Magic world

Chapter 736 In the Qianyuan Palace

()ps: Thanks to the four people "Boring Saint", "zwjzwj", "Soul Block" and "157747860" for their valuable monthly votes. Thanks to "157747860" and "nykfany" for their tips.

Just when the little eunuch was feeling uneasy, wondering what the two guards would do to himself, the crossed guns in front of him suddenly parted to both sides, revealing the path leading to the Qianyuan Hall.

"What's going on?" The little eunuch glanced at the two guards guarding the door of the Qianyuan Hall in confusion, and led Ito Cheng, who had his hands behind his back and a leisurely expression, into the Qianyuan Hall.

"You stay on guard." Ito Cheng, who walked into the hall, walked straight to the high platform in the center of the hall and ordered the little eunuch who was following him.

"Yes." The little eunuch lowered his head and responded respectfully.

After that, except for the slight echo of Ito Cheng's "tapping" footsteps, there was no sound in the hall.

A moment later, Ito Cheng climbed onto the high platform and stood in front of the Emperor's throne, which represented the supreme imperial power.

"I didn't expect that I would have such a day..." Ito Cheng quietly looked at the Amyrlin in front of him and thought to himself. He turned around casually and sat down facing the main entrance of Qianyuan Hall.

"Oh my God, what is this gentleman going to do? Rebellion!?" The little eunuch turned pale when he saw Ito Cheng's actions, and said in panic, sweating all over his body.

However, the little eunuch, who had the survival instinct of a small person, immediately lowered his head and stood there trembling slightly, looking like an ostrich.

Ito Cheng, who saw the little eunuch's performance from the corner of his eyes, smiled slightly, caressed the armrest of the throne with his palms and looked outside the hall, waiting for the batch of ministers of the Chinese Federation who would arrive at an unknown time.

Ito Cheng did not wait long. In just twenty minutes, all the third-rank and above officials in Luoyang City walked into the Qianyuan Palace under the leadership of the great eunuch Tong Lun.

"What's going on?" "Who is that person!?" "Are you trying to usurp the country!?" "Come here! Come here! Take down this traitor!" "..." Just entered Qianyuan In the main hall, the ministers who saw Ito Cheng sitting on the Emperor's throne left and started making noise. Some were surprised, some were shocked, or some were in disbelief and whispered to the ministers around them.

"Crash..." At this time, the Forbidden City soldiers who heard the minister's call were holding weapons and walking heavily. The armor on his body was rubbing and making a sound as he rushed into the Qianyuan Hall.

"How presumptuous, who asked you to come in?" Tong Lun, who was a little confused when he saw the development of things, shouted sternly at the imperial army.

The forbidden army was stunned after being reprimanded, and hesitantly turned to look at the ministers who were still whispering aside, trying to get their attention!

At this time. I saw a flash of light in the eyes of some of the ministers, and shouted loudly in vain, "Why are you still standing there, why don't you punish these traitors who are usurping power and seeking the country!"

A person who can become a third-grade official or above. Even if he climbed up through corruption and bribery, he is not stupid in his mind. Several smart people immediately reacted and echoed, "That's right, you guys should hurry up and take down those two rebellious officials and traitors above!"

"Let's see who dares!" Tong Lun shouted loudly when he saw that they were about to fight.

"What are you going to do? Didn't you see who was standing there? How dare you listen to other people's orders? So you launched an army against Mr. Tong! Do you still have any palace prohibitions in your eyes?" Some of the eunuchs who relied on them climbed up. The officials finally came to their senses at this time, and immediately shouted loudly to the Imperial Guards who had just made some changes.

"My fellow soldiers, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as you seize the two rebels above and clear the army, you will be able to enjoy endless glory and wealth at your fingertips, and you will be remembered in the history books in the future. His name, why are you hesitating!" Seeing the imperial army hesitate, a certain minister immediately tempted him with fame and fortune.

After hearing the words of this minister, several people in the forbidden army immediately moved, and those with weapons in their hands leaned towards the high platform.

"How dare you! Is it you who are in love with the Emperor, or Master Tong and the others? If the Emperor asks about it, how are you going to explain it? How are you going to respond when the Emperor holds him accountable? Are you going to do what Wang Mang did back then? Are you usurping power and seizing the country!?" shouted the officials who were attached to the eunuch.

Immediately, the Imperial Guards who had been a little excited just now hesitated again.

Seeing the Forbidden Army like this, another group of ministers started to persuade them again. Similarly, in order to prevent the downfall of the great eunuch and then implicate themselves in the downfall, the ministers of the eunuch group also made wishes by appointing officials and trying to win over the Forbidden Army. around.

