Magic world

Chapter 663 Destruction

()ps: Thanks to "aaaaaaaadf" and "isaiash1" for their valuable votes, and thanks to "157747860", "nykfany" and "囧小一" for their rewards.

"Bang!" The next second, a muffled sound suddenly sounded from the room.

Just when Hanonimo raised his arms to block Ito Cheng's roaring arms, Ito Cheng's palms immediately changed from slapping to holding his head, and then he bent his knees and bent his knees the moment he held Hanonimo's head with both hands. The headlock and knee kick in Muay Thai immediately hit Hanonimo's nose.

"Hmph." No matter how hard he practiced, the bridge of his nose was immediately fractured when Ito's knee hit him. The resulting pain immediately made Hanonimo groan in pain instinctively.

Then Ito Cheng raised his left leg high, stepped on Hanonimo's body with the sole of his foot, and used Hanonimo's body as a stepping stone to do a backflip back to the ground, and punched Hanonimo again. Open chest and abdomen.

"Boom!" A loud bang instantly sounded from the impact point of Ito Cheng's fist. A white aura visible to the naked eye appeared around Ito Cheng's fist at the same time. A slender line of condensed energy immediately erupted from Ito Cheng's fist. The fist rushed out, blasting straight into Hanonimo's body, and then rushed out from his back, blasting a huge crack out of the cracked and sunken wall behind Hanonimo, which could be seen on the other side. A transparent breach of room conditions.

"Wow!" Hanonimo, who was seriously injured after being hit by this blow, opened his mouth and vomited a large mouthful of red blood.

"Farewell, Mr. Hanonimo." Ito said with an indifferent expression, taking advantage of Hanonimo's instinct to lean forward and grab Hanonimo's throat due to the blow to his abdomen.

"No, don't, kill me." Hanonimo, with one eye swollen and half-closed, and blood flowing from his mouth and nose, begged for mercy in a trembling voice.

"If you don't come to me this time, I won't take the previous unpleasantness to heart, but since you want to take the opportunity to kill me, I don't mind sending you to the West directly, so if you want to beg for mercy, you can still Go talk to Ksitigarbha, the old man." Ito Cheng chuckled lightly and said indifferently.

Then he stopped listening to Hanonimo's urgent begging. Using direct force on his wrist, he broke Hanonimo's neck.

"Plop." Ito Shigei, who then killed Hanonimo, loosened his grip. His head was weirdly twisted, and Hanonimo's body, with an expression of unwillingness and resentment on his face, fell heavily to the ground. And there was a muffled sound when it hit the ground.

Then, Ito Cheng turned around and laid his eyes on Augustine, who looked slightly dull.

"Sir, please forgive me. It's not that I want to betray you, sir, it's that guy Hanonimo who forced me, so please, please let me go!" Ito Cheng's gaze aroused him and he turned around again. Augustine, who came to his senses, immediately nibbled his head at Ito Cheng, and said to Ito Cheng in a crying voice while he was nibbling his head.

"Raise your head and look at me." Ito Cheng quietly looked at Augustine who was kneeling there for a few seconds, kowtowing and begging for mercy. He opened his mouth and ordered.

After hearing the order, Augustine was stunned, and instinctively raised his head to look at Ito Cheng. Then Augustine's expression paused, and his eyes immediately expanded, looking like a helpless vegetative state.

"Pa." After a moment. Hearing a soft sound, Augustine, whose eyes were dull, immediately recovered from the empty state of death.

"Sir." Augustine, who had recovered, leaned over and saluted Ito and shouted.

Ito Cheng ignored Augustin and directly opened the Rubik's Cube World to take Hanonimo's body inside, decompose it into the most basic elemental substances and drive it into the land of the Rubik's Cube Continent.

Then Ito Cheng walked past Augustine and went straight to the door. He used his mental power to lock Mustafa, the scarred man who was still guarding outside, and activated teleportation to transfer him into the room.

"Poof~" The moment Mustafa's body solidified, Ito Cheng's palm immediately pierced the skin on Mustafa's chest and penetrated into his chest.

Then Ito Cheng pulled out his palm, and a heart that was still beating appeared in his palm.

Mustafa, who didn't realize it until this moment, looked at the beating heart in Ito Cheng's hand with astonishment on his face, opened his mouth, leaned over and fell to the ground, making a muffled "plop" sound.

