Magic world

Chapter 944 Encounter

() "Wow!" Although the resistance of the magic barrier and the secondary blockage of the armor have offset a certain degree of power, the remaining huge force in the fist still makes the knight's strong and tough body that has been tempered by countless winds and rains weakened. In order to avoid the injury, he opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. With a white face, he leaned on the ground with the sword in his hand to prevent himself from falling down in embarrassment.

"Soaking Jin Kai - Heart-Destroying Palm!" Seeing the knight's hand clenched into a fist slightly as Ito Cheng died under his attack, the palm was completely straightened and pressed against the knight's bare vest in the next second.

"Pfft!" How could the seriously injured knight withstand such a powerful attack that penetrated his body? Immediately, his eyes widened and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face full of unwillingness and gradually losing the breath of life.

"Pierce!" Only then did the roars of his companions echo in the area that had been cleared and blocked by the British police.

Sensing the death of the knight in front of him, Ito Cheng stretched out his arm and landed on the hilt of the European sword held by the knight. He put his five fingers together and forcefully snatched the sword from the knight's hand.

"Plop." Without the support of the sword, the knight's body fell heavily to the ground, stirring up a small piece of dust and staining the knight's face, which still had blood.

"I'm just wondering, why on earth are you trying to get in trouble with me? I remember that I never seemed to have done anything that I didn't deal with a religious organization?" Passing the energy into the sword body along the palm of his hand, he became familiar with the situation of the long sword. Ito Cheng tilted his head and looked at the other two knights who were angry with him and asked.

"You blasphemous person, stop pretending, you know what you have done!" One person said except that his clothes were somewhat damaged. The magician, who didn't have any scars on his body, shouted loudly.

"Even if I did something, it was in the dimensional world. Do you still know what's going on there?" Ito Cheng, who secretly complained in his heart, casually glanced at those who were somewhat injured in the Wind Blade Raid. The magician said, "It seems that you have good strength."

"Set up the formation!" But the magician no longer wanted to talk to Ito Cheng and ordered loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the somewhat embarrassed magicians behind him immediately took action and each selected a seemingly random, but actually contained mysterious position to stand. As if something had been activated, a hazy light immediately appeared on all the magicians.

Ito Cheng frowned when he saw this, and looked up to see that it was already dusk. A sky with faint traces of stars. Showing a look of surprise.

"Is it combined with the special magic of ancient Babylonian astrology?" Ito Cheng said softly, looking back and looking at the magician across the human wall composed of the knight who was knocked away by the mountain support and returned to the team.

"Today is mid-March. It's close to the end of March. The corresponding constellation should be Pisces. The corresponding guardian star should be Neptune, the attribute is water, and the color is green...According to this inference. The types of magic attacks should be ice and water. , and a small amount of spiritual psychedelic magic." At the same time, Ito Cheng began to analyze and deduce the various data of the magic circle using the knowledge he possessed.

"It just so happens that we have almost understood the attributes of the sword. It's time to attack."

After thinking about it, Ito Cheng suddenly raised his foot and stepped on it. A powerful shaking feeling like an earthquake instantly centered on Ito Cheng's footing and spread in all directions. At the same time, long and thin crack marks started from Ito Cheng's body. The feet stretched out and rushed towards the three church knights and the magicians standing behind them.

Then, Ito Cheng's figure flashed after using the defensive kick, and suddenly appeared in front of two of the knights who were on guard, even in the sudden shock, and waved their hands to stimulate energy. The European-style long sword emitting a faint white light struck at the head of one of the knights.

The two knights facing Ito Cheng didn't even make eye contact, and in perfect agreement, one of them raised his sword to block the coming blow, and the other held the sword very sharply and swept it towards Ito Cheng's body.

But at this moment, the long sword that Ito Cheng slashed down suddenly paused, and turned 180 degrees with the flip of his wrist. The tip of the sword pointed to the ground to meet the slash that swept from the waist. At the same time, He raised his left foot high and kicked the knight's chest with the force of a super strange power punch.

"Boom!" The powerful explosive force from his feet instantly broke the defensive array on the knight's chest armor, shattering the chest armor layer that was more than two inches and nearly three inches thick, causing the sole of his foot to fall on the knight's chest.

"Crack!" Because the attack was from the front, the armor's defense was obviously stronger than the back. Therefore, after breaking through Kaijia's defense, the super powerful kick only broke two of the knight's ribs.

"Water wall!" Just as the knight flew back and hit the magician team, the leading magician chanted a simple spell at an extremely fast speed, waved his hand and summoned a wave behind the knight. The wall of water took over the knight's body.

