Magic world

Chapter 757 Return to Orb

()ps: Thanks to "wongyt", "Mengmei Wuwu" and "157747860" for their valuable monthly votes, and thanks to "157747860" and "nykfany" for their rewards.

"But having said that, the world of Gundam Seed has neither human will nor planetary will, so it is a world more suitable for devouring. It's just..." After the disguise of the power of the world is completed, the barrier opened by telekinesis is pushed towards the sea. Ito said secretly as he ascended.

Just thinking about the technological strength that it possesses, it is not overwhelming to the countries in the Gundam seed. It is really much more difficult to unify the entire world to achieve the devouring target than the Lelouch world, so I could only sigh and give up this more tempting plan.

"In the future, we should find some ancient worlds like the World of Heaven and Dragon Sword. With the machines in our hands, even if we simply produce cold weapons and armed forces, we can also create an invincible iron army. It will only take a little more time. Besides, there is no problem in taking over the dominion of a world, it is a good method." Ito Cheng continued to think.

Then Ito Cheng stopped thinking and slowly rose towards the sea at a steady speed.

"Huh, it's finally out." After a while, with the sound of water, Ito Cheng's body appeared on the water, suspended in mid-air and breathed softly.

"It's time to release the Archangel." After thinking about it, his figure flashed and entered the Rubik's Cube world, appearing on the bridge of the Archangel.

Because no attack order was received after waiting for a day, the Archangel entered the secondary standby state again. At this time, the person on duty in the bridge was the serious and stereotyped Bucky Lulu.

"Natal, issue the activation order." Ito said to Bucky Lulu who was sitting on the captain's chair.

"Yes." Bucky Lulu responded solemnly, then pressed the ship's internal communication button on the armrest and issued the command to start the battleship.

Under the start command, except for those who are resting. The other staff on duty all put down what they were doing and quickly rushed back to their posts and took up their positions.

"Shua!" After a moment. With a slight exhaust sound, Malu's figure appeared in the bridge.

But at this time, the Archangel had already started its thrusters under the command of Bucky Lulu, and flew towards the huge black hole that suddenly appeared not far in front of the Archangel at high speed.

Then the light in the Archangel's bridge first went dark, and then brightened again. Then a new sea area appeared in the eyes of everyone on the bridge.

"Calling up the original map, target Orb, let's go!" After the Archangel's hull completely entered the Gundam Seed world. Ito Cheng ordered loudly.

After hearing Ito Cheng's order, everyone in the bridge was stunned, and then the emotional operating instrument called up the shipboard map and drove the Archangel towards Orb.

"Compared to asking you to marry me in a completely unfamiliar world with countless strangers as witnesses, I would rather you marry me in a familiar world with the witness and blessings of relatives and friends! This is The answer I want to give you!" Ito Cheng turned around and looked at Maru sitting in the captain's seat and Bucky Lulu standing on her left and said softly.

Malu and Baji Lulu heard this. A touching emotion immediately emerged from the hearts of the two of them, washing away all the resentment, disappointment, and undetectable hatred that had remained in their hearts, and their hearts were filled with love for Ito Cheng.

"My silly and lovely Maru and Natal..." Ito Cheng looked at Maru with tears in her eyes and Bucky, who was pretending to be calm, and smiled softly. He stepped forward and stretched out his arms to connect the two. He held her in his arms and said softly.

this time. Neither of them resisted Ito Cheng's hug, and while they were being hugged, they each stretched out an arm, hugged Ito Cheng's body, and pressed themselves together with Ito Cheng.

"After Orb, I will send the news that we are getting married to Kira and Cagalli, as well as the former Archangel crew members who stayed in Orb, and ask them to come to our wedding." Ito Cheng He said while gently stroking the backs of Malu and Baji Lulu.

"As for the witnesses, what do you think of Teacher Marchio?" Ito Cheng then asked.

"Everything is up to you." Malu said softly with her face pressed against Ito Cheng's abdomen. Bucky Lulu didn't speak either, as if she was following Ito Cheng's decision.

"Then Marchio! Since I can't give you a wedding like that in that world that the whole world can witness, but it is completely possible to give you a small banquet that only the top people in this world can attend." Ito Cheng said with confidence.

