Magic world

Chapter 892 On the Ice Ship

Although Orianna Thomson is a half-hearted magician, she is still a magic master who can create something like a "shorthand text" to allow herself to enter the realm of magisters with half a foot, and she has abundant knowledge in magic. The degree is still very impressive. On the premise that Index is not willing to provide the knowledge of the original text, it is the best teaching material for mastering the magic system of the forbidden world.

However, Orianna's magic level is only half-assed, and her magic foundation is not perfect either. Whether it's astrology, Kabbalah, or the theories in occult magic, this is why she created " The main reason why the "Original Shorthand Code" is not stable enough and difficult to preserve. Fortunately, there is Index, the magical [Demon God], who theoretically exists next to her. Although she is not willing to copy the knowledge in the original book of magic, the error correction and completion of these basic things is not a problem. This not only supplemented Orianna's foundation, but also prevented Ito Cheng from being affected by wrong theories and not following in Orianna's footsteps.

"Sir, it's done." While reading, I don't know how much time passed, but at this moment, Orsola's voice suddenly sounded in Ito Cheng's ears.

"Where are all the things?" Hearing the greeting, Ito Cheng turned over and put away the books in his hands and stood up from the chair. He turned to look at Orsola, who had a lot of dust stains on his face and body, and asked.

"Upstairs, my lord." Orsola replied respectfully.

Hearing this, Ito Cheng nodded, walked to the stairs, walked up the stairs to the second floor step by step, and then walked into the room on the second floor with Orsola.

"Is that all?" Ito Cheng looked at them being placed randomly on the ground in front of him. Asked the four or five cardboard boxes that contained either clothes or books.

"Yes," Orsola replied.

Seeing Orsola's confirmation, Ito Shigeya didn't hesitate, and directly put the box into the Rubik's Cube World and sent it to the room where Orsola lived. Then Ito Cheng turned to look at Orsola, and while reaching out to touch the dust marks on her face with his thumb, he said, "Is there anything else to clean up? If not, I will send you back."

Feeling the warmth coming from her face, Orsola's cheeks turned red and she said softly, "No more, sir."

"Okay. I'll take you back right now." Ito Cheng said, taking back his palm. Then a thought came to my mind. Then Orsola was also sent back to the Rubik's Cube world.

Then, Ito Shigeya no longer stayed in the somewhat messy room, turned downstairs and left the apartment, walking towards the Vigo Bridge, the stone bridge over the Grand Canal in the north of Chiggao.

The location of the Orsola Apartments is not far from the canal. So it didn't take long for Ito to reach the edge of the city's canal. Then go north along the canal for some distance. We arrived at the Vigo Bridge smoothly.

After arriving at his destination, Ito Cheng first transformed into an old man with a beard in a secret place, and then took out a fishing rod and a small red plastic bucket from the Rubik's Cube world. Then he turned into an old man who came to fish and walked out of the corner. Come to the end of the Vigo Bridge, open the horse and sit down on the rocky embankment, put down the keg, throw out the fishing rod and start fishing there.

Fortunately, it is already afternoon, and Italy is a relatively free and open country. No one or the police come here to meddle in other people's business, so Ito Cheng's disguise can continue smoothly.

I don’t know if Ito was born with fishing luck or if there were just too many fish in the canal. Ito was just pretending and didn’t expect to catch any fish, but he would be able to lift a small fish from the canal from time to time. If it hadn’t been for Ito If Mr. Cheng had thrown the fish back into the canal, the small bucket he used to show off would have been packed with all kinds of fish.

In this way, Ito Cheng sat here for several hours...

Just when the sky turned completely dark, a giant ice ship shining with crystal light under the moonlight sailed from the canal not far from the Vigo Bridge, heading towards the Vigo Bridge where Ito Cheng was at high speed without stopping. Hit over.

In an instant, a loud "boom" was heard. The Vigo Bridge was over a hundred meters long, and the deck to the bottom of the ship was about twenty meters. From the deck to the tip of the mast, everything was made of translucent ice crystals. The huge three-pole sailboat, which shone like a white light bulb, shattered violently upon impact, and fell into the embankments and canals on both sides with a "crackling, plop, plop", stirring up a large amount of dust and water spray.

The moment the huge ice sailboat hit, Ito Cheng immediately jumped away from the spot and flew onto the speeding sailboat.

Although the entire sailboat is made of ice crystals, the temperature emitted by its surface is not very cold. When you touch it with your hands, you only feel a feeling like touching plastic. The surface is not slippery, just like walking on flat ground, allowing people to walk on it smoothly. The entire ship naturally emits a faint white light, allowing people to see normally as in daylight even in this dark night.