"Ice Spear Strike!" Immediately afterwards, the magician shouted again.

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens or even hundreds of irregular spears composed of ice crystals suddenly appeared above the heads of all the magicians, with their tips pointing in the direction of Ito Cheng, and they shot down like rain.

Ito Cheng pushed away the knight's sword with the strength of his arm, jumped back, and at the same time slashed forward with his sword.

In an instant, a huge crescent-shaped blade flew out from the European-style sword that exuded pale white light and met the ice spears that shot down. The sharp blade slashed like cutting fruit, easily smashing the ice spear into pieces and flying towards the magician team.

"Guard!" At this time, the knight who was rescued by the water wall endured the pain on his body and shouted loudly. He used the energy of light to form a huge curtain wall to block the front of Blade Air Slash.

"Boom!" The explosion immediately sounded in front of the knight, and a large amount of white smoke dispersed, covering the knight's figure and the team of magicians behind him.

Ito, who only let his feet land on the ground at this time, made a thought and used teleportation to appear behind the only two knights with clear vision. He twisted his whole body's strength into one force and sent it to the sword, turned around and slashed at the knight's neck.

"Clang, click, pop!" There was a clear sound first, and the sword blade was blocked by the magic barrier that automatically deployed on the knight's outer armor. However, the resistance of the defensive magic on it was only slightly blocked before it was broken by the power permeating the sword. It shattered with a sound like breaking glass, allowing the sharp sword to unfold before the knight. During his evasive action, he sliced ​​through the gap between the armor, helmet and breastplate.

The knight's head, with a look of astonishment on his face, rolled and fell to the ground aside in the column of blood spurted out from the pressure inside the cavity, making a "thud, thud, thud" sound.

"J, k" the last knight, the knight who had been attacked by Tie Shanguo, shouted with fear and anger on his face.

"Bang!" The front end of the long sword that had completed the slash hit the ground heavily, leaving a slender crack on the ground that was only paved with ordinary sand and asphalt.

At this time, Ito Cheng used the European-style sword that he had snatched from the enemy as a support, swung his body sideways, and kicked the knight with both feet.

After all, this knight was a rigorously trained combatant. Even though he was very frightened and angry at this moment, the knight quickly reacted and held the sword in front of him with both hands, blocking Ito Cheng's attack. But because the response process was a bit hasty, he couldn't help but retreat a few steps under the attack.

Just when Ito Cheng turned over and landed on the ground, ready to attack again, a faintly audible, but disappeared sound suddenly rang in his ears. At the same time, a sense of unreality, as if caused by an overdose of drugs, flooded Ito Cheng's mind, affecting his visual perception.

"It's the song of the mermaid!" As soon as his mind changed, Ito Cheng immediately found out the culprit of this change in himself!

"Roar!" Now that he knew the trigger, Ito Cheng didn't hesitate. He encouraged the energy in his body to transform into the purest masculine energy, and roared a Buddhist lion's roar in the direction of the magician's team in his memory!

Only a layer of faint ripple traces of sound waves could be seen passing through the white smoke that was about to disperse, and struck straight at the knight who looked more embarrassed, pushing him away with great force, and collided with the sound waves to cast magic. team of magicians.

"Bang..." The sound wave and the knight's body hit the light blue barrier automatically generated outside the magic circle, and shock waves spread across the energy barrier.

"Wow!" The knight, who was pinned to the energy barrier by the attack of the lion's roar and could not move, spat out a large mouthful of blood and lowered his head in a depressed manner, looking like he was about to die.

"Roar!" Ito Cheng, who recovered from the Mermaid Song state with the power of the lion's roar, once again let out a powerful lion's roar in the direction of the knight and the magic circle.

"Poof!" Bearing the brunt, the knight who was the first target was immediately killed by the sonic attack caused by the lion's roar, bleeding from seven holes.

"Roar!" But before the previous lion's roar ended, Ito Cheng once again mobilized the energy in his body and let out a powerful lion's roar, blasting towards the magic circle formed by the magicians.

"Crack, click, crackle, crackle..." Finally, in three consecutive lion roar attacks, the barrier of the magic array finally reached the upper limit of defense, and countless irregular fragments scattered amidst the sound of shattering, and gradually Disappear into the air.

"Ah!" As the magic barrier was broken, the magicians in the formation, which were the energy base and core of operation, immediately suffered backlash. They all screamed in pain and collapsed on the ground.

At this point, the magic circle was officially declared broken. (To be continued...)

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