Magic world

Chapter 835 Memory

ps:  Thanks to "devil!" for the valuable monthly vote, and thanks to "nykfany" and "nxcx" for the rewards.

"Fool, I am not the kind of person who is so weak that I still need you to save me, so you just have to be at my back with peace of mind and accept my protection. You don't need to think about the gains and losses, just for yourself It only adds to the trouble." After two seconds of silence, Ito Cheng raised his bandaged right hand and gently placed it on Index's head, saying in a relaxed tone.

"Besides, you keep tying me up like this, doesn't it look like a mummy?" Then, Ito Cheng retracted his arm, looked down at his body, which was almost entirely wrapped in medical bandages except for the neck down, and smiled bitterly.

"It's also done in order to recover as soon as possible." Index touched his cheek with his right index finger and said softly with some embarrassment, "Although it can't be treated immediately like magic."

"That's right." Ito Cheng chuckled.

"By the way, I still have things to do. I can't waste time here anymore. I have to hurry over." Then Ito Cheng's expression changed slightly, and he stood up from the ground and said.

"No, Ah Cheng, you are still injured." Seeing this, Index quickly stretched out his hand to stop Ito Cheng and said.

"But I have already promised the other party. It is impossible not to go." Ito Cheng looked at Index with an apologetic look and explained.

"No! You're so seriously injured, I won't let you out." Index stared at Ito Cheng angrily and said loudly, "Now, you have to follow my instructions as a nun. Lie down. Rest until I think I can.”

"But..." Ito Cheng said hesitantly.

"No but, lie down and rest quickly." Index put his hands on his waist and glared at Ito Cheng and ordered.

Under the strong opposition of Index, who was particularly stubborn, Ito Cheng had to give up his original plan, compromisingly obeyed Index's instructions, sat back on the bed to recuperate, and at the same time accepted Index's power that was enough to make people... Injury plus patient care.

In this case, Ito Cheng failed to arrive at the scene of the incident and participate in the final plot of "Fantasy Tamer".

that's all. Ito Cheng is under the care of Index. After a rather long but painful three days, the time came to July 27th...

"Okay, Index, my telekinesis has the ability to promote physical recovery. So don't worry. It will definitely be fine." It was approaching noon that day. Ito Cheng, who couldn't pretend anymore, stood up and took off the bandages on his body despite Index's dissuasion, while speaking to comfort him.

"Really?" Index asked with some disbelief.

"Absolutely." Ito Cheng nodded and confirmed. Then he put his arm with half of the bandage removed and most of the skin exposed in front of Index and said, "Look, can you see the wound?"

"Yeah." Index nodded and admitted after taking a closer look.

"I'm relieved now." Ito Cheng retracted his arm and continued to remove the bandage and said with a smile.

Index nodded when he saw this and did not stop Ito Cheng's actions.

"Dang Dang Dang." At this moment, a gentle knock on the door suddenly rang.

"Here we come." Index, who heard the sound, turned to look at the door and responded loudly. Then he turned to look at Ito Cheng beside him and continued, "It's Xiaomeng."

"Eh? What are you doing at my door?" The moment Index finished speaking, Yue Yong Xiaomeng's voice came from behind the door, saying in a confused tone.

Then, Yueyong Xiaomeng opened the door and shouted into the room, "Ito, these two seem to be your guests."

After Tsukiyomi Komoe finished speaking, she moved her body to the side and moved Kanzaki Kaori, who was holding a long sword, and Steele Magnus, a red-haired man in a black coat, to the door of the room, where they appeared in front of Ito Cheng and Within Index's line of sight.

"Is it you? What? Do you want to attack me together and take Index away by force?" Seeing this, Ito Cheng stopped taking off the bandages, stretched out his hand to pull Index behind him, and looked at God Ripfire Weaver and Steele said.

"Looking at your body, you shouldn't be able to escape easily." Steele said with a chuckle, looking at the bandage wrapped around Ito Cheng's chest.

"You can try it." Ito Cheng looked at Steele calmly and said quietly.

"Go back!" Just when the atmosphere became tense, Index rushed from behind Ito Shige to front of him, opened his arms, looked at Kanzaki Kaori and Shi Shier seriously and said loudly "Please, you can take me anywhere, you can do anything to me, really, really... please, please don't hurt Ah Cheng!"

