Magic world

Chapter 626 A small discussion

()ps: Thanks to "this body is invincible" for voting. Thanks to "157747860" and "nykfany" for their tips.

In this way, Ito Cheng and Ma Jianxing stayed in the acupuncture hospital for a long time. It was not until about five o'clock in the afternoon, when the acupuncture hospital usually closed, that they left the acupuncture hospital together and returned to Liangshanbo through the back door of Liangshanbo.

"You sit down first, I'll go find other people to discuss your stay." Ma Jianxing said to Ito Cheng when he returned to the dojo.

"Okay, please, master." Ito Cheng nodded and said.

Ma Jianxing nodded and greeted Shangzheng, who was drinking the Erguotou gifted by Ito Shige while guiding Shirahama Kenichi's practice, and Apacha and Kasaka Shigure, who were learning to play handheld games under the guidance of Shirahama Keika. They found Misakiji Akisame who had just returned from the Bone-Setting Temple and went to the other room together to discuss Ito Cheng's move into Liangshan Bo.

"Kenichi is very diligent." Ito Cheng, who had nothing to do at this time, walked to the corridor of the dojo and sat down. He looked at Shirahama Kenichi, who was in a karate posture and punching one after another, and said with a smile. .

"Hey! I can't help it. You don't know the training requirements of the masters. Hey! If you don't complete the quantity, you won't be accommodating at all." Kenichi Shirahama replied while pumping his fist.

"Yes, but that's also the special love the masters have for you." Ito Cheng said with a smirk.

"Compared to this weird way of caring, the normal way is better." Shirahama Kenichi said with a black line on his forehead.

"Hahahaha." Ito Cheng laughed immediately after hearing this.

"What are you laughing at?" At this time, Fengrinji Miu, holding a tray with a clay teacup on it, walked out of the dojo, knelt down next to Ito and asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just discussing with Kenichi about the love of masters." Ito Cheng explained with a smile.

"Really, has Kenichi finally realized the hidden kindness of the masters?" Miu Furuinji, who handed the teacup to Ito Cheng, looked at Shirahama Kenichi with a heartfelt look.

"Haha, yes, probably." Kenichi Shirahama said with a smile as Miu Fuurinji looked at her.

"Come back this time. How long do you plan to stay, Ito Shige?" Shirahama Kenichi, who didn't want Fengrinji Miu to see the problem, changed the subject and asked.

"I don't know, but I probably won't leave in a short time." Ito Cheng held the bottom of the teacup with one hand, gently squeezed the teacup with the other hand, brought it to his mouth, and took a sip. He said, "No, for convenience, Master Ma, who I just got rid of, allows me to stay temporarily in Liangshan Park."

"Hey!?" After hearing Ito Cheng's words, Shirahama Kenichi stopped what he was doing in surprise. He turned to look at Ito and said anxiously, "Ito, are you really going to live here!? You who have received the same training as me should know the consequences of living here! Look at me, this is a bloody portrayal!"

"Kenichi, do you hate living here?" Before Ito Cheng could speak. On the side, Fengrinji Miu looked at Shirahama Kenichi with tears in her eyes and said sadly.

"No, no, how could it be? I didn't mean that..." Seeing Feng Linji Miu's tears, Shirahama Kenichi immediately panicked and explained clumsily.

Ito Cheng did not participate in the interaction between Shirahama Kenichi and Fuulinji Miu, but let his mind go. Guessing the outcome of the expert meeting in another room.

Push the time forward slightly by about a minute.

"I said, Lao Ma, why did you come to us?" Ni Gui Zhixu, who was leaning against the doorpost, holding his chest with one hand, and holding Erguotou in his mouth with the other hand, who had never been able to hide his words, was the first to speak. asked.

"I think it has something to do with the trainee disciple Ito Cheng." He was full of the temperament of a philosopher. Misakiji Akisame said, raising his hand to gently hold his beard.

"Not bad." Ma Jianxing nodded. Then he opened his mouth and told the reason for calling them here this time, "Before returning from the acupuncture institute, the disciple asked me for a favor. He wanted to live in Liangshan Po."

"Move in?" Ni Gui Zhixu stopped drinking when he heard this, turned to look at Lao Ma and asked with a frown.

"Yes." Ma Jianxing nodded.