Ma Liu and Baji Lulu remained silent after hearing this, but a feeling of touching emotions emerged from the bottom of their hearts.

"By the way, the bride may not only be the two of you at the wedding..." At this time, Ito Cheng gently let go of the two of them and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"It's Dr. Erica." Maru rolled his eyes at Ito Cheng and said in annoyance.

"Yes." Seeing that Maru had guessed it, Ito Cheng smiled awkwardly, and then nodded firmly.

"When I first met Dr. Erica at the managers' conference, I had a vague feeling that you are such a playboy." Maru said, but in vain feeling that there was some atmosphere, he reached out and pinched Ito Cheng's waist and twisted it. got up.

"Hiss..." In order for Ma Liu to calm down, Ito Cheng cooperated and made a pained expression.

"Okay, stop pretending, I don't know you yet." Malu said angrily when she saw the expression on Ito Cheng's face, but she stopped pinching and gently let go of her hand.

"Call Dr. Erica out. After all, this matter has something to do with her." Ma Liu continued.

"Okay." Ito Cheng nodded and agreed, and then with a thought, he summoned Erica Simmons to his side.

"Ito Cheng, Maru, Natal." Erica was overjoyed at first when she saw Ito Cheng, but after noticing Maru and Bucky Lulu next to her, she quickly covered up the joy in her eyes and looked normal. The friends greeted each other one by one.

"Haha, there's no need to pretend, Maru already knows about our affairs." Ito Cheng, who noticed Erica's performance, put his arm around her waist and smiled.

Erica's cheeks turned red when she heard this, and she turned to look at Malu. After seeing the latter nodding and showing no other expression on his face, he let it go. He smiled at Malu.

"Did you call me out this time?" Erica turned to look at Ito Cheng and asked.

"We are now in the world where you, Malu and Natal were born, and we are heading towards Orb." Ito Cheng first told Erica about the world he and others were in, and when his face showed surprise. He continued, "The purpose of my coming back this time is to give an explanation to Ma Liu, Natal and you. I want to hold the wedding under the witness of your relatives and friends."

"Really!?" Erica, who had always thought of herself as Ito Cheng's underground lover, opened her eyes wide when she heard this, and lightly covered her lips with her hands. He muttered with a look of disbelief.

"It's true." Ito Cheng affirmed with a smile.

"Oh~" Erica, who didn't expect that she would be like this today, had wet eyes and started to cry in a suppressed voice.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng quickly hugged Erica into his arms and gently rubbed her back with his hands. Silently comforting.

Fortunately, Erica is a strong woman and quickly recovered from the excitement of hearing the good news. Then she stood up from Ito Cheng's arms with slightly red cheeks. She reached out to wipe away the tears on her face and said, He smiled sheepishly at Malu and Bakilu next to him.

Malu and Bucky Lulu, who probably understood Erica's mood, also smiled at her kindly.

In the time that followed, the bridge became the world of Erica, Maru and Bucky Lulu, where they discussed the wedding in a low voice with happy faces. But most of the time, Malu and Erica were talking, with Bucky Lulu occasionally interjecting a word or two.

"Reporting to Captain, we have contacted Orb and obtained entry permission. It's just that the other party requires us to follow their guidance to enter." I don't know how long it took, the new female cic said to Malu who was talking enthusiastically Report.

"Listen to the other party's instructions. Follow the guidance to enter the country." After hearing this, Ma Liu immediately raised his head and ordered.


After the order was given, the front end of the Archangel began to slowly turn around, following the guidance signal sent by Orb, and headed for the secret port where it stayed during the war.

Just like this for more than ten minutes, the Archangel once again docked in the secret port of Yulu Island.

"Come on, let's go meet our little friends." Ito Cheng smiled as he saw Cagalli, Kisaka, and Aslan waiting on the port shore from the bridge window.

"Yes." Malu responded as he stood up from the captain's position.

Immediately, Ito Cheng, Malu, Bakirulu, and Erica took the elevator to leave the bridge, walked through the corridor to the landing port, disembarked, and came to the shore to stand with Cagalli, Kisaka, and Aslan. together.

"Long time no see, Cagalli, Aslan, Colonel Kisaka." Malu greeted the three of them with a smile.

