Magic world

Chapter 903

ps: After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find a particularly well-translated full text of the Book of Dharma. I can only describe it from a similar translation, plus some special translations of some special passages... orz

Thanks to "Zhang Xiaozhong", "Sheng-Xie", "Yuemeng Ruihui" and "Lao Ma's Sky" for their valuable monthly votes, and thanks to "Second Kill Potato" and "nykfany" for their rewards.

The next day, that is, the morning of the third day of the Lunar New Year, after having lunch with Lao Chen's family, he briefly said goodbye to Mr. Chen, Chen Yongli, Liu Xiaohua and Chen Xichen, then left Lao Chen's house alone, and then went to Guoan Under the farewell of Yang Wei, a surveillance officer of the special service team, he returned to Tokyo, Japan by plane, and returned to his home at the shrine in Akiruno City, Tokyo.

However, Ito Shigeya did not stay at home for too long. Instead, he used Feng Shui techniques combined with underground spiritual wheat to build three layers of protective barriers around the mountain that combined Onmyoji, Western magic, and the Forbidden Middle School Fengju magic. , he activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and entered the UK. While entering the [Demon Realm], he continued to secretly copy books while waiting for the latest results from the Bounty Guild regarding the book request task he issued.

Fortunately, although the printed copies of those three books were difficult to find, the characters in the Bounty Guild were all kinds of masters. Therefore, after waiting for more than ten days, Ito Cheng finally paid 13 million U.S. dollars. It contains two books compiled by Aleister Crowley: "The Book of Law" and "Magic - Theory and Practice". As for the other book "Spring and Autumn Equinox" which introduces the secret ritual, the person who handed over the task said that it will take some time to get it.

Ito Cheng is not anxious about this. So after replying that "I'm willing to wait", I entered the [Demon Realm] from the secret entrance and read the two books I had already acquired in the residence I bought with the money I earned from doing bounty missions.

Out of curiosity, the first thing Ito Cheng read was the [wisdom] ---Guardian that Aleister Crowley and his new wife Rose had possessed during their trip to Egypt. The "Book of the Law", also known as the Book of Curses, was dictated by the angel Ewas.

The content of "The Book of Law" is not much, less than 200,000 words converted into Chinese characters. Even if Ito Shige carefully read it word by word, he would finish it in two hours.

"It's really something unexpected and incomprehensible...the Egyptian sky god Nut, the minister Aivas who serves. The mortal body and soul. The mysterious light, women, the sun, the moon, etc....Only based on these... Innovating the world seems a bit far-fetched?" Ito Cheng gently closed the "Book of Laws" with both hands. In his mind, he recalled what he had seen before. I kept thinking secretly in my heart.

"But based on what I have understood so far, I understand why Aleister Crowley carried out the work of abolishing magic rituals and pioneering magic." After a moment, Ito Cheng sighed softly. Put the Book of Dharma aside. He whispered softly to himself.

Then he moved his palm slightly, took the book called "Magic - Theory and Practice" placed next to him, and lowered his head to browse carefully.

The book "Magic - Theory and Practice" mainly talks about what magic is, how to learn magic, and how to perform magic. It also contains some personal belongings of Aleister Crowley, that is, personal information. Thoughts, etc., in terms of pure number of words, are much more than the "Book of Laws". If converted into Chinese characters, it would be at least about 300,000 to 400,000 words, which is very rich. However, in terms of depth, it is completely inferior to books like "The Book of Law" that are full of metaphors throughout.

After several more hours of this, Ito Chengcai finished browsing the book "Magic - Theory and Practice", which contained some sexual magic theory.

"It seems that I have thought of something interesting." Ito Cheng, who gently closed the book with both hands, said with a strange smile on his face, "Maybe before taking the family to the next new world, you can go to that world for a short stay. .”

"But before that, I'd better give the three-dimensional "Book of Law" to Orsola for a look. Maybe I can get something interesting."

Thinking like this, Ito Cheng immediately put away the "Book of Law" and "Magic - Theory and Practice", then entered the Rubik's Cube world and appeared in Orsola's room.