"There are still 12 hours and 38 minutes before the final time limit. We are just here to see if we have escaped and to confirm the effect of [the shackles]. It seems to be better than expected." After a moment of silence, he held the shackles in his mouth. Steele, who was holding a cigarette, said softly.

"If you don't want this toy to be taken away, it's better to give up the idea of ​​​​escape, I understand."

After saying that, he ignored Ito Cheng, turned around and walked out of Tsukiyomi Komoe's apartment with Kanzaki Kaori, and prepared to walk away.

"Wait." At this time, Ito Cheng, who had been silent until now, suddenly shouted.

Hearing Itoge's call, Steele and Kanzaki Kaori stopped together and half-turned their heads to look at Itogei.

"Index, please wait for me in the room. I have something to ask them." Seeing the two of them stop, Ito Cheng did not immediately pay attention to them, but first reached out to move Index's body. He looked at her and whispered.

"No." After hearing this, Index, who suddenly showed a frightened expression on his face, stretched out his arms and hugged Ito Cheng and shouted.

"Don't worry, I really just want to ask them something. I won't start a fight with them, I promise." Ito Cheng said softly and calmly.

"Really?" Index asked with some disbelief.

"Really, I promise that when I come back, it will be the same as now. There will be absolutely no changes." Ito Cheng said with a smile.

"Promise." Index demanded.

"I promise." Ito Cheng nodded and agreed.

"Okay." Index said as he let go of his hands and stepped aside. Then he watched with worry as Ito Cheng, Steele and Kanzaki Kaori left Tsukiyomi Komoe's apartment and walked into the distance. go.

"Okay, this is it. If you go any further, it will take too much time to go back and it will easily make Index worry." After walking a certain distance, Ito Cheng stopped and saw that the current location was not bad and there were no strangers. He said to Kanzaki Kaori and Steele who were walking not far in front of him.

"Tell me, what does it mean that there are still 12 hours before the deadline." Ito Cheng asked looking at Kanzaki Kaori and Steele who turned to look at him.

"You know the origin of the name Index." After a moment of silence, Steele put away his cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke to hide his face. \u003c] is the literal translation of [index]. "Ito Cheng replied.

"Yes, catalogue." Steele, whose face became clear again, said softly with a hint of sarcasm, "The custodian of one hundred and three thousand magic books, the mobile magical library."

"That child has a special physique, the ability to record everything she has ever seen, no matter how insignificant or boring the memory is." Steele continued.

"Complete memory ability." Ito Cheng explained Index's physique and its abilities.

"Is that kind of ability called [complete memory ability] here?" Steele glanced at Ito Cheng and said, and then continued without waiting for Ito Cheng's answer, "As a member of the British Puritan Church [ [Church of Necessary Evil]'s mobile magic library, the custodian of one hundred and thirty thousand magic books. 85% of her brain capacity was directly taken up by those one hundred and thirty thousand magic books, leaving the remaining 15%. The capacity can only allow her to store memories for the next year, so whenever the time limit is reached, we will delete the irrelevant memories in her brain to ensure that the child can continue to live healthily."

"Do you understand now?" Steele looked at Ito Cheng with a mocking look on his face and said.

"You guys do it?" Ito Cheng looked at Steele and Kanzaki Kaori in surprise.

"Steele and I, like that kid, all belong to the English Puritan Church [Church of Necessary Evil]. As for why Index doesn't remember us, I think you should know it by now." Kanzaki Kaori replaced Shi. Tyr replied.

"So for the safety of that child, please hand her over to us before midnight and let us complete the necessary work." Kanzaki Kaori continued.

"Can I ask, who told you that Index's brain can only store memories for one year?" Ito Cheng ignored Kanzaki Kaori's words, but looked at Kanzaki with a sarcastic face. Ripfireweaver and Steele asked.

"The upper echelons of the church." Kanzaki Kaori replied with a frown.

"Then I can only say that the upper echelons of your church are all scientifically illiterate and primitive people living in an ancient society." Ito Cheng said sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Steele asked with a frown.

"Now is a new society. You should read more scientific information if you have nothing to do. Don't be like the upper echelons of your church, who are all scientifically illiterate and don't even understand some scientific knowledge." Ito Cheng first continued to sarcastically tell Steele He said something, and then in Steele's mood, which was about to go berserk, he explained in a loud voice, "Human brain memory is classified. According to different types, it can be divided into image memory type, abstract memory type, emotional memory type and action memory type. Memory type, and the storage location of each memory is also different in the brain.” (To be continued.)

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