"Old Ma, do you want to accept him as a formal disciple?" Misakiji Temple Qiuyu also asked seriously.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything wrong. I won't break the rule that Liang Shanbo's inner disciples can only be paid with the consent of the elders. This time I just asked about his move in." Ma Jianxing knew what they were worried about and spoke quickly. He explained, "According to him, he will pay for accommodation and food. With the financial resources he showed last time, he may be able to help Meiyu solve Liang Shanbo's financial problems."

When he said the last word, Ma Jianxing had a Yin smile on his face.

"That's it, it's not impossible to consider it." After hearing Ma Kensei's meaning clearly, Misakijiji Qiuyu ran his beard with his index finger and said with a smile, "And if he is here, maybe he can play a certain role in Kenichi's training." motivational effect.”

"It doesn't matter's fine." Kosaka Shigure, who was lying on the beam, said in her unique way of speaking in broken words and sentences.

"Apacha is the same," said Apacha, who was playing the game console with his head down.

"Since you don't have any objections, I don't have any objections either, as long as he doesn't affect my training of Kenichi." Niuki Shio said.

"Since everyone has no objections, then the matter is settled." Ma Jianxing looked at everyone and said.

"But when the elder comes back, it's better to explain it to him." Misakiji Temple Qiuyu said.

"I know." Ma Jianxing responded.

"But speaking of which, have you noticed the changes in the boy named Ito Cheng." At this time, Niuki Zhio suddenly said.

"Are you talking about his spirit and body movements?" Misakiji Akiyu looked up at Niuki Shio and said.

"Yes, that boy's spirit has changed significantly from the last time he left. Compared with that time, he is completely different. And his actions are also very different from last time. Then It looks like..." Ni Gui Zhixu said in a deep voice.

"After more than ten years of training, everything about martial arts has become instinctive." Ma Jianxing said with a serious expression.

"It seems that something extraordinary happened during the time he left and returned home." Misakiji Temple Akiyu sighed.

"But it is his personal passion after all. We don't need to explore it. As long as he is still the same as before. We will treat him as a normal apprentice." Misakiji Akiyu continued.

"I think so too," Ma Jianxing said.

"Whatever, that kid is not my disciple anyway, so I don't need to worry about it." Ni Gui Zhixu said, raising his head again and taking a mouthful of Erguotou.

"I will... pay attention to him..." Kasaka Shigure said.

"Okay. I'm going to inform that kid of our decision." Ma Jianxing, who politely stood up from the ground with his hand, said.

Seeing that the victim, Ma Jianxing, left, the others naturally had no interest in staying in the house, and then left the house one after another to do what they should do. For example, Nigui Zhixu. He returned to Shirahama Kenichi again and continued to drink and guide Shirahama Kenichi's training, who wanted to be lazy. For example, Misakiji Akiyu returned to his room. He picked up the tools again and carved the stone Jizo. For example, Apacha and Kasaka Shigure returned to the dojo one after another and played with the game consoles given by Ito Shige.

"Boy, after our discussion and decision, we agree that you will temporarily stay in Liangshan Park." Ma Jianxing said, returning to stand next to Ito Cheng.

"Really, that's great." Ito Cheng quickly stood up from the corridor of the dojo and said happily.

"As for the food and accommodation expenses, I'll give you 100,000 yuan per month. Including your upcoming training expenses, Chenghui will provide you with 110,000 yuan." Ma Jianxing stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Okay." Ito Cheng said with a stiff smile when he heard the final figure of the fee. Then he took out 110,000 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Ma Jianxing, while thinking to himself, "It's so damn dark..."

The cost is indeed a bit steep. You know, renting a single room with a bathroom in Japan only costs about 30,000 ri per month. If the location is good, it may be a little more expensive, but if the location is bad, it will be much cheaper. The cheapest one is even It can reach the point where it can be rented for only more than 10,000 days. After excluding the more than 10,000 ri yuan for water, electricity and other miscellaneous expenses, and the more than 10,000 ri yuan for normal food consumption by a single person, the total is only about 50,000 ri yuan, which will not reach the exaggerated 100,000 yuan. This is still Not including the cost of training...

"But forget it, I'm not short of money, I admit it." Ito Cheng explained to himself in his heart.

"Not bad, not bad." Ma Jianxing lowered his head and counted the money, nodded with a smile, then ignored Ito Cheng, took the accommodation and food expenses he gave to the kitchen, and handed the money to Feng Linji Miu.

As for the training fees, that's what Ma Jianxing deserves, so there's no need to hand it over. After all, buying adult magazines costs money, right?

"Okay, let's have some sparring while Miyu is cooking. Let me see your current situation so that I can arrange your training plan for tomorrow." After a while, Ma Jianxing returned to Ito Cheng's side and said.