"Augustin, you go back, I don't need to teach you what to say." Ito Cheng, who threw away his heart, said quietly to Augustine, who was still kneeling on the spot, not daring to move.

"Yes, sir." Augustine used his knees as his feet to drive his body and turned around to face Ito Cheng and said.

"Go." Ito Cheng said.

"Yes." Augustine responded respectfully. Then he slowly stood up from the ground, walked past Ito Cheng with trembling legs, and left the room.

"It's time to talk to the old man Danqi from Kugakan." Said Ito Seishin, who casually glanced at the situation in the room. Then he activated teleportation and disappeared from the room.

Following the spiritual mark left on Kugakan Tanqi's body during the battle, Ito Shige finally arrived near Kugakan Tanqi's current foothold after teleporting several times.

Then Ito Cheng stopped teleportation and moved on foot to where Kugakan Danqi was.

A few minutes later, Ito Cheng stood in front of a very simple shanty house.

"Old man, I'm here." Ito Cheng said, not even knocking on the door to remind him, nor waiting for the invitation from Kuga Hall inside, but he stretched out his hand to open the wooden door very familiarly.

"You're so rude," Kugakan Danqi, who was sitting cross-legged on a bed, said as he looked at Ito Cheng who walked in from the door.

Ito Shige didn't care about Kugakan's remarks about playing Qi. He still looked familiar and pulled the only chair in the room to sit down. He crossed his legs and put his hands on his legs with his fingers crossed. He looked at Jiugakan Danqi with a smile and said, "Old man, do you still want to continue this kind of life?"

Kugakan Tanqi did not speak when he heard this, but just looked at Ito Cheng quietly, waiting for his next words.

"If, old man, you are tired of this kind of life full of struggle, I have a way to prevent those people from finding you again, so that old man, you can live quietly with Xiaoyao. I don't know, old man, if you I want to hear it." Ito Cheng continued.

"Why did you join the weapons team?" Kugakan Tanqi did not follow Ito Cheng's words, but suddenly asked.

"Because there are some things I want in the weapon set." Ito Chengya replied with a slight smile on his face.

"What is your relationship with my granddaughter Xiaoyao?" Jiugakan Danqi asked again in a deep voice, "What is your purpose in approaching her?"

"As I said before, Kaname is my girlfriend. And I don't have any purpose in getting close to her, because Kaname was already my woman before I joined the weapons team. So, sir, you are the best You can rest assured that I will not harm Kaname, and even if someone wants to do anything to Kaname, I will destroy him without hesitation." Ito Cheng shrugged slightly. He replied with a smile.

After hearing this, Kugakan Danqi looked at Ito Cheng quietly for a moment, and saw that Ito Cheng still had the same smile on his face and no guilt at all. He nodded slightly and said, "Tell me your method."

The smile on Ito Cheng's face became even bigger when he heard Kugakan Danqi's question. He said with half-bent eyes, "I will take you to a place next. Master, you may feel something strange later. Please ask me." Don’t resist then.”

"I know." Jiugakan Danqi frowned slightly when he heard this, but finally agreed.

"Old man, it's starting, be careful not to resist." Ito said, connecting with the Rubik's Cube, unfolding the entrance and exit of the Rubik's Cube world, covering Kugakan Danqi and himself. He shouted lowly.

The next second, the figures of Kugakan Danqi and Ito Cheng disappeared from this simple shanty house.

"Old man, we're here." Ito Cheng said with a smile on his face as he and Kugakan Danqi were hanging over the southern eco-city.

"Where is this place?" Kugakan Tanqi, who was still sitting cross-legged in the air, turned his head and looked around, and asked in a deep voice with a frown.

"This is a world that completely belongs to me." Ito Cheng turned to look at Kugakan Danqi and smiled, then pointed downwards and continued, "Old man, please look at your feet."

After receiving the prompt, Kugakan Danqi immediately lowered his head and looked down. Immediately, a well-planned modern city with a huge area and a small population bustling with life appeared in Kugakan Danqi's eyes, shocking his mind.

However, Kugakan Danqi is the ultimate master of mental refinement. After a brief shock, he recovered from the shock that hit his soul and looked at Ito Shige with burning eyes.