However, because I was so engrossed in reading, I didn't notice the time at all, so when I appeared in Orsola's room, I happened to see him just taking off his clothes, naked and getting ready. Orsola goes to bed to sleep.

"Um..." Ito Cheng looked at Ossola with a look of astonishment on his face, one foot propped on the ground, one leg half-bent, and both arms supported on the bed at the same time. He leaned forward and exposed his entire private parts in front of his eyes, and let out a low sound. Uh-huh.

"Ah? It's my lord." Orsola, who suddenly heard the sound, turned his head back in confusion, then got up from the bed with a surprised look on his face, and stood naked on the ground facing Ito Cheng. shouted.

"It's surprising that you are capable of doing lewd things." Ito Cheng sighed, shaking his head slightly speechlessly.

"If you want, you can do it at any time." Orsola stretched his arm across his chest without panic, covered the exposed light with one hand, and looked at Ito Cheng softly and said softly.

"Meet... let's forget it. Let's get to know each other again later." Ito Cheng shook his head and said after pondering for two or three seconds.

"Okay." Orsola responded softly with a slightly red cheek and a gentler expression. Then he reached out and pulled the white sheet beside him to cover his body, and looked up at Ito Cheng again.

Although it was a cover, it only covered the front of the body with a sheet. The sides and entire back of the body were still fully exposed to the air. The half-covered look while still holding the pipa made Orsola become Even more tempting.

"Come and read this book for me." Ito Cheng walked slowly to the bedside table and took out the "Book of Laws" and handed it to Orsola and said. \u003che law\u003e? "Ossola covered the spring light in front of her with a sheet in her hand, took the book with one hand and brought it to her eyes. She looked at the young English voice on the cover of the book and chanted.

"Book of Laws"? Then Orsola looked up at Ito Cheng again with a look of shock on his face and said.

"Yes, it is the "Book of Laws"! But it is not the "Book of Laws" in your world, but another world, also named Aleister Crowley, according to the dictation of the angel Aiwass The "Book of Laws" compiled from its contents." Ito Cheng looked at Orsola and nodded slightly, explaining in a positive tone.

"But unlike the Book of Laws in your world, this book is not written in so many secret words, but directly displays the real content for the world to see. But even so, there are still a lot of metaphors and metaphors in this book. Code words are not something that ordinary people can understand." Ito Cheng continued.

"It just so happens that you are proficient in the Book of Laws. Perhaps you can combine the knowledge of the two worlds to read some different contents."

Following Ito Cheng's statement. Orsola's expression also changed from the initial shock to seriousness. Then after Ito Cheng finished his statement, she lowered her head solemnly and looked through the "Book of Laws" in her hand. Even the movements of her hands caused her to block the spring light. The sheets fell to the ground and didn't pay attention. Let her bumpy body appear in Ito Cheng's eyes.

Ito Cheng saw this. Then use your thoughts to release the power of your thoughts. It turned into a tentacle and picked up the sheet on the ground, wrapping it around Orsola's body like a bath towel, blocking the exposed spring light again.

Compared to Ito Cheng's browsing speed. Orsola's browsing speed is slower and more serious. At certain times, he will even frown and think about the hidden meaning of a sentence for several minutes or even ten minutes. He will not read it until he is completely sure that he understands it completely. Next paragraph. Seeing this, Ito realized that Orsola would not be able to finish interpreting it in a short time.

"Orsola, it's already very late today. You should rest first and continue the interpretation tomorrow." Ito Cheng stood up from the bed, reached out and took out the "Book of Laws" from Orsola's hand, looking at it with a look of astonishment on his face. Orsola looked at him and said.

"Okay." Oso said with a gentle smile on his face again, then turned and walked towards the bed.

It's just that Orsola, who has a confused personality, didn't notice what he was wearing at all, so as soon as he took a step, he immediately stepped on the bed sheet that was mopping the floor, and fell to the side unsteadily.

The anxious Ito Cheng immediately stretched out his hands and held Orsola's body in his arms to prevent her from falling. But at this moment, the sheets wrapped around Orsola's body fell off her body again, exposing her bumpy body to the air.

"I'm sorry, sir." Orsola apologized softly, placing his hands gently on Ito Cheng's chest.

