
Chapter 197 I caught myself

New moon anger starts from the heart:

Where did this disaster star Russell come from, and how many people is he involved with?

Are they involving some people or forces that have nothing to do with us?

The 11 people squatting in the woods waited and waited, but they still did not see the fake Russell coming out of the tent at the White Wolf Club booth.

"Russell can't come out yet. If this continues, will we take action?" Xinyue became increasingly unable to suppress the anger in her heart.

She was born into the world's top witchcraft family, and her cousin Hui Yao was a well-known power in the entire extraordinary world. She was pampered since she was a child, but she was never as irritated as she was during this period.

First, the business of the clinic he was responsible for was taken away by Russell, and then he was severely injured by Duncan. He was put on a talisman drip in the school hospital for a day or two before he could barely recover.

"Russell may be using meditation to restore spiritual energy inside. We can't wait any longer." Russell made his own suggestion to everyone, "We should go directly into the White Wolf Club's stall tent to arrest people."

The brown-haired boy Guangbo still couldn't make up his mind:

"But this is not good. It will lead to conflicts between the two major academy forces, the Wanwu Club and the White Wolf Club. Although our Wanwu Club is the number one force in the academy, the fewer enemies, the better..."

Before Guangbo could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xinyue:

"Whatever the White Wolf Club is, haven't we already been unhappy with the White Wolf Club? Let's just go in and arrest people now. If they don't hand over the people, we'll do it!"

"But Miss..."

"No buts!" Xinyue sternly said, "I just looked at the badges on the chests of the White Wolf Club members who came in and out of the booth. They were all black iron badges, just a group of first-year students. There are four of us or Five sophomores, what are you afraid of?"

"But if Arctic Wolf, the boss of the White Wolf Club and the fourth-year boss, blames him, the consequences will be disastrous. It might trigger a war between the two major forces in the academy." Guangbo was still very worried.

"What are you worried about? It would be better if we use illusions to change our appearance and cover our faces. Who knew we were members of the All Things Society?" Xinyue was angry in her heart and had no intention of changing her mind:

"And what about the fourth grade? Even if he is really discovered, isn't the leader of our All Things Association a fourth grader? And my cousin is also a fourth grader!"

You must know that there are only a few fourth-year experts in the entire International Integration and Supernatural Academy. Even if you put it in the world, there are probably only dozens of extraordinary people with the same strength as the fourth-year academy.

Two of the fourth-year students can be regarded as their backers, and together with the family leader whose strength is close to that of the fourth-year students, this is Xinyue's arrogant capital!

Guangbo couldn't argue with Xinyue, and felt that what Xinyue said made sense. He nodded slightly, and then waved to the nine people behind him.

"Let's disguise ourselves and go to the White Wolf Club's booth!"

At the same time, in the booth tent of the White Wolf Club.

Subway, vice president of the White Wolf Club, is inspecting the work.

In order to show his style as a leader, Subway still finds a little trouble from time to time.

As for the wind chime soul disguised as Russell, the moment he entered the tent, he had dispelled the illusion of disguise and showed his vague ghostly blue essence.

Now the separated soul is floating around, making the sound of wind chimes from time to time, and chatting with Subway.

Tap tap tap tap.

A large group of masked men came to the tent.

Although their appearance had been modified using illusions, all 11 of them had their faces covered in order to prevent their opponents from seeing through the illusions.

"Hey, hey, is Russell in there?"

The masked Russell shouted to the White Wolf Club members in the tent without being polite at all:

"Hurry up and hand over Russell, or I will make you look good! Don't even think about resisting. You weaklings like you in the first grade are just trying to block the car from us."

Guangbo from behind panicked when he saw the posture of his men.

No, we can obviously talk about it first.

Is it necessary to be so rude in tone and attitude from the beginning?

Guangbo quickly pulled Xinyue aside and pointed at the masked Russell:

"Why are there such impulsive members among the members of the Wanwuhui we found? We should negotiate with the White Wolf Club first to see if they are willing to hand over Russell. There is no need to adopt this attitude from the beginning. It seems that we I came here to quarrel."

Xinyue was furious, and when she saw her subordinate Russell shouting like this, she just felt relieved:

"What are you afraid of? You are just too timid."

As she spoke, she asked the masked Russell:

"This brother of the All Things Society, what is your name?"

"My name is Russell." Russell replied.

"Look at Russell, how courageous he was when he caught Russell. When we catch Russell and report to the superiors, we can praise this Russell!" Xinyue said a long list of words like a tongue twister. Sentence, and no sense of any logical problem at all.

——Since the wind chime has reached the half-step third-grade level, the mental suggestion effect of the "making friends" abnormal meme has also been greatly enhanced, and the cognitive harm it can cause can affect the thinking of others to a greater extent.

Several members of the White Wolf Club usually rely on their reputation as a gang and no one dares to bully them. Now seeing how arrogant this group of masked men are, they are not to be outdone:

"Who are you?"

Subway communicated with Russell in advance and relied on the split soul of the wind chime to communicate. He knew all the plans and knew that these masked men were members of the All Things Society, so he sneered.

Haha, everything went according to plan!

Subway strode out of the tent, stood forward, and stood in front of the group of masked men:

"What do you mean? I, the vice president of the White Wolf Club, am here. Who are you, dare to shout like this in front of our booth? Didn't you know that the boss of our White Wolf Club is a fourth-year powerful Arctic Wolf?"

Several other masked members of the All Things Society were about to make peace, but the masked Russell roared at Subway:

"So what about the fourth-year powers? We also have fourth-year powers in the All Things Association! There is also more than one third-year powerhouse! Do you have a third-year powerhouse in your White Wolf Club?"

"What, you are actually members of the Wanwuhui?" Subway looked shocked and quickly turned around and shouted to other people in the White Wolf Club:

"Everyone, come out quickly, the people from Wanwuhui are here to destroy the place!"

Unfortunately, the people in the White Wolf Club have found out that we are members of the Wanshuihui! Alas, why is this boy Russell so unabashed? Guangbo from behind was so angry that he stamped his feet.

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