Magic world

Chapter 683 Part 2

() "You have such a level of cultivation at such a young age. Ma Jianxing's ability to teach disciples really impresses me." Li Tianmen made a fist-raising gesture and looked at Ito Cheng and said.

"Thank you for the compliment. I think Master Ma will be very happy when he hears it." Ito Cheng said with a smile.

"But it's a pity that you will lose your life at such a young age when you meet me." Li Tianmen said with a hint of regret in his tone, and then changed the subject and continued, "However, if you are willing to surrender and take Bai Bin with you If Kenichi’s head returns to the darkness with me, how about I take the decision with Master Fist Master to spare your life?”

Behind the man, he cautiously looked at Ito Cheng and Li Tianmen who were confronting each other in the courtyard. \u003cThe man said angrily while trying to get rid of Shirahama Kenichi.

"Kenichi..." Fuulinji Miu looked at Shirahama Kenichi with a speechless expression and shouted.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your kindness, but I'm sorry to have to obey my orders!" Ito Cheng replied firmly. \u003cThe man came out from behind.

"That's such a pity." Li Tianmen sighed after hearing this.

"Then die here!" Then Li Tianmen shouted loudly, jumped in front of Ito Cheng, and hit Ito Cheng in the face with a forward roll from the ground punch combined with a kick.

Upon seeing this, Ito Cheng immediately stretched his left hand forward and used his palm to support Li Tianmen's legs and feet.

But just when Ito Cheng's palm was about to touch Li Tianmen's ankle, two pairs of fists suddenly shot out from Li Tianmen's forward bending body and hit Ito Cheng's chest.

Although Ito Cheng reacted and quickly stretched his right arm across his chest to block it, the huge force transmitted from the fist still pushed Ito Cheng's body back, and he was hit by Li Tianmen's kick.

"Tear~" followed by a cracking sound. The clothes on Ito Cheng's chest immediately shattered into two halves under the impact of Li Tianmen's legs and feet. At the same time, a marriage-red stripe appeared on Ito Cheng's exposed chest and abdomen.

It's just that Li Tianmen's attack has not yet been completed.

At this moment, Li Tianmen, who had completed his forward rolling kick, tilted his body and immediately fell sideways to the ground. And with a sideways kick from the ground punch, Ito Cheng's arms that were hurriedly raised to his chest were kicked, and he was kicked back.

Then Li Tianmen's body turned over again, lying face down on the ground, and then his arms suddenly exerted force. Standing up straight from the ground, he swings his arm sideways and continues to hit Ito Cheng's shoulder.

A muffled sound of "bang" immediately sounded from Ito Cheng's shoulder where he was hit.

It's just that although the sound of this attack is loud, the actual damage is not much. Because at the moment Li Tianmen's attack fell, Ito Cheng suddenly dropped his shoulders and stepped aside, deflecting the force of the blow on his shoulders.

Li Tianmen, who felt that his flip-over hit did not do anything to Ito Cheng, immediately leaned down, sat on the ground with his legs crossed, and then shot up from the ground like a compressed spring. , punched Ito Cheng on the chin.

"Bang!" With a soft sound, Ito Cheng's body immediately flew high from the ground. He was thrown backward and fell to the ground behind him.

"Plop." Ito Cheng's body fell heavily to the ground, and made a dull sound when it hit the ground.

"Bah." Ito Cheng stood up from the ground with the help of the rebound force when he fell to the ground. He immediately turned his head and spat out a mouthful of bloody sputum that hit the ground.

"The reaction was good. He actually stood up on his toes at the moment of the punch, and used the power of his jump to absorb most of the force to reduce the damage he suffered." Li Tianmen looked at Ito Cheng who raised his hand to gently rub his chin. praised.

"Hmph." Ito Cheng snorted softly after hearing this, and then repositioned himself to stare at Li Tianmen. At the same time, he thought to himself, "I really underestimated this Li Tianmen. In the original work, this guy didn't perform very well. He was injured by Ma Jianxing in two moves during the fight. He thought he was just an ordinary expert. He didn't Come to think of it, that’s not the case at all…”

"Now that there are outsiders here, and Ma Jianxing is watching in a secret place, and we can't use special means, it seems that we can only use our martial arts skills to defeat this guy."

Thinking of this, Ito Cheng's mind condensed, and he stared at Li Tianmen's eyes with a solemn expression, and then slowly raised his right foot and stepped forward gently. In an instant, Ito Cheng's figure flashed and suddenly appeared in front of him. In front of Li Tianmen, a hand pushed towards Li Tianmen's face.

Then, without waiting for Li Tianmen to turn his head to dodge, he directly clasped his fingers and turned his wrist, grabbing Li Tianmen's face with a tiger claw.

Seeing this, Li Tianmen knew that simply by moving his head to dodge, it was obvious that he could not completely dodge Ito Cheng's attack, so he raised his arm and the back of his right hand immediately hit the right wrist of Ito Cheng's claw attack, blocking it. But before Li Tianmen could counterattack, a kick from the jab skill was immediately used by Ito Cheng, and he kicked Li Tianmen's calf on the opposite bone.