In this way, the entire Qianyuan Hall was as lively as a vegetable market.

"Interesting." Ito Cheng looked at the Imperial Guards below who were being drawn in by the ministers from both sides like incense and chuckled.

"Sir, look..." Tong Lun, who heard Ito Cheng's voice, remembered that there was a great god sitting behind him, and quickly ran to the throne and asked respectfully.

Ito Cheng, who had almost seen the excitement, leaned over and stood up from the jade throne, walked slowly to the edge of the high platform, and looked down at the ministers below who completely ignored the existence of Tong Lun and Ito Cheng.

Then Ito Cheng displayed all his momentum and pounced like a tsunami on the noisy ministers below and the imperial guards who were hesitating, or in other words, estimating the cost.

In an instant, the ministers and the imperial guards became cold in vain, and turned their heads with extremely heavy bodies to look at Ito Cheng who was standing on the edge of the high platform.

"I will rule the country." Ito Cheng looked at the ministers and imperial guards below with an indifferent expression and said, "I will establish the emperor's concubine!"

"Presumptuous!" A certain minister shouted at Ito Cheng with a red face and an angry look after hearing this.

Ito Cheng's eyes instantly fell on the minister who scolded him. He raised his right hand slightly and pointed his index finger slowly at the opponent. In an instant, a blue lightning flash suddenly passed through the space between Ito Cheng and the minister, and hit the minister's forehead straight.

"Plop, plop." Then there was an electric buzz, and the minister's body fell straight to the ground, making a heavy muffled sound.

The ministers and the imperial guards who saw this scene all trembled subconsciously. They lowered their heads with sweat on their foreheads and looked at the minister's body lying on the ground with the corner of their eyes.

"I will rule the country and establish an emperor and concubine. Who objects?" Ito Cheng, who slowly lowered his arms, looked at the ministers and imperial guards standing in the hall with an expressionless face and asked again.

"Monster! You're going to die!" Another minister suddenly shook off the arm that was pulling him, pointed at Ito Cheng and yelled.

Ito Cheng said nothing and raised his arm directly to point at the minister. Release another bolt of lightning to kill it.

"Plop." The minister's body followed in the footsteps of his companions and fell heavily to the ground. The trickling blood soon turned into a bright red trace under his body.

"I will be the emperor. Who is against it?" Ito Cheng asked for the third time with an expressionless face.

This time, finally no one objected and pointed at Ito's nose and insulted him.

"Tong Lun." Ito Cheng shouted after seeing the ministers subdued.

"Sir." Upon hearing the greeting, Tong Lun immediately clasped his fists with his hands, leaned over and responded respectfully.

"Send someone to call me again, the Luoyang Order, the garrison generals in Luoyang City, and the leaders of the Imperial Guards and other important officials." Ito Cheng, who never took his eyes off the ministers, ordered.

"Yes." Tong Lun said.

Upon hearing Ito Cheng's order, several of the ministers below immediately changed their expressions and lowered their heads even further. Apparently they had previously planned to use the military to provide logistical support.

"Also. Go to the dormitory and summon Miun Kushida, Emi Toki, Rumiko Kihara, Mie Kuno, Maki Tamagawa, and Blaise Carter." He looked deeply at the ministers. Ito Cheng once again ordered Tong Lun who was about to turn around and leave to convey the order to him.

"Yes." Tong Lun, who had just turned around, responded respectfully again.

"Go." Ito Cheng said after finishing all the instructions.

"Yes." Tong Lun agreed, turned around and walked quickly down the high platform. He walked out of the Qianyuan Hall arrogantly from the passage that the ministers and the imperial guards voluntarily gave way to convey orders to Ito Cheng.

At this time, Ito Cheng turned around, walked back to the jade seat that represented the supreme imperial power, and sat down low, waiting for the arrival of the Luoyang Order, who was in charge of the entire city, the generals of the defenders in Luoyang City, and the leader of the Imperial Guards.

At this time, the hall once again fell into a suppressed silence. Until a few minutes later. It was only when Tong Lun walked into the Qianyuan Hall with Kushitan Miun, Toki Emiri and her four female disciples that she felt relieved.

Ito nods to Kushitanami Miun, Toki Emiri and her four junior disciples as a greeting, and then continues to look outside the hall with a casual look, waiting for the arrival of the main officials.

Still a few minutes later. Luoyang Ling, who was dressed in the civilian uniform of the Chinese Federation, and several generals wearing military attache uniforms or armor walked into the Qianyuan Hall.

