Magic world

Chapter 971 Urus Ragna

ps: Thank you to "Second Kill Potato" for your valuable monthly votes, and thank you to "Zongheng Five Poisons", "nxx" and "nykfny" for their rewards.

"O my enemy, you are welcome to come." Uluslag sat on a log lying across the grass, grilling himself in the ditch fire that made a crackling sound, and his expression returned to his original proud appearance. Na said to Ito Cheng who fell from the sky.

"Congratulations, you have recovered all your looseness and regained your true [self]. This is you who I want to defeat." As he walked, a section of tree stump looked like it had been cut by a logger. The log suddenly rose from the ground, and Ito Cheng walked to sit on it and chuckled.

"Failure is exactly the wish I am pursuing. If you can give it to me, I would be very grateful." Ulusragna said with a sunny smile on his face, like the center of the world.

"I will definitely give it to you." Ito Cheng said in a serious voice. [

Then Ito Cheng turned his arms, and two bronze wine bottles and a small wooden barrel commonly used to store wine in wineries appeared in his hands.

Ito Cheng opened the bung of the bucket and poured out the dark red liquid in the bucket.

"A banquet before the war? You are indeed an interesting person." Urusragna said with a surprised expression on his face.

"Drinking with your opponent and sending him to failure is an ancient tradition in my hometown. In the past, no one was qualified, and no one would do this ritual with me. But you are different..." He put the barrel on the ground casually. , Ito Cheng sent one of the bronze wine bottles filled with wine to the front of Urus Ragna by wind and raised his glass to invite, "I believe you are willing to accept it."

"Yes, I like it very much." Ulusragna said after taking the wine glass, and then he and Ito Cheng raised their heads and drank the wine in the glass.

At this time, Ito Cheng picked up the barrel again. Fill the wine glasses in the hands of yourself and Urusragna with dark red wine.

"A nostalgic taste." Urusragna sighed softly.

"This is a collection I took from a rich man's home in Iran (in the Rubik's Cube world). Although it may have a slightly different taste from your time, it is still a treasure worthy of praise." explained the source of Ito Achievement's wine.

"No wonder, I tasted the familiar flavor of wind and sand from the wine." Urusragna suddenly said, and then sincerely thanked you again, "Thank you for your thoughtfulness. For this reason, I will consider sparing your life later."

"Thank you." Ito Cheng toasted and said, "But it needs to be like this. Fighting for each other's lives in order to win, this is what we should do between our old enemies."

Feeling that the part of the body that has not been completely assimilated by his own power still exists independently, it boils over at this moment and begins to reversely affect the active power of his own power. Ito Cheng's heart also began to become warlike like the original God-killers in this world.

"I made a mistake, I apologize." Ulusragna laughed, then raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng picked up the wine barrel and refilled the wine for him and himself.

Just like that, the two of them were in the warm Mediterranean evening breeze. Staring at the stars, warming the ditch fire, chatting like good friends, while drinking the wine Ito Cheng took out. Until more than an hour later, the wine in the barrel is completely drunk.

"Pah." Ito Cheng threw the empty barrel into the blazing ditch fire between the two of them.

"This is the end of the gentle conversation. Let's use each other's lives as a bet and talk with weapons and fists." Ito Cheng stood up from the log pile and looked at Uruslag opposite. Na said.

"As you wish." Ulusragna stood up and said.

The words fell. The magic power on both of them began to boil in unison. Under the influence of this spell, Ito Chengna's power as the God of Storms began to appear. A large number of dark clouds suddenly rose up and gathered in the sky above the two people's heads in the fierce wind that became stronger. A low roar echoed between the heaven and the earth amid the thunder that lit up from time to time.

"It finally started." Erica Brandley said softly at the edge of the forest when she noticed the change in the weather. But immediately she felt something strange around her, and couldn't help but turn her head and cast her eyes on Yaye beside her. [

A pair of beast eyes exuding golden light and powerful wildness instantly caught her eyes.

"A descendant of a witch?" Erica Brandley thought to herself.