"Is there any mistake?" At this moment, a familiar voice came from the deck on one side of the ship.

When Ito heard the sound, he turned around and looked in the direction of the sound. In an instant, a young man wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, black trousers, and a head of jet black hair that looked like the spikes of a hedgehog appeared in the sky. into Ito Cheng's eyes.

"It turned out to be Kamijou Touma... Even without Index following him, Kamijou Touma was still transported here by Aleister. It seems that the British Puritan side and Academy City have concerns about the Queen's fleet and its superiors. We attach great importance to the Adriatic Spirit Equipment. I just don’t know how Aleister is going to get Kamijou Touma out of here without Amakusa’s rescue this time." Ito Cheng looked at Kamijou Touma and said to himself.

Then Ito Cheng ignored Kamijou Touma who was yelling over there, turned around and entered the sailboat, preparing to meet Agnes Santis who might be on the ship to see if she and the people she led could be The two hundred and fifty battle nuns were taken under their command. Of course, the premise is that they are willing to convert. Ito Cheng does not want to have religious beliefs belonging to other people in his own world.

The interior space of the sailboat is very large. It is divided into three parts. Each floor has more than a dozen rooms with unknown purposes, and each room is about thirty square meters in size. Based on the overall calculation of this size, It is enough to be worth the sum of several dormitories where Ito Cheng lives in Academy City.

However, although there are many rooms in the ship and the space is large, there are not many people present, and they are basically just empty igloos. So after searching for a few minutes, Ito Cheng found a pair of bare-footed shoes in a corridor that were made of cork with a thickness of 30 centimeters at the bottom. The back, buttocks, arms, and body parts had a lot of hollows. Yanis Santis exposed most of her white and tender skin to the air and wore a black hood.

Then Ito Cheng's figure flashed and suddenly appeared behind Yanis. At the same time, he stretched his hands forward to cover her mouth and nose and hugged her waist, and ducked into an igloo nearby.

"Hey, we meet again, little Yanis." Ito Cheng chuckled as he pushed Yanis down on the bed.

"It's you! Why are you here!" Yanis asked loudly. Obviously, in addition to being angry at Ito Cheng's appearance, he also had the purpose of making his voice spread further and attracting other people's attention.

"Do you believe me when I say I'm here to rescue you?" Ito Cheng didn't care about the volume of Yanis' voice at all, and still said frivolously with a slight smile on his face.

"Would you believe what a wanted criminal tells his pursuer?" Yanis said with a look full of disdain.

"But I am indeed here to save you and the two hundred and fifty battle nuns you led." Ito Cheng said with an indifferent shrug.

"Why do you want to save us?" Yanis asked with some confusion after observing Ito Shigesu for a moment and seeing nothing on his face.

"I'm interested in the religious techniques you have mastered, as well as you yourself." Ito Cheng explained casually, and then without waiting for Yanis to react, the conversation suddenly changed and continued, "Of course, this is just me rescuing you. As for whether we want to rescue you, it depends on whether you are willing to pay a price equal to your life."

"What do you want?" Yanis asked with a frown.

"Your faith!" Ito Cheng said quietly.

"You are actually the agent of the heretic god! No wonder you wanted to rob Orsola in the first place. It turned out that you were going to use the Book of Laws to overthrow the Christian religion and then promote the ideas of the heretic god!" Yanis looked at Ito with disgust. Cheng made his own inference.

"I said, can you please stop making up some unfounded things on your own and impose them on others?" Ito Cheng looked at Yanis speechlessly and said.

"Anyone who needs faith except [the Lord] is heresy! Since the price you want is faith, then what is it if it's not the agent of heresy?" Yanis said loudly and stubbornly.

"You'd better listen to what I have to say first!" Ito Cheng couldn't help but raise his voice.

"I will not listen to a word of what heretics say!" Yanis closed her eyes and covered her ears with her hands.

Ito Cheng's expression paused as he took in the sight of Yanis's performance. Then he walked up to Yanis, put his hand on Yanis's shoulder, and said in her mind with his telepathy ability, "What I meant by that." It’s just that you need to return to the state you were in before your belief, as a non-believer! It’s not that you need to change your faith to become a believer in other gods, do you understand?”

"Since there is no need to convert, why do you want to deprive us of our faith? Are you insulting me?" Seeing that her hands could not block her voice, Yanis suddenly opened her eyes and glared at Ito Cheng and asked. (To be continued...)

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