Magic world

Chapter 946 Misunderstanding


spn ˆ ps: Thanks to the four people of "Instant Kill Potato", "nxx", "nykfny" and "157747860 (anti-harmony)" for their rewards.

"It's so uncomfortable!" Ito Cheng complained in a low voice as the crowd left the wedding banquet hall.

No wonder he was like this. Japanese wedding ceremonies have so many rules and taboos. Take normal conversation as an example. You cannot talk about going, returning, returning, leaving, breaking, thin, cold, shallow, cessation, suffering, death, repetition, again, damage, severance and in a festive occasion such as a wedding banquet. The numbers 4 and 2 are associated with unlucky words and bad omens. This makes Ito Shigeo, who is used to Chinese people talking a lot at weddings and even gossiping about their friends' family affairs with acquaintances, not used to it. In addition, before the wedding begins, it is like a Chinese meeting, asking introducers, parents, leaders and other important people to speak, which is a long and boring process. If leaving on the spot would not be too embarrassing for Ito Suzu's name, Ito Chengdu would like to leave immediately People.

But fortunately, once the wedding banquet starts, there won't be any loud noises at the banquet like Chinese people do. They occupy a table and won't leave until the end. It's basically just a taste of it, so the process is very fast. Apart from being a little uncomfortable, there's nothing wrong with it.

"Rezu-chan, let's find a place to play together?" Mie suggested as she walked with Ito Suzu, Yumi, and Mayu to chat and left. [

"Yes." Yumi on the side also echoed.

"You decide." Ito looked at him and asked Ito Suzu if there was any problem with her eyes, nodding her head slightly and said. Obviously Ito Suzu wanted to hang out with friends she hadn't seen for a long time, but she was afraid of causing trouble to Ito Cheng because of her willfulness. After all, they themselves are not very safe...

"Okay." Ito Suzu, who caught Ito Cheng's subtle movements, immediately agreed with a smile.

"Then please, Brother Ito, go back by yourself." Seeing that Ito Suzu agreed, Mihui turned to look at Ito Cheng and said with a smile.

"Okay." Ito Cheng agreed with a smile.

Then Ito Cheng came to the parking lot with a smile and got into the cars of several people who were driving. We started the car and left the wedding banquet hall, split into two teams halfway, heading towards Akiruno City and Shinjuku City respectively.

Ito Cheng, who drove home, first went into the bathroom to wash away the smell of alcohol, then returned to the bedroom wearing comfortable clothes, took out the quantum computer, turned it on, and continued to use electromagnetic control capabilities to blackmail the Cross sect on the international network.

But at this point, there is basically nothing to be ashamed of, and the only way to suppress Christianity is through the guidance of public opinion. And let the secular media use paparazzi to follow and monitor the Christian sect's buildings to hinder the actions of the Christian sect. It's just that although the paparazzi have many means of following people, they are only for ordinary people. For an organization like the church with special means, it basically has no big effect. It is only for those special people in the church. It's just a psychological blockage.

"If nausea lasts for a long time, problems will occur." Ito Cheng said with a strange expression and a low chuckle.

At this time. Ito Cheng turned his hand and took out the Bounty Guild's mission and opened it in the middle. He logged in to his user account and checked the completion status of the previously released mission.

"Task number: x10098x9925z, completion status: pending confirmation (item submitted)..."

Just when Ito Cheng was about to extract a picture of the randomly selected mission item content page to confirm whether the item met his requirements, a brisk and pleasant cell phone ringtone rang.

Tanshou took the phone from the side. Ito Cheng lowered his head to check the caller ID, frowned slightly, pressed the answer button, and put the phone to his ear.

"Mage Bella?" Ito Cheng said.

Bella Jackson, one of the three female mages hired by Ito Cheng in the [Magic Realm] through Firth Magic Agency in the name of magic consultant. But because her strength is only that of a formal mage, that is, a universal level. Ito Cheng rarely discusses magic issues with her, so the only relationship between them is that of employer and employee. It's not like Ito Cheng and Ingrid Raphael, who have a very good, even ambiguous, personal relationship.

"Yes, yes." On the other end of the phone, a voice with a tone that was obviously a little panicked, but pretended to be calm came out.