"Boom!" At this time, a loud bang sounded over the forest, attracting Erica Brandley's attention again. And at the same time. The battle between gods and god-killers also officially began with this loud noise.

The first one to attack was Ito Cheng. He freed the word spirit, raised his hand and summoned thousands of lightning spears, and slashed them at Urusragna.

"God-killer who has usurped Mercator's power, thunder and lightning are of no use to me. I am also the leader of thunder and lightning." Urusragna said loudly, and then he used one hand to trigger the thunder and lightning falling from the sky. Half of them twisted and struck Ito Cheng in the opposite direction. As for the remaining ones, they were also pulled aside during the manifestation of Urusragna's power, and not a single thunderbolt fell on his body.

Seeing that he was about to be hacked, Ito Cheng did not dodge, and directly waved his hand to lay out a lightning net in front of him, with meshes even finer than the finest fishing net. "Crackling." The thunder gun and the thunder net pulled and collided with each other, and then turned into dazzling bright white light and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

At the moment when the bright white light affected the two people's sight, Ito Shige immediately stepped through the obstacle of the bright light and came to Urus Ragna. He swung the Longinus spear that he took out on the move and stabbed Urus. Slagnar.

"Is this the weapon you used to kill Mercato?" Urusragna said, "I smell Jesus and Mel from above. The smell of Cato’s blood.”

Ito Cheng, who missed the attack, had a flash of lightning on his body. He used the lightning to directly replace the body's natural nerve conduction signals, allowing his physical body to reach super speed. He appeared in front of Urusragna again like lightning and flint, and used the gun to A diagonal stab at his ankle.

"Such a it an imitation of the cursed gun that stabbed Jesus?" he dodged to avoid the stabbing attack. Ulusragna, who raised his leg to kick the gun away, continued.

"But the [meaning] above is so strong, so strong that it can't be compared with the real thing. Have human beings developed enough to forge divine tools now?" He waved his hand at Ito and cast a jet of black thunder. Urusragna sighed.

"Boom!" Ito Cheng swung the Longinus spear with flashing electric light, splitting the flying lightning with thunderous intent. Then the gun was filled with thunder and lightning again, and it was reflected back to Urusragna.

"Or is it a semi-finished product forged from the fragments of the real thing?" Urusragna said, dodging slightly and avoiding the lightning strike. "Let me test its authenticity."

Hearing this, Ito Cheng's face changed slightly, knowing that Urusragna was about to use his trump card---the warrior's golden sword.

"Language is light. Word spirit is light. So light, word spirit, become my sword, become my blade!" Sure enough. The next moment, Urusragna chanted the word spirit that summoned the golden sword.

"Pursue! Exile! Chasers, become a pair of weapons for my minions, the military god who pursues the East! Let him see the power of my anger!" Ito Cheng stopped immediately when he saw this, and also chanted The power I received from Mercato manifested into a spirit.

The next moment, two short sticks named Pursuit and Exile were wrapped in blue and bright red thunder and lightning. The Great Sword of the Word Spirit, which was electrified and emitted golden light, appeared above Ito Cheng's head and in the hands of Urusragna.

"The God of War in the East - Urus Ragna, can your sword of wisdom that can cut off divine power be able to cut off two divine weapons with different meanings at the same time?" Ito Cheng stopped and looked at Urus. Ragnar said.

Urusragna's brows frowned for the first time, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

"Judging from your expression, it's true! One [sword] cannot cut off two weapons that are full of divine will at the same time. Now, let me test whether you have enough strength to use the sword. What about using other incarnations?" Ito Cheng continued with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Come on, chaser!" Ito Cheng loudly issued an attack command to the pursuit and banishment sticks.

In an instant, the twin sticks of pursuit and banishment turned into two thunderbolts and struck directly at Urusragna holding the golden sword. [

"Pursuit and banishment are the weapons of Baal." At this time, Urusragna finally selected the Sword Word Spirit and began to chant loudly. In an instant, clusters of golden light balls began to appear around him, forming a shield to block the attacks of thunder and lightning formed by Pursuit and Banishment.

