had nothing to do with Yun Yi, but he didn't expect Yun Yi to directly tell him the conclusions they had discussed. This move made Shiba Tatsuya more suspicious of Yun Yi's identity.

"Tatsuya, the mastermind behind this is someone from the Japanese branch of"No Head Dragon." Yun Yi walked to the window and looked at the training ground outside in the night.

"They secretly set up a betting market based on the final results of the Nine Schools Tournament, and the people from the Japanese branch of"No Head Dragon", who acted as the bookmaker, bet on the maximum odds that Ichigo High School could not win the three consecutive championships! Therefore, any Ichigo High School player who performed well in the competition, except Mayumi and Jumonji Kaitou, could become their target!"

"Tatsuya, you should understand what I mean, right?"

"I won't ask you how you know this. But what I want to know is that you have nothing to do with the people of"No Head Dragon", right?"

Shiba Tatsuya's tone became stiff and cold.

After hearing Yun Yi's words, he immediately regarded"No Head Dragon" as an enemy. Because these people are likely to do something bad to Shiba Miyuki.

"It's irrelevant? You can't say that." Yun Yi's voice also became cold.

"「"No Head Dragon" actual leader Richard Sun and his big brother Gu Jie are the murderers of my father."

After hearing the first half of Yun Yi's words, Shiba Tatsuya almost regarded him as an enemy. It was just his cold tone that made him a little confused. But when he heard the second half of Yun Yi's words, he immediately understood why Yun Yi let Watanabe Mari lose the game and get injured, because he wanted to take this opportunity to catch the people from the Japanese branch of"No Head Dragon"!

Just when Shiba Tatsuya wanted to say something, the door of the room was suddenly opened. What caught the eyes of the two was Nanakusa Mayumi, who had a very ugly face.

Nanakusa Mayumi stayed with Watanabe Mari in the hospital for a long time, and didn't leave until she fell asleep peacefully. She wanted to go back to her room, but for some reason she walked to Yun Yi's room.

Just when she was considering whether to go in to find Yun Yi, she heard the conversation between Yun Yi and Shiba Tatsuya coming from the room.

Hearing this, how could she not understand that Yun Yi had already known about what happened in the afternoon.

Or rather, he guessed that Mori would be in danger, but he did not tell her, nor did he plan to protect her!

The moment he saw Nanakusa Mayumi, Yun Yi's heart skipped a beat.

He thought that sooner or later Nanakusa Mayumi would know the truth, but he never thought that this"day" would come so soon!

"Sorry, Tatsuya, this is all I know about"No Head Dragon" for now. But I think if you can get information about their hiding place, please tell me. There is a man named Douglas Huang in the Japanese branch, and he is a confidant of Richard Sun. If I catch him, I may be able to catch Richard Sun."

Tatsuya Shiba nodded. He had no intention of getting involved in the matter between Yun Yi and Nanakusa Mayumi, so he decisively took his leave.

After he left, Yun Yi looked at Nanakusa Mayumi who had never spoken.

"Did you hear everything?"

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