"Are you in any trouble?" Listening to the voice on the phone, Ito Cheng asked with slight concern.

"Um, um, do you have time? I have something I want to talk to you about in person." Bella said in a rather hesitant tone.

"...Okay." After a moment of silence, Ito Cheng agreed, "time and place." [

"Can we meet in half an hour at the public square in Slanwa District where I live?" Bella said stuttering.

"I understand." Ito Cheng replied unclearly, and then cut off the call without explanation.

"Is it a trap..." Ito Cheng muttered, flipping the phone in his hand, "Who will be next? Betty Arnold? Or Ingrid Raphael?"

Then he put aside these useless thoughts for the time being, called up the phone number of his eldest sister Ito Suzu, and sent a message by email saying that he had to leave home temporarily because he had something to do, and he was not sure what time he would return home. . Then he made a seal with one hand, used the transformation technique to look like a British young man aged 24 or 25, activated the flying thunder god technique to disappear from home, appeared on the streets of England, and walked towards one of the people who could enter and exit. Walked past the entrance of [Demon Realm].

"There's no one there?" Ito Cheng, who didn't find any special arrangement at the entrance and was still busy with people as usual, said in surprise.

"It seems that the top management of [Demon Realm] was very dissatisfied with the last road blocking behavior." With this thought in his mind, Ito Cheng began to chant secret words to open the door to [Devil Realm] and stepped into [Devil Realm].

Ito Cheng, who appeared directly on the street of Meilin Street, walked straight to the public teleportation circle, took out the [Magic Realm] bank card to pay the teleportation fee, stepped into the teleportation circle and teleported to Slanwa District.

In an instant. The scene in Ito Cheng's eyes changed from a clean and tidy European-style stone street to one with some potholes on the ground. Most of the residents are ordinary people, and their modest clothing gives the neighborhood a very rural feel. The location of the teleportation circle is exactly the center of the public square in the neighborhood.

Ito Cheng walked out of the teleportation array, scanning the surrounding crowd without leaving a trace, while walking towards the location of Bella Jackson's residence with a clear goal.

"Did I think wrong? Bella Jackson had other important things to see me for, instead of being forced by church members to call and make an appointment as originally imagined?" She didn't notice anything from the sparse crowd around her. Ito Cheng, who was a suspicious person, said with a slight frown on his face.

In this way, during careful investigation along the way, Ito Cheng finally came to a building with dirty walls. In front of an independent cabin that gave people a sense of time at first glance, I stretched out my hand and pressed the reminder magic circle carved next to the door frame that was consistent with the function of a modern doorbell.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" As the magic circle lit up, Bella's calm voice came out from the magic circle.

"Hello Miss Bella, I am a staff member of Stark Express Company. There is a piece of mail sent from abroad that needs to be delivered to you personally. Can you please open the door?" Ito Cheng said in a disguised voice. He replied using the name of a courier company in [Demon Realm] as an excuse.

"My email?" Bella repeated with some confusion.

"Yes, the mail was sent from China." Ito Cheng replied.

"Oh, please wait a moment," Bella said.

As her words fell, the light of the magic circle that Ito Cheng pressed was quickly extinguished, but then, a soft "click" came from the door. Then Bella Jackson walked out from behind the opened door, dressed in casual home clothes, with her short red hair a little messy, and looking as if she had just woken up and not even had time to wash up.

Seeing Bella's appearance, Ito Chengya stopped pretending and immediately stepped forward to hold Bella into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed her lips without any lip gloss without any explanation.

"Meet~" Bella, who was suddenly attacked, instantly forgot the fact that she was an official mage. With his eyes wide open, he looked blankly at the face of the British young man transformed by Ito Cheng, who was very close at hand, and the little woman refused.

To facilitate your own investigation. Ito Cheng hugged Bella Jackson's body with both hands to prevent her from struggling wildly. At the same time, he quickly scanned the room behind Bella with the corner of his eye to detect whether there was an ambush from church members in the room. At the same time, he launched Psychopathy ability, detecting Bella Jackson's current thought activities.

