Magic world

Chapter 938 Unification

() "Gui'an, everyone watching in front of the TV and in front of the computer." On the TV and computer screens in some households across the country and around the world, Shige Ito, who has a very aristocratic and elegant smile on his face. He said harmoniously.

"Please allow me to introduce myself first." At this point, Ito Cheng on the screen put one hand behind his back and caressed his chest with the other. He leaned forward slightly and said, "I, Ito Cheng, am the initiator of this current war involving the world! "

As soon as these words came out, all the viewers who watched this video that was forcibly played by Ito Cheng's controlled electronic signals were shocked. They stared at the TV or computer screen attentively, wanting to hear this self-proclaimed war launcher. What exactly does the person trying to say mean.

"I want it!" On the screen, Ito Cheng raised his arms and spread his arms, as if embracing the sun and said intoxicatedly, "This world!"

"Let it completely become the country in my hands!" Ito Cheng retracted his hands slightly and clenched his right hand into a fist. "So I launched this war, a war that will determine the fate of the world you live in! A possible war A war that changes your living environment!"

"But you don't need to be afraid! All I want is the world, and I will not kill anyone who can influence my goals. As long as you can stay at home during the war and not answer the call to join the army, I guarantee that you will It will be safe!" Ito Cheng stated with a smile.

"Similarly, the people who have become the people in the area I occupy, you don't need to be afraid. As long as you don't do some insignificant things, your life will be the same as before. You can go to the market to shop as usual. Go to school to study, Entering a nightclub and having fun with women. I will not deprive you of your right to live a normal life!"

"Of course. In order to speed up the process of unification, I also need to seek help! I need you in front of the TV and computer to join my team and restore peace to the world faster!"

"I'm looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to your arrival." On the screen, Ito Cheng said with a smile on his face and opened his arms as if to welcome something.

"The last thing I want to say is that those with power fear us! Our footsteps will trample on your rights. Tear your disguise to pieces and let you fall from the seat of blood! People without power pray! Pray for our arrival , bring you new light and climb back to the surface from that dirty quagmire!" Ito Cheng finally said in a rather provocative voice.

"I am Ito Cheng, the owner of Eden, and I am here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the images on the computers and computer screens in some households around the world changed. They have returned to the film and television programs and web content they originally watched. But at this time, affected by Ito Cheng's speech, all the viewers who watched the video for the first time were inadvertently watching the images on the screen and thinking about it. Thinking about possible changes in the future and changes in your living environment.

Of course, as a special declaration from the initiator of the war, it is definitely the most popular press release. Therefore, after Ito Cheng's announcement, the major news TV stations in each country once again broadcast the video of Ito Cheng's declaration to let those who were not able to see the declaration at the first time understand the situation.

As this video spreads more and more widely, its influence rapidly expands, tending to divide the people of the world into three camps. One. This is the objection of those with existing vested interests. The second is the neutralist argument that the matter has nothing to do with oneself. And finally. Being at the lower level, speaking from the perspective of a third type of person who is speculative or wants to change the world.

Ito Cheng, who learned about these situations from the Internet, smiled slightly, and then used the Flying Thunder God Technique again to appear in a small and medium-sized country, and released troops to attack the country.

After more than ten days passed like this, all the existing countries on the earth, regardless of their size, were visited by Ito Cheng one by one and deployed troops to attack. As a result, in addition to China, the United States, and Russia, which have vast territories and a lot of military depth and military power, there are also some small countries that have just begun to attack and have not been able to occupy them all, so there is still resistance, including France, Britain, Including Germany, the three military powers with smaller territories and smaller populations, most of the countries were conquered by Shige Ito's scientific and technological military power that was an era ahead of the world of spiritual food.

But that doesn’t mean that things will be stable under occupation. For example, in some countries with strange religions, as well as places where nationalism is prevalent, or where there are secret funds from those with original vested interests, resistance forces are still rampant, and they launch local attacks from time to time. Terrorist attack.

However, Ito Cheng also had a way to deal with this situation. He directly sent a group of ninjas and superpowers with hypnosis and teleportation abilities to carry out beheading operations on these resistance organizations, directly killing the leaders of the resistance forces, and punishing the organization's members. Middle-level cadres are brainwashed to bring them into the scope of rule.

Under such influence, more than two months later, Ito Cheng successfully obtained the status of the Lord of the World and became a veritable ruler of the Soul-Eating World!