"Long time no see, Captain Malu." Kissaka performed a military salute, while Cagalli and Aslan responded with common courtesy.

"I don't know why you are here this time..." Although it is peacetime now, the existence of Malu and others and the Archangel is really special. As a colonel of the Orb army, Kisaka couldn't help but ask.

Aslan on the side also looked at Malu, Bakki Lulu and Ito Cheng seriously when he heard this. As for Erica... Aslan didn't know much about her identity, so he just ignored her.

"It's like this..." Seeing that the other party asked about the purpose of coming to him and others, Ito Cheng, as a man, immediately said, "Because I want to hold a wedding ceremony with Maru, Natal and Erica, and we know each other. Most of my friends are here in Orb, so I simply decided to hold the wedding directly here in Orb. I wonder if you would welcome it, Cagalli?"

At the end of the sentence, Ito Cheng looked at Orb's actual owner, Cagalli, with a smile on his face.

"You, you, you mean, you want to hold a wedding with Captain Malu, Major Bucky Lulu, and Dr. Erica?!" Cagalli looked at Ito Cheng and him in disbelief upon hearing this. Maru, Bakilulu and Erica said next to them.

On the side, Kisaka and Aslan also looked at the four people with expressions of disbelief.

"Yes." Ito Cheng admitted with a smile as Malu, Bakilulu and Erica blushed slightly.

"Um... there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that you are like this..." Seeing that Ito Cheng was not joking, Cagalli agreed with a look of astonishment on her face, and then looked at the four of them again, really not knowing what to say.

"As long as you agree." Ito Cheng chuckled when Cagalli agreed. Then he continued, "Also, could you please inform Kira and Lux ​​about our marriage?"

"Okay." Cagalli nodded and agreed.

"Thank you then." Ito Cheng said sincerely.

"Ma Liu, please take care of the wedding. I will take Natal back to the Atlantic Federation to meet her parents. After all, I am going to marry someone else's daughter but not telling them is unreasonable. "Then Ito Cheng turned to look at Maru and Erica and said.

"Okay." Ma Liu looked at Bucky, whose eyes were red, and Lulu smiled and agreed.

Afterwards, a few people exchanged a few words on the shore, then left the secret port together, took the car prepared by Cagalli, and drove towards the center of Orb.

"Then Natal and I will leave first." After a while, Ito, who was sitting in the car, said goodbye to Cagalli, Aslan, Kisaka, Maru and Erica who had already gotten out of the car.

"Well, be careful on the road." Ma Liu warned.

Ito Cheng nodded, then signaled the driver to drive, and sent him and Bucky Lulu to Orbu International Airport, boarded a flight to the Atlantic Federation, and headed for the Atlantic Federation.

A few hours later, the plane successfully arrived in the United States of the Atlantic Federation and landed at the Washington Airport. Afterwards, Ito Cheng and Bakki Lulu, who got off the plane, hailed a taxi and headed to Bakki Lulu's home.

After all, Washington is the political and cultural center of the Atlantic Federation. The city is very prosperous, but the traffic is not very smooth, so it took the two of them more than forty minutes to arrive at the door of Baji Lulu's house.

Baji Lulu's house is very large, covering more than 200 square meters by visual inspection. What's more, it is a two-story building, and the usable space will never be less than 400 square meters. Except for the cement and stone walls on the ground floor, most of the exterior is made of high-rise buildings. Made of strength-strengthened single-transparent glass, it is as bright as a sunroom.

"Don't be afraid. Although you didn't die in the battle in the universe, it was because of me, not your fault. I believe your father will not criticize you harshly after knowing this reason. What's more, there aren't many parents in the world. I would like to wish my children to die." Looking at Baki Lulu, whose body was obviously a little stiff next to him, Ito Cheng stretched out his hand and held her hand, comforting her softly.

"Ring the doorbell, I'll take care of everything." Ito Cheng said with a smile when Bucky Lulu gave him a forced smile.

"Yes." Bakki Lulu nodded and responded, then looked at the door and took a deep breath. He released his hand from Ito Cheng's and walked to the door. He reached out and rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong" At the right time, a crisp sound rang in the Baji Lulu house. (To be continued. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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