Magic world

Chapter 679 Xinbai Base

()ps:  Thanks to "Cengmei Wuwu" for your valuable monthly vote. Thanks to "This pig is a little thin" "nykfany" "157747860"

"This is your identity card." Ito said as he handed two specially made magnetic cards with the faces of Sakaki and Athena printed on them.

"It's a necessity for you to live here. You need it for most of your daily life." After the two of them reached out to take the magnetic card, Ito Cheng continued to introduce it.

"In addition, I have already deposited part of the currency used here in these two cards in advance. If I need anything, I will go to the nearby shopping mall to buy it. I think there should be a lot of things that can surprise you." Said Ito Cheng who stood up from the chair and walked to Sakaki and Asina.

"If there is anything you still don't understand, just use your computer to look it up on the Internet. I believe that with the wisdom of the two of you, you will be able to understand everything here very quickly." Ito Cheng stretched out his hand to knead the hair wrapped under the tight pants of the two of them. He raised his hips and said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'm leaving, you guys can get used to it slowly." Ito Cheng smiled and patted the two of them on the buttocks.

After speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared from the sight of Sakaki and Athena.

Ito Cheng, who left Sakaki and Asina, did not leave the Rubik's Cube world immediately. Instead, he reappeared in the cell where Suga Kiku, Toki Emiri and her four disciples were imprisoned. The training, feeding and cleaning work that must be carried out every time you come here.

After finishing all this, he returned to the world of Kenichi, the strongest disciple in history, with a happy face, and appeared in Nanjo Kisaro's apartment.

"Starting from tomorrow, I will also go to the secret base of Xinbai United with you." He walked straight to the sofa, leaned over and lifted Nanjo Kisaro, who was lying on the sofa watching TV, into his arms, turned around and sat down, and Ito said as he put his palm from the bottom of Nanjo Kisara's shirt and pressed it up to knead her little green shoot.

"What are you going to do?" Feeling the strangeness coming from his chest, he frowned slightly. Nanjo Kisara, whose cheeks were flushed and whose palms were lightly touching Ito's chest, asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Do you still remember what I told you today..." Ito Cheng asked as he gently pinched a bulge on Nanjo Kisara's chest with his thumb and index finger, and then did not wait for Nanjo Kisara to speak. Minding his own business, he continued, "Shirahama Kenichi is the chief disciple with the strongest reputation. He has entered the organization's must-kill target, and he is still ranked in the most important position, so there are people around him. A killer may appear at any time."

"Are your targets those killers?" In addition to being a bit arrogant and a little impulsive when things happen, Nanjo Kisaro, who is not stupid, immediately guessed Ito Shige's thoughts. Asked aloud.

"That's right." Ito Cheng pinched the particle with his two fingers and gently pulled it, smiling at Nanjo Kisara's low voice, "But the more important thing is to stay by your side to protect you. After all, those killers are all Madman, what if I hurt you?"

Hearing this, Nanjo Kisaro felt warm in her heart, and a touching emotion immediately appeared in her heart. However, the arrogant Nanjo Kisara didn't want to clearly express his inner emotions. He turned his head and whispered with a red face, "Who? Who wants you to protect me? You are a passionate guy." "

"I'm just being sentimental." Ito Cheng smiled slightly when he heard this, pinched the particles lightly with his fingers and said with a smile.

"Asshole." Feeling the slight pain coming from his chest, Nanjo Kisaro cursed with a slightly red cheek.

Hearing Nanjo Kisaro's words, Ito Cheng chuckled lightly, then pinched his mouth to hold the entire bamboo shoot. While rubbing it gently, he and Nanjo Kisaro watched TV absentmindedly.

It wasn't until more than ten o'clock in the evening that the two of them separated from this sticky state and went to the bathroom to wash themselves. After washing, they got into Nanjo Kisara's bedroom and lay down on Nanjo Kisaro's bed. Luo fell asleep hugging each other on the bed.

