Magic world

Chapter 711 Integration

()ps: Thanks to "This pig is a bit thin", "157747860" and "nykfany" for their tips

"Sir, do they want it too?" Seeing that Ito Cheng, who had dismissed Kōhoin Hidenobu and Yoshino, turned his attention to her again, Kaguraye gently pinched the corners of her skirt with both hands and said coquettishly like a weak girl.

"Oh? Tell me, how much power you have in your hands." Ito Cheng looked at the pretentious Kagura with interest and chuckled.

"I have a lot of power in my hands." Kagura was shocked when she heard the question. She looked like a child showing off what she had to others and said happily, "I hold 100% of the entire Japanese book in my hands." It has thirty-three economic industries, dozens of military material production lines, stockpiles of cherry stone minerals that can last a knightmare legion for half a year, and has connections with many industries in EU, the Chinese Federation and the Britannia Empire. How about an intelligence network and an elite ninja team of twenty people? Very powerful!"

On the side, Kirihara Taizo's expression changed again and again after hearing Kagura's statement. He never expected that in the eyes of him and other members of the six Kyoto families, she was a completely ignorant girl with only a righteous name and no real power. It's really unbelievable that Kaguraye, who was almost ignored by them, still has such power in his hands.

"The power is not small." Ito Cheng, who also listened to Kaguraye's words, nodded slightly and said, then looked at Kaguraye again with a pair of big eyes looking at him and said, "Tell me your conditions, how? Only then are you willing to hand them over to me!"

"It's very simple, I want to be your queen!" Kagura said confidently.

After hearing Kagura's words, Kallen's expression, who was standing next to Ito Cheng, immediately changed and she stared at Kagura with an unkind look.

"Don't even think about being a queen. I won't give you that position. You can only have the position of a princess at most." Feeling the change in Kallen's mood, Ito Cheng turned his hand and grabbed Kallen's palm. While gently squeezing Kallen's smooth palms to express comfort, he looked at Kagura and spoke softly.

"Only the princess? So stingy." Kagura tilted her head upon hearing this and pouted as if she was a stingy person. Said softly.

"The princess is the princess, but you can't just use the position of the princess to deal with me." Then Kagura looked at Ito Cheng again, leaning forward slightly, with his hands behind his back. Said with a cute smile.

"I understand." Ito Cheng nodded calmly, then turned around and walked out of the house while holding Karen's hand. While saying to Kagura Ya and Kirihara Taizo, "Let's go, this kind of small space is really not a place where people should stay."

"Hey, after all, we have agreed to be engaged. Shouldn't you show me the etiquette of being a fiancé?" Seeing that Ito Cheng was so self-absorbed and walking out of the house, Kagura, who completely ignored him, put his hands on his waist and pouted at Ito Cheng's back.

"Ha, if you want to stay by my side, just follow me." Ito Cheng raised his left hand half way, waving it gently, and chuckled without looking back.

"I hate it." Kagura angrily stomped her right foot when she saw this, then lifted up both sides of her long skirt with both hands, and quickly ran past Kirihara Taizo who was waiting aside. While chasing Ito Cheng who was gradually walking away, he shouted, "Wait for me."

"Ha~" Looking at Kagura running past him, Kirihara Taizo couldn't help but feel a hint of self-mockery on his old face. He casually waved his cane to extinguish the carbon fire, and slowly walked out in the sudden darkness. .

"Tap, scandium, step, scandium..." In an instant, a sound of footsteps gradually receding, and the crisp sound of a hard object hitting the ground echoed in the dark passage one after another.

"Hey, isn't this Fukuda from the Holy Legion? I didn't expect a guy like you to be here." In a large and empty warehouse of Kirihara Heavy Industries, there was a person who looked like he was wearing a serial number, and there were two other dressed people behind him. A ruffian-like young man who was the same as him looked at a man who was also wearing a serial number with a strange smile on his face, but he was taller and had a face that looked like he was twenty-seven or eighty-years-old. He was having sex with another man who was in his thirties. Said the young man who was chatting with the numbered man about 10 years old.

