Magic world

Chapter 905 Ridiculous

"Thank you Lord for your gift!" After experiencing the changes around their bodies, the converted battle nuns all knelt down on the ground, clasped their hands in front of their chests, and said with pious expressions.

"I am not an evil god. I should lead all the lambs well! Allow you to distribute the gifts to those who believe in you!" Ito Cheng's majestic voice echoed in the sky.

"If you believe in me as you wish, you should meditate on my image in your heart, and dedicate your body and mind to me!" Then, Ito Cheng said to everyone again.

As soon as these words came out, more than a dozen of the battle sisters who had just seen the miraculous change were even more shaken in their hearts, thinking about Ito Shige's image, praying to convert and join his service.

In this regard, Ito Cheng naturally refused to accept anyone who came, and cast several beams of light that exuded a faint golden luster and warmth to envelope the converted nuns, treating their physical injuries and cleaning their dirty bodies. Repair the broken monastic clothes, provide food, water, housing and basic protection, and then extract their will energy and put it into the will energy group, marking the traces of the Rubik's Cube world, and returning their reincarnation system to the Rubik's Cube.

"I grant you the right to graze, spread my glory, and let more lambs fall under my glory." At this time, Ito Cheng said again.

"We will live up to the Lord's trust!" The converted battle sisters all said loudly and firmly.

"Me... forget it, after they convert all the battle nuns into my subordinates, they will let Orsola be their pope! As for the angels... let's wait and see if there is any suitable technology in the future. ." After thinking about it, Ito Cheng stopped looking at the group of battle nuns below who began to enjoy the food he gave. She suddenly appeared in Zao's house, took off her clothes and got into the bed of Maya, who was only wearing a yukata but was messy due to turning over in her sleep. When she woke up from his actions, she opened her mouth. He held her lips and lingered with her.

"You guy, what are you doing here!" After a moment, Maya, who was slightly separated from Ito, gasped softly, and looked at Ito, who was close at hand, and complained.

"I'm sorry. I originally wanted to leave a shadow clone here to accompany you. But then I thought it would be too easy for Ya Ye to find out. So I gave up. I'm sorry." Ito Cheng stroked it gently. Maya apologized with a wry smile on her face.

"Huh!" Even though she knew what Ito Cheng said was true, Maya's heart was still filled with resentment. Each one looked away slightly with an unhappy expression. He let out a cold snort.

"It's a long night. Let me accompany you today." Ito Cheng looked down at Maya under him and chuckled. Then he reached out and kissed Maya's lips again, and stuck out his tongue to entangle with her. At the same time, Ito Cheng's right hand is not idle either. Groping around Maya's warm and smooth body.

Under the leadership of veteran driver Ito Cheng, Maya quickly entered the state, and her body couldn't help but begin to twist slightly.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ito Nari straightened his waist and thrust himself and the treasure he was born into into a warm and humid place... In vain, feeling a sense of satisfaction, Maya hugged Ito Nari's neck tightly with her arms. He raised his waist slightly and actively accommodated her.

In this way, with the active cooperation of the two, Ito Cheng and Maya began to devote themselves to exploring the avenue of human relations, and carried out night martial arts activities that had been passed down for thousands, tens of thousands, or millions of years.

Soon, a series of melodious chants came out from the mouth of the flushed Maya, echoing in the Zaozhai shrouded in the night. At the same time, a very special smell of sex, mixed with Maya's body fragrance, spread into the room, adding a lot of ambiguity to the activities in the house.

After a while, as a high-pitched moan suddenly came from Maya's throat, Maya, who was riding on Ito Cheng, collapsed on his chest with all her strength. One head exuded a faint silver light under the moonlight shining through the window. Her long silver hair was spread loosely, her cheek was pressed against Ito Cheng's chest, her eyes were slightly closed, and her mouth was slightly open and she was breathing rapidly.

"Are you okay?" Ito Cheng put his hands lightly on Maya's hips and said softly, looking up at the wooden ceiling.

"Come again!" Maya pressed the palms of her hands on Ito Cheng's chest, and tried to support her body with her arms as she sat up again.

"Okay, let's continue." Ito Cheng, who knew that Maya's strong mentality had exploded again, smiled slightly, turned over and pressed Maya under him, and started moving again.

Along with Ito Cheng's movements, the chanting that had just stopped echoed in the house again, and was gently passed out along the gap of the wooden sliding door. Not long after Maya made the sound, it was already The round ears that woke up from her sleep made her cheeks blush.

"It's true, Sister Maya and you are so messy that I can't even sleep." Yuanyuan, who was also wearing only a yukata, fiercely covered her head with the quilt with both hands, and whispered to herself in a muffled voice. Said.