"You." Ito Cheng sighed helplessly, then suddenly leaned over and picked her up, walked to the bed, and gently put Orsola back on the bed. Then he stretched out his hand, grabbed the sheet that flew into his hand automatically, and covered Orsola's body.

"Good night." Ito Cheng, who leaned over and kissed Orsola's forehead, said with a smile.

"Good night, my lord." Orsola said softly, her cheeks flushed.

Then Ito Cheng straightened up, placed the "Book of Laws" in his hand on Orsola's bedside, and disappeared from the mailbox in an instant under her gaze.

The next moment, Ito Cheng's figure appeared in the sky above the ice continent floating in the ocean of the Rubik's Cube World, looking down from a high position at the listless Roman Orthodox men below, with hungry and fierce eyes, and a lot of selective people. on members.

"The parishioners under me are already so hungry. As a bishop, Piaggio still has food to enjoy privately. This behavior is really ugly." Ito Cheng, who used the rules of the Rubik's Cube world to see through the situation inside the ice ship, said inexplicably. Said to himself.

"Then I'll help you stoke the fire."

With that said, Ito Cheng spread out his mental power, shrouded the entire ice continent under the amplification of the Rubik's Cube World, and then applied hypnosis and illusion on the male members of the Roman Orthodox Church, making them regard the comrades around them as Pieces of delicious food, or toys to vent your sensual desires...

However, Ito Cheng did not directly change a person's consciousness, but subtly amplified their desires and guided them to commit horrific evil deeds. But even so, two or three Roman Orthodox soldiers who were not strong-willed enough, or who lived a good life in the church, their eyes turned red, and they launched an attack on the church members next to them!

The attacked man, who had no idea that his former companions would fight each other with swords, was immediately seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Seeing the blood trickling out of the injured person, the attacker was like a beast that had lost its humanity. He rushed in front of the injured church member, opened his mouth to take the wound of the church member, sucked it up, and exposed it on his face. An expression of enjoyment.

Without Ito Cheng's prior hypnotic guidance, the person who dared to attack his companions would have been attacked by other believers and would have died. But after Ito Cheng's hypnotic guidance, this man's behavior seemed to be a trigger, which immediately stimulated the hypnotized male combatants, causing several of them who were already on the verge of collapse of consciousness to immediately manipulate weapons. , attack the people around you.

After witnessing the viciousness of their companions, even though they wanted to do so mentally, the male combatants who still maintained a righteous face on the surface were all wary of the members around them, so they reacted the moment they launched the attack. , holding the spiritual equipment and fighting with the opponent.

Violent emotions can be contagious, especially when the public consciousness is guided and influenced. The battles in these places are like sparks thrown into gasoline, making all male combatants go crazy, regardless of He launches attacks on the people around him, hoping to get the flesh and blood from the other person to fill his belly.

Although Ito Shigeya increased the temptation of sexual intercourse during the guidance, before the first priority of survival was eating, he put all the things aside, and only after solving the problem of eating, would he consider such things as sexual intercourse. How else could it be said as an old saying: When you are full and warm, you will think about lust.

Seeing the crazy performance of the male combatants, the female combat nuns all became vigilant. They each held spiritual equipment and looked at their companions around them with wary expressions! On guard, they also attack themselves like male combatants.

This situation very truly reflects what Orsola said to Yanis and others before, "Others are fighting with trust in their companions, but they, the Roman Orthodox Church, are fighting with suspicion." This It must be said that it is the sadness of the members of the Roman Orthodox Church that they do not even have a trusted companion in the same army!

It cannot be said that there is no such thing. At least the three of them, Agnese, Angelina and Sister Lucia, trust each other very much. Even in this situation, they did not leave each other. They all held spiritual equipment and were alert to the members other than the three.

"Lord, have you really abandoned us?" Yanis, who was protected by Angelina and Sister Lucia, clasped her hands together and whispered to herself with a pious look.

"If not, please guide us out of this hell!"

No matter how much she prayed, the ugly and ferocious appearance of the male combatants did not change at all. Instead, they became more violent and cruel stimulated by the blood of their companions! (To be continued...)

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