Magic world

Chapter 562 Teleportation

()ps: "Crane the Moon" and "Sheryl" thank the two of them for their valuable monthly votes. "5774760" "nykfany" thanks the two for their tips.

"But if this guy is used well, it would be good to become a metal manufacturing machine." Ito said in his mind as he clasped his hands behind his head on the screen and squatted down to stand up.

After that, Ito Cheng didn't pay attention to the situation of the muscle scythe. He turned around and nodded to the soldier standing next to him. He disappeared from the monitoring room in an instant and appeared in the large laboratory.

"Lakshata, I need to trouble you." Ito Cheng suddenly appeared and walked towards Lakshata, smiling.

"Oh?" Lakshata turned around and looked at Ito Cheng with a puzzled look on his face.

"It should be possible to transform this disposable limiter into a portable device that can resist ECM equipment." Ito Cheng turned his hands and turned into a wrist-shaped limiter when he walked to Lakshata and handed it to Lakshata. Ta said.

"It's possible, but we need to design a separate component, which will take about two days." Lakshata took the limiter casually and nodded.

"Okay." Ito Cheng nodded and said, "After the design is completed, we will make a few more, and modify the limiters that have not been removed in your hands to make a few more."

"Okay," Lakshata responded.

Now that the matter has been explained, Ito Cheng has no intention to continue to pay attention, and gradually returns to the house in the central area, sitting cross-legged and practicing by taking advantage of the rapid growth of mental power stimulated by telekinesis.

As for the situation in the outside world, I believe that because of the empty prison, Babel and his gang will not be able to settle down in a short time. And as far as experimental materials are concerned, Ito Shigei, who has this group of prisoners, is not lacking for the time being. Therefore, the intention to follow Babel's gang is not as strong as before. After preparing to train this gang of prisoners and acquire the abilities they should acquire, they will then go out to acquire those lv7 abilities.

The expected situation of prisoners biting each other happened very quickly. As soon as the second day's work was over, the prisoners who could not stand the heavy labor abuse immediately reported what they knew about the conditions of their inmates to the guarding ninjas. Ask for rewards in exchange for exemption from labor and food.

"There are really crouching tigers, hidden dragons among this group of prisoners. There are actually seven teleportation users. And the highest level among them has reached level 5, which is really surprising." Ito Shigeaki was notified by Uchiha Miko to come to the prison. The information of the seven prisoners displayed on the screen sighed softly.

"Give the promised rewards to those informants, and then put the seven of them in solitary confinement." Ito said to Uchiha Miko next to him, "And have someone clean out Room C. I can be useful."

"Yes." Uchiha Miko agreed, then walked to the operating table and conveyed Ito Cheng's order.

"Turn on the group broadcast." Ito Cheng walked to the operating table and ordered the female ninja beside him.

"Yes." The female ninja agreed. He reached out and pressed the broadcast open button.

"Ahem." Ito Cheng still coughed to attract the attention of the prisoners, and then said, "Congratulations to those gentlemen who dared to report, your rewards have been issued, please enjoy the next week. Wonderful life.”

"As for the remaining gentlemen, I'm sorry, you still need to complete the three days of hunger labor that I prescribed in advance. Just as a punishment for disobedience, your food will be halved after three days, and the quality will be compared with your time. Wait." After a pause, Ito Cheng continued.

"Of course, I know that there must be innocent people among you, but the reality is so cruel. So if you don't want to be implicated in the future, try to find out other people's information. Tell the other people's superpower types, superpower intensity, and the reason for the crime. I have the information about what crime I was caught in and prepare for my next proposition.”

"Finally, I wish you all a happy labor." After Ito Cheng finished speaking, he motioned to the female ninja next to him to turn off the broadcast.

"Go down and tell others to keep the leftover food and distribute it as food to these people after tomorrow." Ito Cheng turned around and ordered Uchiha Miko again, "Also, change the prescribed three meals to two meals, and the portion size of each meal Just enough for them to be half full.”

"I understand." Uchiha Miko responded.

"You stay here and keep watching, I'll go to those prisoners." Ito Cheng reached out and caressed Uchiha Miko's cheek. When her cheeks turned slightly red, she turned and left the monitoring room, teleporting towards the seven prisoners. He walked past the cell where the ability users were being held.