There was nothing to say for the rest of the night, and time came to the next day in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning, after a good night's sleep, the two of them climbed out of bed one after another, feeling refreshed again. After a simple wash, they went outdoors together to do daily exercises.

Then when the time is about to end, the exercise ends at the same time, and they go back to the apartment to wash off the sweat, change into school uniforms, have breakfast, grab their schoolbags and rush to Desolate High School to start a day of study.

"Dingling Bell Bell ..." With the ringtone that was not too crispy, the one -day curriculum was announced and entered the community activities and home time.

Ito Cheng and Nanjo Kisaro didn't waste any time when they heard the bell ringing. They just picked up their things and walked out of the classroom. They followed the people returning home and returned to the apartment. They took off their school uniforms and put on home clothes, and then left the apartment together. Head to Nanjo Kisara's original stronghold, the abandoned building where the Shinshiro Joint Base is now located.

"When you go in later, remember not to be careless with me." When he was about to arrive at the abandoned building, Nanjo Kisaro suddenly stopped and turned to Ito Cheng.

"What?" Ito Cheng asked with interest at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry about it. Just don't be rude to me later." Nanjo Kisaro snorted and said arrogantly.

"You can't be... shy." Just when Nanjo Kisara was about to continue walking towards the abandoned building, Ito Cheng suddenly reached out and held her wrist, pulled Nanjo Kisara into his arms, and hugged her waist , looking down at Nanjo Kisara's somewhat panicked eyes, he chuckled.

"Who, who is shy?" Nanjo Kisaro said in the strongest tone.

"It's not that you're shy, what are you afraid of? What's wrong with male and female friends doing intimate gestures in front of others?" Ito Cheng continued to ask with a smile on his face.

"If you want to go find Shiratori later, just don't do it to me." Nanjo Kisaro said angrily with a red face.

"You are indeed shy." Ito Cheng raised his hand and gently pinched Nanjo Kisara's cheek and smiled. Then he let go of Nanjo Kisara, stepped forward and said, "Forget it, I promise you, but you have to give me benefits when you return to the apartment."

"This bastard!" Nanjo Kisaro was stunned at first when he heard Ito Cheng's words, and then cursed with his cheeks turning red.

Then he followed Ito Cheng and walked with him into the abandoned building that had been simply renovated and with the words "New White United" written on the outside with black paint.

"Oops. A great person has arrived at our Shinbai Joint Headquarters." As soon as Ito Cheng and Nanjo Kisaro entered the renovated training room, they stopped boxing training when they heard footsteps and turned around. Takeda Kazuki, who came to the door to say hello, said in a frivolous tone.

"What are you doing here?" Ukita Takazo, who also stopped exercising, stood up from the fitness equipment. Ito Cheng asked as he walked to the side and sat down while Shiratori moved to the chair behind him.

"And Shiratori, this guy is an enemy. Why are you moving a chair for him? He looks like one of his subordinates." Then Ukita Takazo looked at Shiratori who was standing behind Ito Shige and said loudly.

"Compared to you, Ito Shigei-sama is one of my own." Shiratori looked at Ukita Takazo expressionlessly and said.

"You bastard, do you know what you are talking about?" Ukita Takazo stared at Shiratori with an angry expression and growled.

"Kisara. What's going on?" Takeda Kazuki, who was on the side, was still calm. He turned to look at Nanjo Kisaro, who was walking to the sandbag as if nothing was wrong, and was about to practice leg kicks.

"As Shiratori said, he is one of his own." Nanjo Kisara lightly pressed the small hat on his head, glanced at Ito Cheng and said.

"One of our own? I don't think he is one of our own." Ukita Takazo looked at Nanjo Kisara and muttered.

"That's right, I'm not with you. I'm only with Kisaro, Shiratori and their men." Ito Cheng, who was leaning back on the chair with his arms folded, said with a chuckle.

"Humph." After hearing this, Ukita Takazo suppressed his dissatisfaction. With a cold snort, he returned to the fitness equipment again and vented his anger through exercise.

"In that case, what are you doing here?" Takeda Kazuki asked frivolously.