Under the perception of up to level 7 mental induction ability, Bella Jackson's mental activities were immediately clearly displayed in Ito Cheng's eyes. At this time, in addition to thinking about who the man in front of her was and how to break free from the other man's imprisonment, Bella Wixon's mind was temporarily suppressed, but the thoughts that did pop up from time to time in her heart were also clarified by Ito Cheng. captured.

And with the emergence of this idea, Ito Cheng also roughly understood the reason why Bella Jackson was looking for him this time. It was not that he was assisting the church to ambush him as expected, but that he wanted to borrow money from himself, the donor, for some very personal reasons! [

"Huh!" Ito Cheng, who understood that he was overly concerned, breathed softly in his heart and let go of Bella Jackson's restraint.

Bella Jackson, who had enough time to escape from Ito Cheng's imprisonment, immediately stepped back. At the same time, she waved her right hand and cast a zero-level magic light spell on Ito Cheng with a simple mantra.

In an instant, a dazzling white light appeared in front of Ito Cheng and Bella, blocking each other's sight.

But Bella, who was already prepared for her own spell, closed her eyes the moment the light spell came on, then reopened it the next second, continued to wave her hands and recite the spell, and placed a slender metal rod behind the door. Using a first-level magic arrow technique, she shot towards Ito Cheng who should be in the short-blind state caused by the light technique in her consciousness.

But at this point, Bella's magic attack still did not stop. She waved her hand again and chanted a long spell that was one or two syllables slightly longer than the first two magic spells. She summoned the shaped wind rope to stop beside her, ready to The effect achieved after Ito Cheng is attacked by the metal stick can be used. The time used for this series of magic attacks was less than three seconds, which clearly showed that Bella, an official mage, had a solid foundation and was proficient in controlling magic.

If it were to deal with ordinary attackers, Bella's set of combined spell attacks would definitely have miraculous effects, but unfortunately her opponent was her employer Ito Cheng, a master who was about to enter the S field, so even if The surprise attack of the Light Technique achieved a certain effect, but the arrow-shooting iron rod that was attacked later was held lightly in Ito Cheng's hand and could not move even an inch, and he cursed and cast a confinement technique, imprisoning herself. In situ.

When Bella's face showed despair, Ito Cheng, who was holding a long metal stick, entered Bella's room and locked the door behind him.

"Bella, take a good look, it's me." Ito Cheng said as he lifted the effect of the transformation spell on his body and the confinement magic on Bella, allowing Bella to regain her freedom.

"Chen!?" Bella shouted in astonishment after seeing Ito's true appearance. She never thought that this strange man who suddenly attacked and kissed her, and used his physical strength to grab the iron rod blessed by her arrow skill, and could cast spells, was the boss who hired her as a magic consultant, and his strength was only at the apprentice level. --Chen Xichen!

"Yes, it's me! Just for some reasons, I thought this invitation was a trap to ambush me, so I took the action just now to ensure that you are not an enemy. I apologize for this." Ito Cheng spread his hands flat. In front of him, he shook his head and explained with a look of frustration.

"..." Bella said loudly and excitedly after a moment of silence, "Just because of your suspicions, you treat me like that!? Do you know? I almost thought you were going to rape me just now! You would even do it afterward." Kill me! Do you know how scared and desperate I was just now! Just an apology will be enough! No! Absolutely not!"

"Then what do you want me to do? Compensate?" Itocheng asked.

"Yes!" Bella Jackson, who was thinking about changing from passive to active, subconsciously responded when she heard the words that were completely in line with her inner answer. But then he came back to his senses and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression, "Yes, you should compensate me for the psychological trauma you caused me, including mental damages!"

"Okay, how many do you want?" Ito Cheng asked, suppressing the smile in his heart.

"Two thousand Merlin gold!" Bella Lion said loudly.

"Oh, my god, you are so open-minded, Bella. For two thousand Merlin gold, I can buy a beautiful woman with magical power on the black market! If I'm lucky, I can buy a formal mage-level woman. Women can do it too! I just kissed you and scared you for two thousand Merlin gold! Then I might as well really rape you once! That's more like it." Ito Cheng retorted with an exaggerated expression. said, while placing his gaze on Bella's somewhat majestic breasts, and showing a somewhat weird smile on his face. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Qidian. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read it.)

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