"Imamura, this is not the territory of your own resistance alliance. Don't stir up trouble here." Before the burly man named Fukuda could speak, the middle-aged man in his thirties who was talking to him said He frowned and looked at the ruffian young man named Imamura, who was the first to speak.

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Imamura's expression changed slightly, but he did not refute. Then he glared hard at Futian who was standing aside, and walked aside with his followers.

"Hey, I don't know what the Six Families of Kyoto are going to do. They even summoned guys like Imamura." The middle-aged man sighed softly as he looked at Imamura who was walking aside to talk to other leaders of the resistance organizations present. road.

"I think there must be some big move, otherwise small organizations like the Zi You Resistance Alliance wouldn't be called over." Fukuda, who also looked at Imamura's back, guessed.

"A big move..." The middle-aged man paused when he heard this, and murmured with somewhat confused eyes.

Just when the man named Fukuda was about to say something, a slight sound of footsteps sounded in vain in the warehouse, and then the six Kyoto families headed by Kirihara Taizo, Ito Cheng and Kallen were among several people wearing black. He walked into the warehouse surrounded by bodyguards in suits, and stood on a small platform that protruded like steps in front of the wall on the side of the warehouse close to the door.

"It's Kirihara Taizo..." The moment everyone stood still, a burst of noisy discussion suddenly sounded in the warehouse.

"That traitor!?" "Why is he here!?" "Didn't the Six Families of Kyoto recruit me here!?" "..."

"Bang!" Upon seeing this, a bodyguard in black immediately took out a pistol from his arms, stepped forward and pointed at the ceiling and pulled the trigger. Then the next moment those people were shocked by the gunfire, they shouted "Quiet!"

"Sir." Then the bodyguard turned to Kirihara Taizo and saluted.

"Ahem." Seeing that it was his turn to appear, Kirihara Taizo took a step forward and stood in front of the heads of the six Kyoto families such as Kōhoin Hidenobu, Yoshino, and Kobe Tatsuki, as well as Ito and Kallen. He coughed lightly first. Attracting everyone's attention to himself, he then said, "I know you are confused as to why we are here."

"Now I can tell you clearly that I, Kirihara Taizo, and these people behind me are the Six Families of Kyoto who have been providing you with logistics and funding your resistance activities!"

"How is that possible!?" The words trailed off. Many members of the resistance organization who had just been quieted by the sound of gunfire started making noise again.

"Quiet!" Upon seeing this, the bodyguard raised his gun in the air again and shouted sternly.

With the previous examples, the members of the resistance organization who saw the behavior of the bodyguards wisely put away their doubts. He kept silent and continued to listen to what Kirihara Taizo said.

"You have seen the actions of the new Governor Cornelia in the recent period. If this continues, even with the continued funding of our six families in Kyoto, it will only be a matter of time before you are wiped out by the Brittanian army. Therefore, after discussion, the six of us decided to break it up and reorganize you into a new resistance organization. The leader we selected will be responsible for leading you to carry out resistance activities." After everyone became quiet again, Kirihara Taizo continued He spoke.

"Impossible!" "How can it be possible!" "Why!?" "..." The words trailed off. All kinds of dissatisfied voices immediately sounded among the many members of the resistance organization standing below.

"This is not a negotiation, but a notice! For all disobedient organizations, our six Kyoto families will cut off all logistical supplies to them starting today, and divide them into the same hostile forces as Britannia!" This time, Kirihara Taizo did not wait for the bodyguard to show off his power, and said directly to the people below with a gloomy face.

"……"moment. The members of the resistance organization who had been making a fuss just now suddenly fell silent like a stereo that had lost power. After all, without the support of the Six Families in Kyoto, the resistance organization in their hands would be nothing. They only need money but no money, and they need equipment but no equipment. It will be strange if there are still people willing to follow them.

"Now, is there anyone who disagrees?" Kirihara Taizo's sharp eyes swept over the many members of the resistance organization below and asked in a deep voice.

"..." Among the leaders of these resistance organizations, there are no backbone guys, so naturally no one dares to express opposition.