A few minutes later, Ito Cheng came to a relatively quiet corridor, walked slowly to a cell and stood there.

Hearing the footsteps echoing in the corridor, the prisoner in the cell instinctively raised his head and looked toward the outside of the alloy fence.

"Okawa Qinsuke, twenty-seven years old, a LV-level teleportation user, was arrested and imprisoned for robbery and murder outside." Ito Cheng put his hands behind his back and sat on the bed in the prison, half-bent his upper body while eating. The thin man with short hair and a gloomy face stated softly with the food in front of him.

When Okawa Qinjie heard his information being recited, he didn't even pause. He still kept his head down and ate the food in front of him.

"I believe you can hear my voice, so I won't talk nonsense to you. As long as you are willing to cooperate honestly, I will naturally benefit you." Ito Cheng stretched out his hand to open the alloy fence door in front of him and walked into the prison. Inside, said Dachuan Qinjie.

"If I want to go out, can you give it to me?" Okawa Qinsuke raised his head when he heard this and said to Ito Cheng with a mocking look on his face.

"If your value is enough." Ito Cheng replied with narrowed eyes.

After hearing Itoge's words, Okawa Qinjie paused, let go and threw the spoon he was holding on to the plate. With the sound of "pound", he raised his head again to Itoge, and said in a low voice, "You want me?" do what."

"Here you are ready to cooperate." Ito Cheng said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. Then without waiting for Okawa Qinjie to speak. He turned around and walked out of the prison, walking towards the end of the corridor. While saying, "Follow me."

Behind him, Okawa Qinsuke stood up from the alloy bed without any hesitation, walked out of the prison slowly, and followed Ito Cheng outside.

More than ten minutes later, Ito Cheng led Okawa Qinsuke out of the prison and into the wilderness outside the prison.

When he walked out of the prison for the first time since he was transferred to this prison, Okawa Qinjie, who was aware of the outside environment, narrowed his eyes and looked at the endless gravel wilderness in silence.

"Stretch out your left hand." Ito Cheng, who stood still, turned to face Okawa Shinsuke behind him and said.

Okawa Qinjie obediently stretched out his left hand.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng chuckled lightly, stretched out his left hand and grasped the esp lock on Okawa Qinsuke's left wrist. Immediately, a burst of electric light emerged from Itoge's palm, and then there was a crisp "click" sound. The lock on Okawa Qinjie's left wrist instantly shattered into several pieces as Itoge's palm left, and fell to the ground. on the ground.

"Now that you can use your superpowers, use your maximum power to teleport." Ito Cheng ordered.

At this time, Okawa Qinjie, who felt his super power again, was full of surprises. After hearing Ito Cheng's words, a mocking smile suddenly flashed on his face and he activated his super power.

It's just that what Okawa Qinjie expected didn't happen. Ito Cheng still stood in front of him calmly, sneering at him with a mocking look on his face.

"Here, as long as I don't want to, I can't use any space skills." Ito Cheng sneered.

"In that case, why do you still want me to use teleportation?" Okawa Qinjie said in a deep voice with a face as gloomy as if it could drip water.

"Because I need it." Ito Cheng laughed sarcastically, and then said impatiently, "Okay. Just continue to use your superpowers as I said."

Okawa Qinsuke stared at Ito Cheng with twinkling eyes for a moment, and then reluctantly activated his super power.

At this time, he saw the figure of Okawa Qinjie standing there constantly changing back and forth between blur and clarity, and waves of space fluctuations clearly spread around him.

After an hour of this, Ito Nari asked Okawa Qinsuke to stop. Then with a thought, he threw Okawa Qinjie back into the cell.

Then Ito became short. He immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and began to analyze the mental fluctuations copied from Okawa Qinjie.

Although teleportation is the most completely evolved superpower in the absolutely pitiful world, as far as lv level is concerned, the mental fluctuations it emits are not too complicated, and the level is between lv4 and lv5 telekinesis. Therefore, Ito Cheng spent some time and successfully analyzed the spatial fluctuations.

The next moment Ito Cheng mastered teleportation, a faint feeling similar to what he had experienced when he mastered telekinesis suddenly emerged from his brain. It flowed through the entire brain like a breeze, and finally shrank into a ball and merged into the center of the right brain. A small piece of brain tissue slowly emits a cool wave like a clear spring, transforming that piece of brain.