Although Maya is a martial arts practitioner and has recently begun to practice spiritual power and tantric veins diligently, she cannot compare to a pervert like Ito Shige who uses the power of the world to evolve her body. Therefore, after three or four consecutive confrontations, she completely He surrendered and lay down exhausted and fell asleep.

Seeing this, knowing that the sound here could not bury the sound of Yuanyuan Ito, who was also a warrior and very alert, smiled slightly, teleported to Yuanyuan's room, and reached out to pull open the quilt covering her body. , looking at Yuanyuan, whose cheeks were flushed but still trying to pretend to be asleep.

Then Ito Cheng chuckled, pressed on Yuanyuan's body, lowered his head and entangled with Yuanyuan...

This night was a crazy and absurd night. In order to make up for the fact that Maya and Yuanyuan were unable to stay with their shadow clones due to Yaye, Ito Cheng, like a tireless bull, cultivated two pieces of green land and turned them into Be plump and hydrated! And resolve the grievances in the hearts of the two land owners.

Early the next morning, looking at the tired looks of the two of them, Ito Cheng did not wake them up. Instead, he made breakfast for them and sent them to their respective rooms, and used his mind to communicate. After leaving a message for the two of them, Fang Fang left Zao's house and returned to his residence in the main world [Demon Realm].

"We have just spent the dark night in the Rubik's Cube world, but it is still dark outside. This kind of time difference is really annoying." Looking at the [Magic Realm] sky full of stars, Ito Cheng said slightly He shook his head and sighed.

Then he turned around and went to the first floor of the residence, used a special method to activate the defense barrier of the entire residence, and then used the teleportation circle that came with the residence to reach Merlin Street, and returned to the outside world at the secret entrance.

Then Ito Cheng formed a seal with one hand and activated the Flying Thunder God Technique to return to Tokyo, Japan, which is in the same Asian time zone as the Rubik's Cube world, and returned to the shrine in Akiruno City. Then he took out his digital computer, used a repeater to connect to the international network, and began to search for information about Egyptian myths and gods. After all, the content of "The Book of Law" involves a lot of Egyptian mythology. If you want to understand some of the metaphors in it, you still have to start with these myths.

The Internet is indeed an incredible product that has changed the way knowledge is transmitted in modern society. With just a simple search, a lot of myths and legends about Egypt appeared on the laser screen of the quantum computer, filling Ito Cheng's eyes.

However, the information on the page is relatively simple, and there is not much more local or folklore. But this was not uncommon for Ito Cheng, who had access to a niche network. He soon found a lot of Egyptian folklore on some very niche private websites, which gave Ito Cheng a clear understanding of Egyptian mythology. Cognition.

"I wonder if the Silver Star Society still exists? Has it opened a website? There is too little information from simply reading Egyptian mythology!" Close the current page and enter the English name of the Silver Star Society in Google search Ito Cheng secretly said.

"Tsk... it's been hidden as expected. All the information on the homepage is irrelevant and messy, and I can't find any trace of the Silver Star Society." I entered the two names of the Silver Star Society into the search, but found nothing. Ito Cheng said with a displeased expression.

Then he reached out to turn off the computer, took out his mobile phone, and started pressing quickly on the keyboard with his thumbs.

"Beep..." A busy phone sound came from the mobile phone placed next to Ito Cheng's ear.

"Hey, this is Mai Kuraki." After the busy tone lasted for about ten seconds, followed by a soft sound, a pleasant female voice came from the phone.

"Mai, it's me, Ito Nari." Ito Nari, who was sitting cross-legged, was holding a mobile phone in his right hand and supporting his left hand behind his back. His body was slightly tilted to the left back and he said with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter?" Kuraki Mai asked calmly.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you a little. Come out and have a meal together." Ito Cheng said with a smile.

"Okay, let's meet at xxxx in half an hour." Kuraki Mai sighed slightly after being silent for two or three seconds. Then he emphasized, "It's too late!"

"Don't worry, I promise to be there on time." Ito Cheng said with a confident smile. However, for Ito Cheng who spread the black ball system all over Japan, the whole of Japan is like his back garden. There is really no place that Ito Cheng cannot reach instantly.

"Remember to dress up later! Otherwise I won't have the shame to take you out to meet people." Then, Ito Cheng teased in a frivolous tone.

"Fuck you." Kuraki Mai said angrily, and then hung up the phone on the spot.

Listening to the busy signal coming from the mobile phone, Ito Cheng smiled slightly, then waved his hand to put away the quantum computer on the table, got up from the tatami, and went to the bathroom to wash up and change clothes for the upcoming date. (To be continued...)

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