"Very good." After waiting for a moment, a satisfied smile appeared on the old face of Kirihara Taizo, who still had no objections, and he nodded. Then he turned to look at Ito Cheng, and after Ito Cheng stood next to him, he once again said to the many members of the resistance organization below, "This is the leader of the new organization jointly recommended by the six of us in Kyoto-- -Ito Cheng! From now on, all his orders will represent the collective resolution of our six families in Kyoto. If there is any resistance, it will be regarded as rebellion, and he has the right to deal with it in any way."

After hearing what Kirihara Taizo said, all the members of the resistance organization changed their expressions and looked at Ito Cheng with twinkling eyes.

"Next, please Ito, please say a few words." Kirihara Taizo ignored the changes in the expressions of everyone below, announced loudly, turned around and retreated to the group of representatives of the six Kyoto families.

"I know that you are not convinced by me at this time and think that I have any basis to lead you! But these are not important to me. I only know that from now on, I---Ito Cheng is your leader. I have the right to order you to do anything, even if the order is wrong, you must obey unconditionally!" Ito Cheng glanced at the members of the resistance organization below one by one, and said softly with a slight smile on his face.

"So from today on, I don't want to see any of you doing anything that violates me! And if anyone has that kind of behavior and I find it, then I will not hesitate to punish them according to my wishes. Punishment. If it's light, you might just throw away some parts of your body and survive with your life saved. If it's serious, I won't mind pulling out your skin and cramping your muscles and dying in pain." Ito Cheng said softly with a smile on his face. .

After hearing his words, whether it was the representatives of the six Kyoto families behind Ito Cheng or the members of the resistance organization below, almost all their expressions changed, and they avoided Ito Cheng's glance with uneasy expressions. Even if there were one or two guys who looked indifferent, they just curled their lips secretly and did not resist openly.

"Finally, let me tell you the name and goals of our newly established organization!" Then Ito Cheng looked solemn and said in a deep voice, "I decided that the name of the newly established organization means both the Red Army and the Blood Army. And the goal of our organization overthrow Britannia!"

This time Ito was not talking about overthrowing the EU and the Chinese Federation. After all, for this gang of people, Britannia is already an unimaginable target for them. If EU and the Chinese Federation are added to it, it will make They think Ito Cheng is a madman! In fact, even now, in the minds of almost all members of the resistance organization, Ito Shigeya is no different from a madman or an idiot.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. Now you all go back to assemble your team members, organize your equipment, and wait for my further orders." Ito Cheng then announced directly without paying attention to the strange expressions on the faces of the resistance members below. .

Then he turned around and retreated to the representatives of the six companies in Kyoto, and turned and left the warehouse with them, leaving this group of resistance members alone who were still at a loss.

"What are you going to do next?" After a while, Kagura, who was sitting on a high-backed chair and shaking her feet gently, asked Ito Cheng who opened the door and walked into the room.

"I'm going to the Chinese Federation and stir up trouble there." Ito Cheng walked straight to the high-backed chair in the back and sat down.

"Take me with you, maybe I can help you." Hearing this, Kagura jumped down from the high-backed chair where he was sitting, walked to Ito Cheng's side and looked at him.

"You?" Ito Cheng, who reached out to take the water glass handed over by Karen, looked up and down and said to Leye.

"Yes." Kagura, who felt Ito Cheng's sizing eyes, turned her body, turning the hem of her skirt into a trumpet shape, and then looked at Ito Cheng again and said.

"It's not impossible to take you with me, but you have to be obedient." Ito Cheng took a sip of water in the glass and nodded slightly.

"Yeah! I can finally leave this damn place and go outside!" Seeing Ito Cheng agreeing to his request, Kagura Yashense was overjoyed and said happily.

Then, Kagura, who may have felt that she didn't look ladylike or royal enough, made a move and stuck out her tongue at Ito Shige with a playful expression.

"Go and get ready. We will head to the Chinese Federation later. Maybe we can play there for a while." Ito Cheng, who had long known Kagura's true appearance from the original work, did not comment on her performance. Said quietly. (To be continued.)

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