Magic world

Chapter 965 Challenge

ps:  Thanks to the six people "Tea Jar", "Sea Skiing", "yuuujhj", "nxcx", "Red Moon Lilith" and "Sheryl" for their valuable monthly votes, and thanks to "nykfany" for the reward.

ps: Finally connected to the Internet, I almost thought I would stop updating today...

"Mercato, I'm here to fulfill my agreement with you!" Ito Cheng said loudly, standing outside an underground temple in the Saint Basti ruins.

This was the day he and Mercato agreed to fight, and Ito Cheng had not been idle in the past three days. In addition to playing with Ya Ye every day, he tried to regain his mobility with the help of high-level magic potions. [Witch] Lucrezia-Sora learns knowledge about gods to increase her chips. After all, when it comes to understanding the gods, Lucrezia Sora is the real professional.

But in addition, Ito Cheng also learned some insignificant magic that belongs to this world system from Lucrezia Sora. In exchange, Ito Cheng also taught Lucrezia Sora some of the minor magics belonging to the main world and the forbidden world.

All in all, these three days were very fulfilling.

"You really have the courage to come back." Mercato's heroic voice came from the underground temple, "In that case, I will help you!"

As soon as Mercato finished speaking, a louder and louder buzz suddenly came from the passage leading to the underground temple. Then, a group of locusts as big as an adult's hand were seen pouring out of the passage. , covering the sky and flying towards Ito Cheng.

These locusts are Mercator's messengers, the embodiment of his power as the god of harvest and famine.

"It seems that if I don't show my worth, I won't be able to gain your recognition and fight you head-on." Seeing this, Ito Cheng sighed in a low voice. Immediately, his toes touched the ground lightly, and his body quickly flew back like a feather with almost no weight. At the same time, he waved his hands continuously, summoning lightning strikes to hit the locusts that were attacking.

"Yes, if you don't show enough value, I won't bother to fight with you." Mercato said with a bold voice.

Although Ito Cheng heard Mercato's words, he didn't understand it for the time being. Because he found out. Those locusts were much tougher than he imagined. Surprisingly, except for those who were attacked from the front, the other locusts implicated by the lightning did not turn into charred corpses and fall to the ground as expected, but continued to vibrate and fly towards Ito Cheng with their slightly dull bodies. come over.

"Tsk. The body of a god-level insect is really hard." Ito Cheng saw this. He sighed softly in his heart.

Then change strategy. Changed the attack method from Thunder Spear to Red Lotus Alchemy. In an instant, there were two crisp sounds of "Pa! Pa!", and two clusters of leisurely flames that seemed to be extinguished in the wind at any time suddenly appeared above Ito Cheng's hands, and then turned into two thick fire dragons exuding blazing heat. Wrap up and burn the locusts that are flying towards you.


The attack effect this time did not disappoint Ito Cheng. The fire dragon, with a temperature of hundreds of degrees, immediately ignited the locusts as soon as it came into contact with the locust swarm, turning them into balls of fire and falling to the ground, until they were finally burned to ashes.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Ito Cheng smiled slightly and continued to snap his fingers to summon flames and throw them into the locust swarm.

Under the attack of more than a dozen fire dragons, the swarm of sky-covering locusts that looked numb were all ignited into fireballs. They fell to the ground with a "puff-puff-" and turned into a blazing sea of ​​fire, spreading out The smelly black smoke slowly rose into the sky.

"Mercato, your pet has been destroyed by me. Now reveal your true form and fight me in an upright manner!" He waved his hand and chopped off an air blade to cut through the ground, forming a fire barrier to prevent the flames from burning. Ito Cheng in front of him shouted loudly.

"You are indeed qualified to fight me head-on for destroying my envoy so easily." Mercato said loudly.

Mercato said as he walked out of Nuragai's underground temple step by step in a leisurely manner. Soon, most of the injuries on his body were recovered, but his clothes were still sloppy, but it made anyone who looked at him feel what it was like. The majestic giant Mercato appeared at the entrance of the underground temple, forming a swarm of locusts across from Ito Cheng. The sea of ​​​​fire faces each other.

"Nice to see you again, Mercato." Ito said like a gentleman.

"Rude fool." Mercato snorted.

