Magic world

Chapter 641 Freya

()ps: Thank you "jj" for your valuable monthly vote. Thanks to "nykfany" and "157747860" for their tips.

"That's it." Ito Cheng moved his hands up and down to block the kicks of Nanjo Kisara and Shiratori respectively. Then he turned and pressed his wrists, and instantly neutralized the two people's attacks. He stepped back and looked towards The two men said, slightly out of breath.

"After the exercise just now, the medicine accumulated in your body has dissipated. It will only take a day or two to completely integrate into your body and improve your physical fitness." Ito Cheng continued.

"Phew, although your motive is not pure, your medicinal bath is indeed effective. Now I feel as if there is endless strength in my body, and my body has indeed become more flexible." Nanjo Kisara said softly He looked down at his right fist, which was opening and closing, and said softly.

"That's just a psychological illusion you acquired after enduring painful torture." Ito Cheng smiled and said, "But there are indeed some effects. I just want them to be obvious, but it takes a few more steps." Just take a medicinal bath once."

"The devil is going to continue your abominable medicinal bath." Nanjo Kisara blushed when he heard this, and stared at Ito Cheng with an annoyed look.

"We're already like that, why are we so shy? Do you really want those medicinal materials piled up in the house to become a huge poison?" Ito Cheng walked slowly to Nanjo Kisaro and Shiratori, stretched out his arms and hugged each other. He held their waists and pulled them into his arms, teasing softly.

"Hmph." Nanjo Kisaro snorted and turned his head to the side, ignoring it.

As for Shiratori, he lowered his head with a blushing face, not daring to look at Ito Cheng.

"By the way, my dear, take me to see the Third Fist Haofrea later." Ito Nari gently rubbed the tender flesh of Nanjo Kisara's waist with his palms and looked down at Nanjo Kisara and said.

"Are you still trying to take advantage of Sister Freya?" After hearing Ito Cheng's words, Nanjo Kisaro immediately frowned and said with a displeased look on his face.

"As a warrior, you must be firm in your mind. Since I said at the beginning that I want her to be mine like you, then I will naturally not break my promise and let Freya truly become mine." Ito Cheng lowered his head and licked her gently. He touched Nanjo Kisaro's ear and explained softly.

Nanjo Kisaro, who was attacked on the sensitive part of his ear, trembled, and his body immediately jumped out of Ito Nari's arms like a frightened kitten. The face is crimson. He glared at Ito Cheng with a face of embarrassment and said nothing.

"After Freya's matter is resolved, I will take you to contact Yomi, and then take you to see the real world of warriors." Ito Cheng put down his free arm, just hugged Shiratori and looked at Nanjo Kisara and said .

"Do you know Yomi?" Nanjo Kisara asked with a surprised look on his face.

"I know." Ito Cheng nodded and said, "I also know that the purpose of your Ragnarok is to fight Yomi. But I can tell you clearly that in Ragnarok now, except for the number one puncher Odin, there is no Yomi. members’ rivals.”

"How is that possible!?" Nanjo Kisara exclaimed with disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible, after all, your training methods are very different." Ito Cheng said. Then he changed the subject and continued, "But it's useless to talk about it now. You won't realize the difference between them before you really see their training methods. Now you should take me to see Freya first." .”

"Hmph." Nanjo Kisara, who heard Ito Cheng mentioning Freya again, snorted coldly, turned around and walked away.

"Shiratori, don't wear such masculine clothes in the future. It feels weird to hold you in my arms like this. It's like I'm hugging a man, and I feel extremely unhappy." Ito Cheng hugged the girl in his arms. Shiratori followed in Nanjo Kisara's footsteps and said to Shiratori with a slight smile on his face.

"But I'm used to this outfit." Shiratiao said weakly.

"Then replace it." Ito Cheng decided simply. Then he continued in a gentle tone, "Shiratori, you have to be more confident. You have a great figure. Don't let your good figure be obscured by these clothes. That would be such a pity."

"I, I know." Shiratiao blushed when he heard the appreciation. He said in a voice like a mosquito.

After that, Ito Cheng, who saw the crowd gradually increasing, let go of Shiratori and quietly followed Nanjo Kisara, who was walking quickly not far ahead, towards the location of the third fist Haofrea.