"Yes." Ito Cheng responded. Then he followed Ma Jianxing back to the dojo.

"Kenichi stop for a moment and watch their sparring. This can be regarded as a kind of practice." After hearing that Ma Jianxing was going to sparring with Ito Shiraz, Niuki Shio called out to Shirahama Kenichi and said.

"Yes." Kenichi Shirahama responded loudly with a slight sigh of relief.

At this time, Kasaka Shigure and Apacha, who also heard that Ma Jianxing was going to spar with Ito, also came to the dojo one after another, and each chose a comfortable place to sit down.

"Start." Ma Jianxing looked at Ito Cheng who came to stand opposite him and said softly.

Ma Jianxing's performance was the same as when Ito Cheng first sparred with him. His hands hung naturally at his sides, and his whole body was loose and full of flaws. He stood like an old man who could be easily knocked down at any time. In place.

"I'm sorry." Ito Cheng said as he performed a warrior's fist salute to Ma Jianxing, and then assumed a Xingyiquan posture, staring at Ma Jianxing's eyes, silently trembling the muscles in his body.

"Huh?" Niuki Zhixu raised his eyebrows when he saw Ito Cheng's performance and let out a low murmur.

"What's wrong, Master Niuki?" Shirahama Kenichi, who was closest to Niuki Zhio and heard Nigui Zhio murmuring, asked with a confused look on his face.

"Pay attention." Niuki Zhixu did not explain to Shirahama Kenichi, or even if Shirahama Kenichi was explained, he probably wouldn't understand, so he just told Shirahama Kenichi to pay attention and ignored Shirahama. Kenichi, while continuing to pour wine into his mouth, seemed to be looking at the two people in the dojo casually.

At this time, Ito Cheng heard a low shout, his body turned into a black shadow and appeared in front of Ma Jianxing, and reached out to hit Ma Jianxing's head.

Ma Jianxing did not move his feet, turned his body slightly, tilted his head slightly, and missed Ito Cheng's fist by a hair.

Ito Cheng was already prepared for the fact that his attack would fail. After the punch was released, he immediately swept his arms and continued to sweep towards Ma Jianxing's head. After all, Ma Jianxing's height is only a little over 1.5 meters, and he has just reached Ito Cheng's chest. For Ito Cheng, the most comfortable attack position is Ma Jianxing's head, not the chest, which is larger and harder to dodge. .

But being small also has advantages. Ma Jianxing's body suddenly dwarfed, he easily dodged the sweeping arm, and stood up straight again.

Ito Cheng, whose attack failed again, raised his right leg, bent his knees and pushed towards Ma Jianxing's chest.

Ma Jianxing stepped forward and stepped back. It was only then that Ma Jianxing's feet moved away from where they were.

Ito Cheng's right leg fell quickly after his knee strike failed. He used the sound of the recoil produced by the sole of his foot to move his body in front of Ma Jianxing, and slashed at Ma Jianxing's neck with his palm.

Ma Jianxing twisted his feet bit by bit, and while quickly leaning back to avoid Ito Cheng's attack, he circled around and came to Ito Cheng's side, but he only came to his side. He still did not attack Ito Cheng before going there. Any attack.

Sensing Ma Jianxing coming to his side, Ito Cheng quickly stepped forward with his left leg as a fulcrum, then swung his right foot and turned around, pushing Ma Jianxing out with one palm move.

Ma Jianxing also cooperated with the buckle step and swing, and instantly dodged Ito Cheng's attack.

In this way, with Ma Jianxing's non-offensive dodge and Ito Cheng's non-defensive attack, the two fought for dozens of rounds in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, that's amazing." Kenichi Shirahama murmured, looking on with dazzle and mystery.

"Compared to him, you are really not good enough." Niuki Zhio glanced at Shirahama Kenichi and said.

"I know I have no talent, I know I'm useless..." Shirahama Kenichi heard this and immediately leaned forward with his hands on the ground in a frustrated manner, muttering like a loser in life.

"Don't say that, Niiki. Although Kenichi is not great, he is not without merit." Misakiji Akiyu, who came to the dojo at some unknown time, said.

"Really? Master Akiyu, what advantages do I have?" After hearing Misakijiji's words, Shirahama Kenichi immediately recovered from his frustration and looked at Misakiji Akiya with expectant eyes.

"This...this..." Misakijiji Qiuyu turned his head to the side and started thinking. (To be continued.)

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