Magic world

Chapter 868 Excessive

() As soon as Agnes finished her fierce shouting, Ito Cheng didn't even have to say a word, but Index on the side started to retort angrily.

"Who caused this situation? Is it Acheng? Even if Acheng has a reason, there are so many people in the Roman Orthodox Church, why didn't anyone notice what happened just now? In addition, the person who robbed Ossola just now also said Yes, they came here after following you, which means that the reason why Orsola was lost is all on you and not Ah Cheng!" Index stared at Yanis like a she-cat protecting her cubs and said continuously.

"You!" Yanis, who was speechless after being questioned, also pointed at Index with an angry look, but couldn't say a word.

"Huh, anyway, this time Orsola was robbed, and he has to bear a certain responsibility. I will truthfully report the situation here to the church." Finally, Yanis ended the questioning with a arrogant attitude. .

Then he ignored Ito and Index and turned around to set up a search mission for his nuns. Under the arrangement of Yanis, the nuns wearing black nun robes were divided into several groups. Some of them directly jumped into the sewer from the triangular gap on the ground with weapons, tracing the traces left by the other party. Some took out paper, pens, and maps and wrote and drew according to the stars in the sky. Some learned the lesson just now and went aside to pay careful attention. Some started to bury their heads aside because it was too late to see the sky. Make rice in a pot, set up a tent...

"Tell me about the woman named Orsola." Ito said quietly in a commanding tone to Steele who was walking next to him.

Although Steele felt very unhappy and even resentful towards Ito Cheng, knowing that he could never do anything to Ito Cheng at such a close distance, he had no choice but to tell the story about Orsola honestly.

"This matter must start with the "Book of Laws"..."

The so-called "Book of Laws" is said to be a magic book written in secret codes that no one in the world can decipher. The content in the book is quite precious. As long as it can be successfully interpreted, it can gain extremely powerful power. And now, a girl has finally figured out how to interpret this magic book.

However, the Amakusa Cross Church took away the Book of Law from the hands of the Roman Orthodox Church. And Orsola Aquinas, a girl who knows how to interpret.

She had escaped during the chaos between Amakusa Shiki and the Roman Orthodox Church. As for the "Book of Laws", its whereabouts are still unknown, but it is very likely that it also fell into the hands of Amakusa Shiki.

"Can't you read it either?" Ito Cheng turned to look at Index beside him and asked.

"There's no way. I tried, but it's completely different from the normal code." Index shook his head and said.

Ito Cheng nodded when he heard this and did not ask any more questions.

"It is said that the spells recorded in the "Book of Laws" are too powerful. Once used, the world now dominated by the Cross Cult will face the end. Whether this legend is true or false. In short, if this book can be It is of course the best thing for the book to be sealed forever. There is even a school of thought that people who read this book can even use angelic spells that exceed human limits." See Ito Cheng and Index finish speaking Steele continued.

At this time, Steele had already re-lifted the bridge of his nose with the help of a Roman Orthodox nun and performed a simple treatment with healing magic. Although it cannot be said to be a complete cure, it no longer affects his breathing, speaking, movement, and smoking... Of course, Steele still has to endure some pain.

"Perhaps you who have no religious beliefs cannot imagine such angels." Steele glanced at Ito Cheng beside him and said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"It seems that you want your nose to receive another treatment, or you want other places to enjoy that kind of treatment." Ito Cheng didn't even look at Steele, but said calmly.

Steele's expression froze when he heard what Ito Cheng said. A flash of secret anger flashed in his eyes, but he didn't make any refutation, obviously because he didn't want his body to be hurt anymore.

However, because of this, Steele also lost interest in continuing to talk about the information about the "Book of Laws". He walked aside, lit a cigarette, and started smoking it as lonely as snow.

Ito Cheng glanced at Steele and ignored him. He took Index to the side, found a relatively clean place to sit down and waited.

A moment later, Yanis, who had finished arranging the task, walked up to Ito and Index on her thick-soled sandals. At the same time, Steele on the side also threw away the cigarette in his hand and stamped it out. He walked slowly and stood next to the three of them.

Because of the previous small conflict, Yanis was no longer nervous about meeting Ito Cheng for the first time, so there was no scene in the original work where she fell due to nervousness and clamped Kamijou Touma at the root of her thigh. The relationship unfolded smoothly. dialogue.