As Freya's former subordinate. Nanjo Kisaro basically knew Freya's range of activities and usual locations, so it didn't take long. Then he took Ito Cheng and Shiratori to the outside of an abandoned warehouse.

"Drink, ha, drink, hey..." Immediately, a woman's voice came clearly from the warehouse.

"Sister Freya is inside." Standing outside the warehouse door, Nanjo Kisaro turned to look at Ito Cheng and said.

"Let's go in." Ito Cheng, who walked slowly to Nanjo Kisara with Shiratori, looked at the warehouse in front of him and said softly.

Nanjo Kisaro didn't say anything. He walked to the half-opened iron door of the warehouse first, then opened the iron door in front of him with a clattering noise, and walked in with Ito Cheng and Shiratori. Inside the warehouse.

In an instant, girls wearing strange short skirts and uniforms, holding crutches, thorns, knives, and chain hammers, and looking to be about the same age as Nanjo Kisara, came into the sight of Ito Shige, Shiratori, and Nanjo Kisaro.

Behind these girls, in a relatively large open space, a man was wearing sneakers, jeans, a dark blue sports vest, an orange vest, short hair, and a round face. The skin is tanned and there is a thin scar on her left cheek. The woman who looks to be one year older than these girls is practicing martial arts with a stick that is shorter than the ordinary long stick.

"Kisara, what are you doing here?" Hearing the sound coming from the door, the girls who stopped practicing all looked at Ito Cheng, Shiratori and Nanjo Kisara who walked in from the door. Then a girl with long light golden hair who looked like a noble lady walked out of the group of girls and shouted at Nanjo Kisaro.

"I have something to see Sister Freya." Nanjo Kisaro said with a rare calmness in his tone, even a little weak.

"You are no longer a member of the Valkyrie Team, why are you still here?" Another black-haired girl holding a short fork in both hands yelled.

"I..." Nanjo Kisaro opened her mouth to say something, but before she could finish her words, her body was pulled in vain by a strong force, and then she felt herself entering a strong embrace, a familiar feeling The masculine scent immediately spread into her nasal cavity.

"Such a weak image is not like my lovely Kisara. You need to be stronger and more heroic." Immediately afterwards, Ito Cheng's familiar voice rang in Nanjo Kisara's ears.

"Who are you!" A girl holding a chain hammer asked Ito Cheng.

However, Ito Cheng ignored the girl and looked directly through the girls to the short-haired female Freya standing behind them.

"Takami, stand down." Freya, who also looked over, matched Ito's eyes. While walking towards Ito Cheng. He said to the girl who was speaking.

"Yes, Sister Freya." Upon hearing Freya's words, the girls immediately stopped their mouths and spontaneously retreated to both sides. Cleared the way for Freya and Ito Narijian.

"What are you doing here?" After a moment, Freya walked up to Ito and stood on the top, holding a long stick in her hand and looking at Ito and said softly.

"Do you want to become stronger?" Ito Cheng looked into Freya's eyes with a smile on his face and asked softly.

"What do you want?" Freya, who has been exposed to martial arts since she was a child and has her own understanding of the principles of the world, knows that if you want to get anything, you have to pay a corresponding price. So after hearing Ito Cheng's words, he frowned and asked immediately.

"I want you." Ito Cheng stepped out from between Shiratori and Nanjo Kisaro and came to Freya. He reached out and hooked Freya's chin and gently raised it, looking at her face. Said with a chuckle.

"Bastard, let go of your dirty hands." Before Ito Cheng could say anything, the members of the Valkyrie team on the side had indeed given up. They all put on an offensive stance and shouted at Ito Cheng.

Just when the Valkyrie team was about to attack, Freya suddenly stretched out her hand to stop their action.

"Sister Freya!" the members of the Valkyrie team shouted with unwillingness.

But Freya ignored the words of the Valkyrie team members. Just looking at Ito Cheng in front of him, he said in a deep voice, "If you want to get me, you can! Defeat me."

"Okay." Ito Cheng retracted the finger that hooked Freya's chin and agreed with a smile on his face.

"You guys spread out." Freya turned to the girls of the Valkyrie team and ordered.