Ito Cheng, who noticed the change in his mind, said nothing, and immediately escaped from the Rubik's Cube world and returned to the world of absolute pity. Ignoring the gazes of the people around him due to his sudden appearance, he closed his eyes and began to feel.

"Hey, the space point is so clear..." After a moment, Ito Cheng opened his eyes, his eyes full of pleasure and whispered to himself. Then with a thought, Ito Cheng's figure instantly disappeared from the place and appeared in another place more than 300 meters away from the original place.

"Sure enough, the space perception method of the Flying Thunder God Technique can also be applied, and it is different from the three-dimensional perception method of teleportation in the absolutely pitiful world. It is a good unexpected gain." Ito Shige used his maximum speed to teleport several times in succession. Finally, I stood on top of a house and thought to myself.

Then the figure flashed and returned to the Rubik's Cube world.

When Ito returned to the prison again, he did not immediately go to interrogate the other prisoners. Instead, he went straight to the cleaned up room C. After standing at the door and looking at the environment and layout of room C, he waved to call out a bunch of medical staff. Use instruments and telepathy to categorize and place them.

"Now all we have to do is get the information on all the prisoners and train them to be honest." Looking at the arranged room C, Ito Cheng nodded with satisfaction and said to himself.

Then Ito Cheng left Room C and went to the rest area where the ninjas lived. He found the room belonging to Uchiha Miko and pushed the door in. He walked to the bed and sat cross-legged to meditate to allow his brain to adapt to the new changes caused by teleportation.

I don't know how long it took before Ito took a long breath and stepped back from deep meditation.

"You're awake." Uchiha Miko, who was sitting at the table nearby with her hands folded on the table and her head bowed, immediately raised her head to Ito Cheng after hearing the change in her breathing and said softly, "I'm hungry, I'll get it for you." Meals.”

With that said, Uchiha Miko stood up from her seat, turned around and prepared to walk out of the house.

"No need." Upon seeing this, Ito Cheng smiled slightly, activated his telekinesis to stop Uchiha Miko's movements, pulled her into his arms and hugged her, lowered his head and whispered into Uchiha Miko's ear.

"Who is guarding the monitoring room now?" Ito Cheng asked as he let go of his legs and let Uchiha Miko sit in his arms.

"It's Tayuya." Uchiha Miko replied, putting an arm around Ito Cheng's waist and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Oh." Ito Cheng nodded when he heard this, and then asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet." Uchiha Miko replied, "I want to wait for you to eat together."

"Okay, let's eat together." Ito Cheng smiled when he heard the words, and then a dozen plates of Chinese dishes that were still exuding heat appeared in front of the two of them, suspended in mid-air under the control of telekinesis.

Then Ito Cheng took two bowls of rice and enjoyed them with Uchiha Miko.

"You rest first, I will interrogate the prisoner." After a while, Ito Cheng, who had finished enjoying the food, waved away the leftovers in front of him and put Miko Uchiha in his arms on the bed, stood up and said.

"Okay." Uchiha Miko agreed with Ito Cheng in front of her.

Then Ito Cheng leaned over and kissed Uchiha Miko's forehead, turned around and left the room, moving towards the seven prisoners who were held in solitary confinement.

A moment later, Ito Cheng stood in front of a cell again.

"Aiko Mukai, come with me." Standing in front of the alloy fence, Ito Cheng looked at the young woman in the prison with long brown wavy hair and a slim figure, aged 24 or 25.

"Hey, little brother, can't you bear the loneliness?" After hearing the greeting, Aiko Mukai said in a teasing tone as she got up from the bed.

"Yeah, I can't bear it anymore, so I'm going to find you to relieve my worries." Ito Cheng teased with a smile.

"Really? The price is very expensive." Aiko Mukai, who walked out of the cell, reached out and hooked Ito Cheng's neck, pressed her breasts about D cup to Ito Cheng's chest, and licked her tongue with a seductive look on her face. Said in a disgusting voice.

"Don't worry, I can afford it." Ito Cheng stretched out his hand to pinch Mukai Aiko's perky buttocks, and pushed her out while he chuckled.

The coquettish expression on Mukai Aiko's face, whose buttocks were touched by Ito Cheng, became even more intense. Her body leaned almost powerlessly on Ito Cheng's body, and she allowed Ito Cheng to take her away.

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