Li Tianmian, who knew from listening that if he did not dodge this move, would definitely end up with a broken leg bone, immediately withdrew his leg and leaned forward, blocking Ito Cheng's right arm with his right hand raised up into a sword, and slashed towards Ito Cheng. The lute bone.

Ito Cheng didn't even blink when he saw the palm knife slashing him. He raised his left hand and grabbed Li Tianmen's right wrist, forcefully pulled his right arm through the side of his face, and then stabbed him with his sword. The soles of his feet suddenly stepped forward, and he turned around and bumped into Li Tianmen, who was close at hand, with his right shoulder and right arm across his body.

"Bang!" A muffled sound was heard, and Li Tianmen's body flew out in front of him and backward for the first time during Ito Cheng's attack.

Knowing that he could not give Li Tianmen too much breathing space, Ito Shige immediately stepped forward and chased after him. When Li Tianmen rolled back with a ground punch and received some of his strength, he got up from the ground and immediately bullied Li Tianmen again. A pair of dragons probed the beads directly into Li Tianmen's eyes.

Faced with such a damaging attack, Li Tianmen had to raise his palms in front of his eyes to protect his eyes. At the same time, in order to reduce the impact caused by the obstruction of sight, he directly punched Ito Cheng in front of him with his left arm in the chest.

This time, Ito Cheng, who was fighting for his life, did not dodge Li Tianmen's left fist at all. The moment the fist touched his body, he straightened his chest and arched his back. When Li Tianmen's palm in front of him pushed his forehead behind him, he straightened his toes and rested his heels on the ground, turning his body into a horizontal V, eliminating all the power from Li Tianmen's left fist. .

Then, when Li Tianmen's head fell back in response to the punch, he straightened up sharply, and used Tai Chi's extended body skills to directly hit his chest with Li Tianmen's left fist and hit it hard...

"Bang!" With a sudden muffled sound, Li Tianmen's body was thrown backwards again.

"Dragon Shape Qigong Forging Acupuncture Skills!"

Seeing Li Tianmen in mid-air, with the door wide open in front of his chest, Ito Cheng, who had no way to dodge, immediately lowered his waist and sat on his horse, mobilized the energy in his body to turn into a circle, and blasted straight out from the fist along his arm.

In an instant, a slender and condensed energy visible to the naked eye passed through the space between Ito Cheng and Li Tianmen, and directly bombarded Li Tianmen's arms that he had hurriedly blocked.

"Boom!" Hearing a bang like an explosion, the sleeves on Li Tianmen's arms and forearms immediately exploded, revealing the strong arms under the sleeves, and his body flew back again as if being hit by a heavy object. It drove forward and didn't stop until it hit the wall surrounding the Xinbai Joint Base.

"Bang, click, click..." A large number of crack marks instantly spread from the wall to all directions, centered on the impact point of Li Tianmen's body.

At this time, Ito Cheng, who had completed the needle-forging skill, flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Li Tianmen when he was breaking free from the wall. He used a Shaolin Luohan Fist with a step hammer to hit Li Tianmen at the upper and lower ends. The face of Tianmen is connected with the abdomen.

Li Tianmen knew that if he didn't move his body, he would be hit no matter how he hid. He immediately slapped the wall next to him with his red and swollen left arm. While swinging the wall to shatter it, he used the wall to the ground to perform a ground punch without any chance of happening. He dodged Ito's punch, and after stabilizing his body, he directly kicked Ito's body with a side kick.

Ito Cheng, whose attack failed, tilted his support leg, and directly maintained the posture of punching, the short monster sat cross-legged on the ground. When he moved back to avoid Li Tianmen's side kick, he put away his fists, and his left arm was directly on the ground. While retracting, he grabbed Li Tianmen's left leg kicked out from the side and pulled it back to straighten it. His right fist struck the side of Li Tianmen's left kneecap from top to bottom with an inch of force.

"Crack." Immediately, a crisp sound was heard, and Li Tianmen's left leg immediately broke under Ito Cheng's attack.

"Humph." Li Tianmen, who had broken his leg before the pain in his arms could heal, frowned and groaned. He ignored the injury to his left leg and turned over from the wall, facing the wall with his face, and then pressed his arms hard against the wall. With a push, he bent his body with a technique similar to Yue Taijutsu, and hit Ito Cheng in the face with both fists.

Ito Nari, who had already achieved certain results, immediately put down his hands and lay on his back on the ground, avoiding the fists that were grazing his face. Then Ito Ningkai unfolded his intertwined legs, curled up in front of him, and kicked Li Tianmen in the back with his feet upward.

"Bang!" A muffled sound sounded instantly, and Li Tianmen, whose body was bent, flew into the sky with his face turned upside down.

Immediately afterwards, Ito Cheng stood up from the ground like a carp after completing the kick, raised his head and squinted at Li Tianmen who started to fall from the air... (To be continued.)

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