Along with his soft hum, an aura that makes people worship and respect from the heart, unable to resist, and even if they are executed by the person in front of them, they will be honored, spreads in the field, and pounces on Ito Cheng.

This is exactly the power of God. It is not deliberate, it is completely natural and invisible aura exuded by Mercato, who is a god.

If an ordinary person comes into contact with the power of God at such a close distance, they will definitely be affected by this, unable to resist Mercato, and become a lamb to be slaughtered. But Ito Cheng is not ordinary. Not to mention his noble soul essence and spirit that he has experienced the impact of World C and witnessed the devouring of the world. Even his mentality of being a person from the outside world and holding the world in his hands also makes him He could easily ignore Mercato's divine power. What's more, he himself might become a [god] at some point, so why should he be in awe of Mercator, the god of disobedience?

"Now that you are ready, let's get started." Ito Cheng, who completely ignored Mercato's power, smiled and then activated his telekinesis and flew into the air, waiting for Mercato to appear.

Almost the next moment, Mercato's figure appeared opposite Ito Cheng, facing him from a distance, and they confronted him.

As the confrontation between the two began, the weather conditions above the St. Basti ruins immediately changed drastically, from the originally clear sky to dark clouds, with streaks of lightning jumping in the dark clouds. At the same time, gusts of cold wind blew up, making the already raging fire on the ground even bigger, and rushed towards the forest where the Saint Basti ruins were located, forming a forest fire that burned ragingly.

However, judging from the current situation, the fire will not last long. As long as Mercato fully releases his power and lets the wind, clouds, and thunder form a storm, the natural flames below will be extinguished.

At this time, Ito Shigei, who was standing opposite Mercato and confronting him, waved his right hand, and it was about three meters away. The whole body was dark red, and it was divided into two forks at a distance of about 1.5 meters, as if there were no rubber bands. A long spear made of unknown metal with a slingshot holder appeared in Ito Cheng's hand, with the double-pronged gun head pointing diagonally towards the ground.

This is a new gun based on the prototype of the Longinus Gun, except that it contains fragments of the Longinus Gun found in the world of the Dark Bible. The entire body is made of special alchemical materials. The interior is engraved with a strengthening magic circle and special rune words to reinforce the whole body. After the gun body is made, it is thrown into the temple in the Rubik's Cube World where the battle nuns led by Orsola who have taken refuge in him are used. The idol theory extracts the meaning of the stabbing god and adds it to the gun body to strengthen the power of the fragments, turning it into a high-level spiritual equipment. Then, after being thrown into the will energy group, the subconscious minds of the eight billion people on the Soul-Eating Continent and C Continent were used for secondary strengthening. Let it become an [artifact] that is not inferior to the divine tools of this world.

"What a wonderful weapon. It actually made me feel dangerous." Mercato said while looking at the spear in Ito Cheng's hand.

"It's normal, because it was once a gun that killed gods." Ito Cheng explained with a chuckle, "But today, I will upgrade it. It will become a gun that kills gods."

As if in response to Ito Cheng's words, stimulated by the energy in Ito Cheng's body, the surface of the imitation Longinus spear spiritual equipment suddenly emitted a bright but very soft bright white light, which will be used in Mercato's storm power. The raindrops falling under the influence are shielded from the body.

"So it turns out that it is your support in such a deceitful way. Chase it! Banish it! The pursuers, become a pair of weapons for my minions, chase the ignorant people on the opposite side! Let him see the power of my anger!" Melka As Tuo spoke, he suddenly liberated the gang of words in his hands, causing them to turn into two blue and red thunderbolts and strike towards Ito Cheng amidst the thunderous thunder in the sky.

"I give you form and bring you new life! I give you mind and make you useful again! Longinus, show your style!" Ito Cheng followed the example and randomly uttered a passage as a speech. stand up.

Not to mention, maybe the rules of this world are like this. After these words were spoken, the power of the spirit of speech really came into being and blessed the Longinus spear in his hand, causing it to explode in the bright white light. A layer of blood light was emitted, and a tiny hair-like crimson color flowed out from where the fragments were buried in the gun body, and flowed throughout the entire gun body almost instantly.