Although they were also surprised by Ito Cheng who was sitting on the throne and Miun Kushitanada and other women standing around him, after seeing the two corpses in the palace and the performances of the ministers and imperial guards in the palace, they all understood. He lowered his head and stood there like the others.

"You guys come up." Ito ordered to Luoyang Ling, the general of the Luoyang garrison and the leader of the imperial army.

The few people who heard the greeting first looked at each other, and then they all cautiously stepped onto the steps under the gaze of other ministers and imperial guards, stepped up to the high platform step by step, and stood in front of Ito Cheng.

But they didn't know how to call Ito Cheng, so they had to open their mouths and fell silent.

"Look up and look at me." Ito Cheng ordered again.

Luoyang Ling and several people subconsciously raised their heads and looked at Ito Cheng who was sitting on the jade throne. For an instant, several people felt their eyes glaze over, and then they lost consciousness under the clouds and fog. It was not until an unknown amount of time passed that they regained sight of Ito Cheng's face in a daze.

"Miun, Emiri, and Rumiko, please help me control them." Ito Cheng, who withdrew his spiritual power from Luoyang Ling and others, pointed at Luoyang Ling and others, and turned to look at those standing aside. Kushitanami Miun, Toki Emiri and her four disciples said.

"My orders are that Miun Kushitanada will be the leader of the Imperial Army, Meiri Toki will be the admiral of the Luoyang garrison, and Rumiko Kihara, Mie Kuno, Masaki Tamagawa, and Blaise Carter will be the four generals in charge of all military affairs." Then they did not wait for a reply. , announced directly and loudly.

"You two must cooperate. If there is any negligence, you will be blamed." Then, Ito Cheng looked at the Luoyang garrison and the Forbidden Army leaders and others except Luoyang Order again and shouted.

"Yes." Several people immediately accepted the order.

"Miun, Emiri, you and them go down first." Ito Cheng turned to Kushitanada Miun and Toki Emiri and said.

Kushidan Miun, Toki Emiri, and her four disciples didn't say anything. They followed the leaders of the Luoyang garrison and the Forbidden Army down the high platform, walked out of the Qianyuan Hall, and went to the Forbidden Army and the Luoyang camp to take over military affairs.

"Luoyang Order, you go down and control the whole city now. Anyone who is suspicious from now on can be imprisoned! Anyone who dares to resist will be killed on the spot!" Ito Cheng looked at the Luoyang Order who was still on the high platform and ordered. .

"Yes." Luoyang Ling respectfully accepted the order. Then he turned around and walked down the high platform, quickly walked out of the Qianyuan Hall, left Zhu Forbidden City and returned to his Luoyang Order's mansion, mobilizing personnel to enforce martial law throughout the city.

"Where is the Minister of Rites?" Ito Cheng, who watched Luoyang Ling leave, shouted again.

"My subordinates are here." Although he was unwilling in every way in his heart, the official of the Ministry of Rites, who was shocked by the two corpses and did not want to die like this, still walked out of the crowd and bowed his head in response.

"The emperor wants to imitate the three ancient emperors and practice the etiquette of abdication. You can understand how to implement it." Ito Cheng looked at the officials of the Ministry of Etiquette and said softly.

"I understand," the official from the Ministry of Rites replied.

"Okay, you can mobilize everyone in the palace. Everything must be ready before noon tomorrow." Ito Cheng ordered.

"Yes." The official from the Ministry of Rites responded.

"Ministers, it's getting late, so you will stay in the palace to rest for the night." Ito Cheng stood up from the throne and looked at the ministers below and said softly.

"Tong Lun, remember to take good care of all the ministers at night. Don't let them catch cold or wind, so as not to miss the time." Ito Cheng, who stepped down from the high platform step by step, continued.

"Xiao De knows." Tong Lun responded.

"The rest of the Imperial Guards will retreat outside the palace." Ito Cheng ordered the Imperial Guards.

"Yes." The imperial army, led by a man who looked like an officer, saluted Ito Cheng, then consciously picked up the two corpses on the ground, exited the Qianyuan Hall, and stood guard outside the door.

Not long after the Imperial Guards withdrew, Ito Cheng also wandered out of the Qianyuan Hall and walked towards the emperor's palace at the rear.

"Rebellious ministers and traitors! Rebellious ministers and traitors!" Not long after Ito Cheng left, a certain minister who couldn't hold it in anymore shouted loudly.

"Be careful what you say, be careful what you say." Another minister who was familiar with the minister warned softly.

"Huh." Tong Lun, who stayed in the palace, naturally heard the minister's cry, but thought that since Ito Cheng kept these guys, they will definitely be useful in the future, so he snorted with a cold look on his face. A sound is a warning. (To be continued.)

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