"No reason, just because Kisara and Shiratori are here." Ito Cheng said with a shrug.

"Oh." Takeda Kazuki nodded after getting the answer. He started punching training again with the sandbag in front of him.

In the next training room, except for the noise made by everyone exercising, no one spoke. This situation lasted until a few minutes later, when the man from Niijima wearing a strange cloak said in a strange voice. \u003cMan Walked in Takeda Kazuki stopped what he was doing again and said.

"Governor, welcome!" said Siegfried, who had been training in the training room when Ito Nari and Nanjo Kisara came, but did not participate in the questioning of Takeda Kazuki and Ukida Takazo.

"Yes, although the appearance is not good-looking, the training equipment here is much better than that of the school, so I will spend time here without knowing it!" said Ukita Takazo who was almost angry.

"Wow haha! This is an innovative idea, Vice-Captain Ukita! This is based on the equipment of the inverted boxing gym, coupled with the wisdom and style of my uncle Niijima." Chun Niijima News Yan said with a smile as if I was a genius. Then the conversation changed and he continued, "Speaking of which, all this is because Team Kisara is willing to give up its if you want to thank, thank you to the new captain Kisara Nanjo." \u003cThe man pointed with an exaggerated expression. Ito Cheng shouted.

"He came with Kisara." Ukita Takazo instinctively felt unhappy when he saw Ito Shige's face, so he spoke to the Niijima man in a not-so-good tone and raised his hand to gently pinch his chin. After looking at Ito Cheng up and down, he suddenly said narcissistically, "Did you also realize that the Xinbai United led by me, Mr. Niijima, will definitely be world-renowned in the future, so you came to join me in advance." \u003cWhat kind of virtue does a man have? Ito Cheng turned directly to Shiratori standing next to him and asked. \u003cMale, I know you. I advise you to stop focusing on me. Otherwise, I would mind sending you to a human body science research institute to be used by them as a volunteer experimental subject. "Then Itoge looked at Niijimao again and was immediately choked on the spot by Itogei's words. He turned his head to look at the others with a black line on his forehead. \u003cNan asked. Then without waiting for anyone to answer, he turned to Walking outside the training room, he muttered in a low voice, "Really, that idiot can't use it..." \u003cThe man returned to the training room.\u003cThe man said to everyone in the training room.\u003cThe man is more narcissistic and does things Mata Shinto said it, but his appeal within the Shinrobi Alliance was unspeakable. Therefore, after hearing his order, Siegfried, Takeda Kazuki, Ukita Takazo and Nanjo Kisaro stopped their training one after another. , walked to the combat conference room together.

"Lord Ito," Shiratori called hesitantly as he watched the people gradually walking out of the training room.

"Come on, let's go there too." Ito Cheng said as he stood up from the chair.

Shiratori didn't say anything when he heard this, and took Ito Cheng, followed by Nanjo Kisara and others, and walked into another room with three small wooden signs in black letters nailed on the door frame that read "War Room".

"You are not from our Shinbai Alliance, why are you here?" Ukita Takazo, who was about to sit down next to Nanjo Kisara, looked at Ito Shige who walked in from the door with an unhappy look on his face.

At this time, without Itoge's words, Shiratori immediately walked to Ukita's side, stretched out his hand to push Ukita Takazo away from Nanjo Kisara, and let Itoge sit next to Nanjo Kisara.

"Shiratori, what are you doing?" Ukita Takazo, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Nanjo Kisara, shouted with an even more unhappy expression.

"Okay Ukita, don't be awkward. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it later." Takeda Kazuki, who was sitting in the front row, quickly stood up from his chair and reached out to hold Ukita Takazo comfortingly.

"Hmph." Ukita Takazo, who was more obedient to Takeda's advice, snorted coldly, turned around, walked to another chair one chair away from Ito and sat down.

"Tap, step, step, step... Ito Shige, why are you here?" At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and then Shirahama Kenichi, wearing a desolate high school uniform, walked into the war room and looked at him with a surprised look on his face. Ito Cheng shouted. (To be continued.)

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