Although he felt the changes on Longinus's spear, Ito Cheng didn't care to investigate carefully at this time. He quickly used telekinesis to increase his movement speed to the maximum, and the two rods of pursuit and banishment released by Mercato were transformed. Dodged away from the lightning attack.

"The annoying storm power... really affects the use of teleportation." Ito said unhappily while avoiding the lightning attack formed by the pursuit and banishment from behind, while approaching Mercato.

"Wind, obey my command and tear apart the wanderer in front of you." Seeing Ito Cheng approaching, Mercato shouted again with a bold voice.

As soon as the words fell, the wild wind blowing randomly in the space seemed to have received an order. It violated the laws of nature and turned into a powerful tornado, spinning towards Ito Cheng at high speed.

With wind at the front and back and electricity at the back, Ito Cheng, who was attacked from both sides, hovered in the sky in vain, turned his head and stared at Mercato's position, using hyperspace perception and powerful computing power to eliminate the influence of wind and rain, and locked the Touching Mercato's body. The next moment, just when the wind and electricity were about to touch Ito Cheng's body, Ito Cheng's figure suddenly disappeared from the pinch of wind and electricity.

"Poof!" The next second, a muffled sound suddenly sounded, and a thin line of blood spurted out from the chest of Mercato, who was flying back quickly.

It's just a weird thing. The blood Mercato spurted didn't dissipate immediately in the wind and rain, but seemed to be sucked by something. It was thrown like a bead line and suddenly appeared behind Mercato's original standing position. The Longinus spear in Ito Cheng's hand.

At this time, a loud noise of "Boom!" suddenly sounded. The tornado collided with the lightning formed by the pursuit and banishment without any fancy. Then the tornado exploded from mid-air, forming a disorderly turbulence that swept the surrounding areas. The wind and rain blew away. The two sticks changed back to their original shape, and after making a turn in mid-air, they flew back to Mercato's hands.

"Tsk, how can this look like a holy spear? It's called a magic weapon." Glancing at Longinus, who was even brighter and more dazzling in his hand, Ito said with a smile from the bottom of his heart.

"The sense of danger is really keen." He looked up at Mercato who was standing in the void again and said.

"I admit that I underestimated you. I didn't expect that you still control the power of space." Mercato said solemnly.

"It's just a small trick." Ito said in a reserved tone.

"I am Mercator, and I am also Baal, the leader of all demons. I have commanded in the name of Baal. The evil beasts in hell will appear next to me and devour the powerful enemies in front of me." Melka To shouted again.

As the spirit of Mercator said, in addition to the god name Mercato worshiped by the Phoenicians, he also had a godhead worshiped according to the translation of his weapon [Baal]. However, as Sardinia was captured by the Roman Empire and Sardinia became under the rule of the Roman Empire, Christian propaganda was established and recognized as the state religion. Baal, who was originally the patron saint and hero god, was promoted as the devil of all evil and a devil. The first! And as time went by, the demon god Baal, one of the seventy-two demon kings controlled by King Solomon, and Baal, the fly king of hell, etc. evolved...

As his words fell, a dark space crack appeared behind him, and then a large number of weird insect beasts exuding a disgusting aura swarmed out of the space, buzzing like ink-colored clouds. Pounced towards Ito Cheng.

"I hate bugs!" Ito Cheng said with a slightly changed expression upon seeing this. Immediately, he expanded his territory with his thoughts.

In an instant, a huge innate Bagua array that rotated at a slow speed appeared on his feet. As the array rotated, it evolved into shapes such as thunder, mountains, swamps, lakes and seas, abyss, forests, flames, World scenes such as strong winds and white clouds. But as the struggle for power with the world unfolded, waves of world power began to gather in the sky where Ito Cheng and Mercato were fighting, and exuded a low sense of oppression.

"Take care of these nasty bugs and close the domain immediately. Otherwise, if Mercato is blessed by the power of the world, I will never be able to defeat him!" Ito Cheng thought to himself as he looked up at the sky with a feeling.

Then he took the initiative to face the insect swarm, resisting the nausea that kept rising in his heart, and threw himself into the insect swarm. He expanded the field to include all the strange insects, evolved the mantle under his feet into the direction of innate fire, and summoned a creature that could burn fire. Nanming Lihuo, which destroyed all evil, burned the insects in the field. (To be continued...)

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