"Yes." The girls of the Valkyrie team were full of confidence in Freya's strength. After knowing that Freya was going to compete with Ito Cheng, they immediately looked at Ito Cheng with a look like you were seeking death, and stepped back to make room for him. The two used it in a martial arts competition. He shouted in response.

Later, Ito Cheng and Freya walked into the vacated venue together, stood three meters apart from each other, and started a confrontation. Among them, Ito Cheng still uses the starting gesture of Xingyiquan. Freya, on the other hand, was sitting on her horse with her waist down, holding the tail of the stick in her right hand. Holding the middle of the stick with his left hand, the head of the stick is tilted sideways toward Ito.

"Because I want to get you, I will be serious about you, so you attack first." Ito Cheng looked at Freya and said.

"In that case, I won't be polite." Freya didn't get angry when she heard this. She responded expressionlessly, stepped forward and came to Ito Cheng, and held the stick in both hands to attack Ito Cheng's chest.

Ito Cheng turned his body to one side and let the head of Freya's stick hit Dun. At the same time, he raised his left arm to block the stick sent by Freya, and slapped the surface of Freya's stick with the palm of his right hand.

In an instant, there was a crisp "click" sound, and centered on the place where Ito Cheng's palm landed, a short stick with a stubble on its head flipped away from the stick and fell to the ground aside.

Immediately afterwards, Ito Cheng turned his body, rushed towards Freya's body with his back, and bent his left arm towards Freya's side.

Freya's eyes narrowed when she saw the stick was broken, but her reaction was not slow. She immediately tightened her muscles all over her body, flexed her left arm and side, and collided with Ito Cheng's elbow.

"Bang." A muffled sound sounded instantly, and Freya's body was suddenly thrown to the side as if it was hit by a speeding car.

"Sister Freya." Upon seeing this, the members of the Valkyrie team all shouted in disbelief.

"Block, bang, bang, bang..." It was only then that the half-length stick that was flying and falling fell to the ground, making a series of sounds.

"Bang, clatter..." Immediately afterwards, Freya's body, which was thrown away, also fell to the ground, pushing away a pile of debris scattered on the ground, causing it to make a series of noises.

"So strong, so he is so powerful." Nanjo Kisaro murmured to himself when he saw his idol Freya being knocked away by Ito Nari in one glance.

"Hmph..." Freya, who fell to the ground and was about to turn over and stand up, let out a muffled groan in her throat. With a look of pain on her face, she covered the spot on her left arm where Ito Cheng had hit her with her right hand and groaned. language.

"I won." Ito Cheng, who put away his posture and stood naturally, announced softly as he looked at Freya, who was frowning and squatting on the ground.

"Yes, you won." Freya stood up from the ground and looked at Ito Cheng with an expressionless expression.

Hearing Freya admit defeat, Ito Cheng smiled slightly, walked up to Freya who was standing there with her arms folded, reached out again to hook her chin, and chuckled, "Then from now on, you are mine. "

After saying this, without waiting for Freya to react, in front of all the members of the Valkyrie Squad, Nanjo Kisara and Shiratori, he lowered his head and kissed Freya on the lips.

"This bastard." Nanjo Kisaro turned his head to the side with a look of displeasure upon seeing this scene and cursed in a low voice.

"Ah!" It was basically the first time for the members of the Valkyrie team to see a man and a woman kissing at such a close distance, and all the members of the Valkyrie team subconsciously exclaimed.

As the person who was kissed, although she said that as long as she defeated her, she would become Ito Cheng's person, but Freya, who had never thought that such a thing would happen so soon, immediately opened her eyes and looked slightly confused. Open your mouth and let Ito Cheng's tongue invade your mouth and tease your tongue.

"I finally got you, Kaname." After a moment, Ito Cheng raised his head, gently held Freya's cheek with his right hand, caressed the slender scar on her cheek with his thumb, and looked at Freya with a smile. , greeted Freya softly using her real name and nickname.

"How do you know my name?" After hearing Ito Cheng called herself, Freya's face immediately flashed an expression of astonishment and surprise, and she asked subconsciously.

"If you don't even know the name of the woman you want to get, wouldn't you be so incompetent? You said it is, my dear Freya, Miss Kugakan." Ito Shigehiro stroked Freya's cheek. smiled. Rubik's Cube World


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