"These are weapons given to you by Kusavahassis, the god of craftsmen in the past! As Baal, you used them to lure the dragon king Yam away from the throne and kill him! With this crusade, you were able to Upgraded to the throne of the God King!" Urusragna continued to add words.

But just then. Another slightly smaller golden sword also appeared in Urusragna's hand.

"The name of the spear you are holding is Longinus. It is the weapon that stabbed Jesus who appeared on the earth at Golgotha ​​when Rome ruled Israel in ancient times. It is cursed after the name of the blind soldier Longinus. The spear..." Urusragna chanted the words aimed at the spear of Longinus.

"Tsk." Feeling the slight trembling of the spear in his hand, Ito Cheng couldn't help but tsk.

"Thunder in the sky. Turn into a gun, turn into a sword, turn into a spear, and punish the enemy in front of me!" Ito Cheng couldn't help but chant the spirit loudly. In an instant, the thunder in the sky immediately transformed into ancient spears of different lengths, ancient lances, and east-west long swords of varying widths according to the shape he said, raining down on Uruslag. Na split down and fell down.

"Baal is the name of the weapon. The real name of the god holding these weapons is Mercator. He is the patron saint worshiped by the Phoenicians who lived in the ancient city of Terence. He was originally the god of storms, lightning and sky. , but as time went by, he was crowned by the people as the God of Wisdom, the Sun God, the God of Life, the Lord of Hades, the God of War, the God of Harvest and Desolation, etc., and he had a lot of power." He was pursued and exiled under the resistance. After the attack, Urusragna continued to add more words, allowing the golden light balls to become more abundant again to resist the thunder and lightning attack caused by Mercato's power.

Even Ulusragna felt a little strenuous when using two word spirits at the same time, and a layer of sweat could not help but appear on his handsome face.

"Sure enough, the last resort that can be used is the power obtained from other worlds." After seeing the power efficiency, Ito Cheng couldn't help but sigh in a voice that only he could hear.

Then he threw away his hand and stuck the Longinus spear on the ground. He clasped his hands in front of him and leaned down to the ground. In an instant, a large amount of blue electric light quickly spread forward with his hands as the center, and in the blink of an eye it reached the feet of Urus Ragna. The next moment, a dozen ice picks with sharp tips suddenly broke out of the ground and stabbed Urus Ragna above.

"Poof!" Even though he used his super sense to dodge, Ulusragna's body was still scratched with long and thin scars by the sharp ice pick.

"It seems that when you use the [sword], you can't use other powers." Ito Cheng, who pressed his hands on the ground, looked at Urusragna and said with a smile.

"You are really a difficult God-slayer." Urusragna sighed.

"So I will do as you wish and give you the defeat you pursue as a gift." Ito Cheng said with a smile, while continuing to connect the earth veins to launch the dragon vein alchemy to attack Urusragna.

Although he was embarrassed, Urusragna still relied on the super senses of his warrior power and the battle experience in his memory to wield his two swords to defend against the attacks launched by alchemy and pursuit and banishment.

"Kill!" Finally, after a long time of fighting between the golden sword and the two sticks of pursuit and exile, with the sound of gold and iron, the two sticks of pursuit and exile shattered into four pieces under the strike of the golden sword, like Four pieces of scrap metal fell to the ground.

"Have you cut off the weapon and start preparing to cut off my power?" Upon seeing this, Ito Cheng thought to himself, "I will not give you this opportunity."

The next moment, an arm suddenly stretched out from Urusragna's feet, grabbed his ankle, and pulled him into the ground, leaving only his head on the ground.

Ito Cheng, who was activating the alchemy technique on the spot, saw this, and his body immediately flashed with electricity. Like a bolt of lightning, he passed through the obstacle created by his alchemy technique and appeared in front of Urusragna. The force release method kicked Urusragna on the exposed head.

"Bang!" Ulusragna's head was violently pulled to the side under the heavy blow... but it still did not explode, which was consistent with the powerful vitality of a god, and was still connected to the body. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Qidian. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read it.)

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