"Here, I think no matter how huge the intelligence network is and how powerful their strength is, they can no longer disturb your life." Ito Cheng looked at Kugadan Tanqi without blinking his eyes. said.

"Not bad." Kugakan Tanqi nodded and said as he looked at Ito Nari for a moment.

"Now let's go down and arrange a temporary residence for you. After I send Kaname and your Kugakan-ryu dojo together in a few months, you can move back." Ito Cheng said.

Kugakan Tanqi, who was full of curiosity about everything here, naturally had no intention of refusing, and allowed Ito Cheng to take him to the city below, and then temporarily placed him in the vacant dormitory of Zhongyang Academy.

"It's probably not without purpose that you placed me here." Kugakan Danqi said as he walked to the dormitory window and looked at the students practicing martial arts on the playground.

"Yes." Ito Cheng didn't intend to hide his little thoughts, so he admitted straightforwardly, "The reason why I arranged you here, old man, is that I want you, old man, to instruct the weapons class of this college in your free time. students so that they can get better guidance.”

"You are very attentive to them." Kugakan Tanqi said after listening to Ito Cheng's explanation.

"After all, these people are my people. Their strength means that I am strong. Maybe I will need them when I need them." Ito Cheng walked slowly to the window and also looked outside through the window. The students who were practicing martial arts said.

"Okay, I won't disturb you, old man. I still have some things to deal with outside. Let's go first." Then Ito Cheng turned around and looked at Kugakan Danqi beside him and said.

After speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared from the front of Jiugakan Danqi.

"It's been almost a month since I came out. It's time to go back and meet Kisara, Kaname and Shiratori." Ito Cheng sighed softly when he reappeared in the shanty house of the strongest disciple world in history.

"Transformation Technique." Ito Cheng then formed a seal with one hand, mobilized the energy in his body to activate the Transformation Technique, and transformed himself into the appearance of Kugakan Tamaki.

"If you want to go back, you must first recover a certain degree of freedom. What is currently binding me is the mission of hunting Kugakan Danqi. As long as this stronghold in the Philippines is destroyed, this mission will be temporarily shelved. And I can take the opportunity to return to Japan and temporarily return to the idle state." Ito Cheng, who activated the wood escape technique to conjure a thin wooden stick and held it in his hand, thought to himself as he walked out of the shanty.

"It's just that I can't do it myself when it comes to destroying strongholds. Fortunately, Mr. Jiugakan Tanqi has a history of destroying strongholds before, so he can make good use of it."

After thinking about it, Ito Cheng, who transformed into Kugakan Danqi, immediately activated his teleportation ability and moved towards the Philippine stronghold where he had been staying before.

Soon, Ito Cheng appeared outside the gate of the Philippine stronghold.

"Well...then." Said Ito Seishin, who looked up at the stronghold in front of him, retracted his gaze and walked into the stronghold.

As soon as he entered the stronghold, Ito Cheng waved the stick in his hand and hit him all the way up from the hall on the first floor of the stronghold. For any living person they encounter along the way, ordinary people will knock them unconscious with a stick and lose the ability to resist. However, warriors will directly break their limbs and make them lose the ability to move. At the same time, they will destroy all important facilities seen on the road and their abilities. files saved in the system until the entire stronghold is completely destroyed.

"Tell those guys behind you not to cause trouble for me, old man, otherwise I won't mind doing this kind of thing a few more times." Ito Cheng, who destroyed the stronghold, imitated the sound of Kugakan playing Qi and lay down in front of him. On the ground, several men in black groaned in pain and said.

"Hmph." Then Ito Cheng snorted coldly, stepped on the bodies of the men in black to the elevator, and took the elevator back to the ground. Shi Shiran left the stronghold like a leisurely old man taking a walk, and mixed in He completely disappeared from the crowd of people nearby.

"Exposed." After a moment, Ito Cheng, who was separated from the crowd again, released the effect of the transformation technique and returned to his original appearance.

Following Ito Cheng's teleportation again, he arrived outside the Philippines International Airport more than two minutes later, took out the elite passport produced by the organization, bought the ticket, and flew back to Japan.

"Let's go and see Kaname Kugakan first. It just so happens that her grandfather is in the Rubik's Cube world, so let them meet." Ito Narishin said as he walked out of the airport and got into a taxi waiting for guests outside the airport.

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