During this period, Ito Cheng thought that the resistance to the dark forces that could control a country would be fierce. However, under the threat of technological and military power that far exceeded contemporary times, they were like toothless tigers. He was very obedient and cooperative in accepting the integration personnel sent by Ito Cheng. Especially Shizuru Jiye, who is the only contemporary heir to the Cursed Forbidden Way and has had actual contact with Ito Shige, is not to mention how shocked and stunned he is.

As for the Yinyodo family that actually controls the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Environment behind Japan's underground, the Tsuchimikado family, who are descendants of Abe Seimei, are even more obedient and actively cooperate with Ito Shige's army to take over the superficial government. power.

"Rubik's Cube, how much data are there now?" That day, Ito Cheng asked from the bottom of his heart.

"It seems that it can be devoured." Looking at the world control rate in his mind, Ito Cheng grinned and said. Then with a thought, he activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned to the Tsuchimiya family house in Kyoto, Japan, and appeared next to Isayama Yomi.

"My dear, I'm back." Ito Cheng, who leaned forward and stretched out his arms to hug Isayama Yomi's body from behind, said softly.

"Welcome back." Isayama Yomi replied, leaning his back on Ito Cheng's chest.

"It's alright. You can call Kagura back later." Ito Cheng said as he opened Isayama Yomi's clothes with his fingers and slid them up from her chest to hold them down.

"Okay." Isayama Huangquan's face lit up when he heard this, and he agreed repeatedly. Then, while enduring Ito Cheng's strange palms on her chest and the weird feeling coming from her chest from time to time, she took out her mobile phone and called up the number of Tsuchimiya Kagura and dialed it.

"Yellow Spring?" Soon, Tsuchimiya Kagura's slightly confused voice came from the microphone.

"Kagura, ask for leave from school and come back immediately." Isayama Yomi said quickly.

"Eh? Why?" Tsuchimiya Kagura asked with some confusion.

"Oh, just leave it alone! Be obedient and ask for leave as soon as possible. There is something very important." Isayama Yoshizumi, who couldn't bear to explain the fact that the world was about to be swallowed up to Tsuchimiya Kagura on the phone, couldn't help but said rudely.

"I understand, I'll go back later." Tsuchimiya Kagura agreed with a helpless sigh.

"Well, I'll wait for you, remember to be quick." Isayama Yomi smiled, and then hung up the phone.

"Okay, Kagura will be back in a moment." Isayama Yomi continued.

"I heard it." Ito Cheng smiled as he gently pinched a particle with his index finger and thumb.

"Okay, don't do it, or you won't be able to bear it anymore." Isayama Yomi reached out and grabbed Ito Shige's arm, pushed it down hard, and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, but remember to make up for it later." Ito Shige said with a smile as his palm slid down to Isayama Yomi's abdomen and stopped moving.

Then Ito Shigeya stopped acting mischievously and just held Isayama Yomi in his arms, feeling her body kiss from the palm of his hand and smelling the light fragrance naturally emitting from her body through his nose, while chatting and waiting with Isayama Yomi. The return of Tsutomiya Kagura.

Half an hour later, Tsuchimiya Kagura, dressed in the student uniform that Ito Cheng wore when he first met her, carrying a square black leather schoolbag and a stick wrapped in a purple cloth bag, appeared in front of him and Isayama. Huang Quan's eyes.

"Ah!" Seeing Ito Cheng's figure, Tsuchimiya Kagura instinctively exclaimed. After all, Ito Cheng's identity at this time is very different from before. He is no longer just the boyfriend of her sister Huang Quan, but also the devil who rules the entire world!

As for the title of Big Demon King, it was spread among the students. Because the way Ito Nari appeared and what he did were so consistent with the Demon King in the comics, some students who were just having fun gave him such a nickname in private, which made Tsuchimiya always heard from the students. Kagura unconsciously applied this title to Ito Cheng.

"Long time no see, little Kagura." Ito Cheng, who released Isayama Yomi, smiled and greeted Tsuchimiya Kagura.

"Well, long time no see, Mr. Ito." Tsuchimiya Kagura saluted with a somewhat reserved expression.

"You don't have to be so outspoken. I'm still me, your sister Huangquan's boyfriend. So it's fine now as long as it was before." Ito Cheng comforted him with a smile on his face.

"Yes, Brother Cheng." Seeing that Ito was still as kind as before, Kagura Tsuchimiya quietly exhaled and called out slightly relaxed.

"Yomi, tell her about the matter, and we'll start after that." Ito Cheng turned to the smiling Isayama Yomi.

"Okay." Isayama Yoshizumi agreed, then walked up to Tsuchimiya Kagura, took her arm and walked to the side to sit down, and told Tsuchimiya about the Rubik's Cube world and the situation that this world is about to be transformed. Kagura explained.

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