"I will now begin to explain the movements of the "Book of Laws", Orsola Aquinas and Amakusa Shiki. As well as our future course of action." Yanis said looking at Ito Shige and the others in front of her.

"Currently we can confirm that Orsola Aquinas has fallen into the hands of the Amakusa. As for the whereabouts of the "Book of Laws", I am afraid that they are also close to ten. And this time, the number of Amakusa who are hostile to us is about fifty. People. They used the sewers to escape during the day, but they may not be staying in the sewers now."

"In other words, there is no clear clue at all?" Index looked at Agnes with an unhappy expression and said.

"Yes, although we tried to trace the whereabouts of the Amakusa Shiki based on the traces of magic left there, it was not very smooth. It is indeed a secretive reinforced sect, the Amakusa Shiki Cross Sect." Yanis nodded simply He admitted, and then, as if not to let Index look down upon him, he praised the enemy's methods.

"But we have another team that has set up a siege nearby, and we may be able to gain something." Then Yanis continued.

"How large is the siege?" Ito Cheng asked.

"With this point as the center point, the radius is ten kilometers. It includes 132 roads and 43 sewers. With our manpower, it is not difficult to set up such a surrounding network." Yanis was confused. He said with some complacency, "In short, once the Amakusa-style people try to take the Book of Law and Orsola Aquinas back to their base camp, they will be discovered by our encirclement network. According to the intelligence we have, the Amakusa-style Their base camp is in Kyushu... Unfortunately, we are currently unable to judge the accuracy of this information. And if they did not plan to break through the encirclement at all, but forced Orsola to interpret it on the spot, things would be much more difficult. "

"There is no need to worry about this. I believe Orsola is not so stupid that he does not know how to resist mind-reading magic. And if you want to do something hard, the place is not suitable." I don't know when another one was held in his mouth. Steele, who was smoking a cigarette, said softly.

"For them, there are too many enemies nearby, and they can't do anything at ease. The work of interrogating Orsola, obtaining the interpretation method, and making the interpretation version of the "Book of Laws" cannot be completed in one day. If you want to The best way to break through the prisoner's defenses and extract information without causing him to commit suicide is to avoid direct contact with the prisoner or his torture methods. However, these large groups will take at least a week. Just a day or two without sleep. , it’s not torture at all. If you go without sleep for more than 120 hours, your sanity will begin to gradually collapse."

"Despite this, it's better to find Orsola as soon as possible." Yanis replied.

In order to end the matter as soon as possible, Ito couldn't help but remind him, "Your assumptions are based on the situation that the other party cannot escape the encirclement. What if the other party has a way to escape the encirclement?"

"How is that possible!" Yanis retorted in an uncertain tone.

"There really is such magic." Index suddenly said from the side. In an instant, Yanis took in a breath of cold air uncontrollably.

"This is a kind of magic that can only be used in Japan. To put it simply, there are special spaces called vortex points all over Japan. As long as you use them, you can move freely between Japan and Japan." Index Then he said.

"Is it from Yi Neng Zhongjing - the complete map of Japan's coastal areas?" Steele said with an ugly face as if he was remembering something.

Ito Cheng is not Kamijou Touma. Although he does not know who Ino Tadayoshi is, Ito Cheng does not care about Ino Tadayoshi's origins. He sits quietly and watches Index and listens to Index's explanation of various principles. Steele and Yanis in essentials.

After being reminded by Index, Agnes immediately issued orders to her subordinates again, changed some previous arrangements, and searched for traces of Orsola Aquinas in a new way.

Soon, at a location calculated by Index, Yanis's men discovered the figures of two suspected members. However, because that place happened to be a store that was open, it would be easy to alert the snake if they rashly sent out front-line inspections. Therefore, after some calculations by Index, Yanis decided to apply again at 10 p.m. At one o'clock the army officially launched an attack to recapture Orsola.

Because the operation took place at night, Yanis, who was afraid that she would not have enough experience by then, rearranged the tasks so that her nuns could take turns to rest. Compared to the troubles caused by Agnis and her gang, it was completely fine. Ito Cheng, Index and Steele, who were just waiting for the final battle, first enjoyed the food prepared by the nuns and then found a prepared hat. Tent, get into it and rest directly.

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